Based on the vast number of people in XXX we’ve run across over the years, we’ve come to the conclusion that we pretty much defy description. Now some of those people have a rather more colorful and substantially less complimentary way of expressing this opinion, but that pretty much sums it up (for better, not worse).
This shot of Anais (shooting for us, confusingly enough) came about on a Michael Ninn set — before Anais was officially “Anais” to be 100% accurate. She’d already come to us for representation, and we pretty much figured that Mr. Ninn had the inside track on putting her under contract, but we hadn’t received the final offers from a couple of the other interested companies. As a technical matter, therefore, we took time out to visit a Ninn Worx shoot, just so Anais could see how things operated with this director, this crew, and what not.
Now one of the most fun parts of any movie business job has to be the dramatic locations you get to visit. Also, if you’re an enterprising sort, and you happen to have a collection of dedicated talent accompanying you on these shoots, and if you’ve always been more than a little progressive in your approach to things, well, you can end up with a great medley of fun stories to tell — with pictures to prove it. And ain’t THAT just dandy?
We will reiterate here that if you’re primarily looking for a random, basically anonymous, outpouring of XXX material to whet whatever appetites currently hold your interest, there are almost certainly a lot better sites out there to satisfy you. If, however, you occasionally have an attention span in excess of three minutes (and you’re not philosophically opposed to the dependent clause, obviously), then you might enjoy it here. People do. They tell us.
Think of a Risque Collage as Layers of Adult Behavior
This approach may not make it entirely more clear to your understanding, but it will likely increase the fun factor.