
247AdultStars Takes Command

One Brit Invasion

by Henry Patrick

Chantelle Fox[On the members’ side, these photos show up as one part of one evening in the epic that became “Chantelle Fox Comes to America.” We’re not sure how much of it will eventually end up on the risque free side, but she did spend a lot of time in public with us, so we ended up with lots of photos and videos where she actually had clothes on. That doesn’t happen every day around here.]

The U.K. site 247AdultStars has been a member of the Risqué Communes for a bit over seven years now, although we have known the owner for twice that. At some point he determined that starting an adult web site would afford him rather unique opportunities to photograph and otherwise interact with attractive women, even way over in England, so he financed a then small company called 247AdultStars. Fast-forward to this past January, and for the first time they brought a U.K. star over to experience the American Adult Entertainment Expo. Enter Chantelle Fox into our weird little world.

  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS
  • Tripping the Lights Chantelle with 247AS

Obviously we tried to think of things that might interest a young woman on her first visit to America, and we fairly quickly determined that she might be interested in seeing the Sin City version of the Eye of London. Naturally, most people that actually live in a place never really visit the tourist destinations, so Chantelle had never been to the London Eye, but we assured her that our version has greatly improved on the concept — if for no other reason than they serve coffee and iced tea in the little pavilion there.

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