Wildly Innocent — But More Wild Than Innocent
by Evan Less Wild
Shayla hates it when we start talking about age around here, so if you hear anything that sounds like it might be age-related, well, gosh, you must be mistaken. Don’t let it stress you too much, though: That can happen to any of us.
So Shayla and I have known each other for longer than a whole bunch of women in the business now have even been alive. … Oh, and we met at a topless bar. It’s not like we’ve known each other since we were three years old or anything. (OK. That introduction might have been just a teensy bit age-related. Nobody tell Shayla.) The point here being that sometimes spending time with someone that you’ve known for a couple of decades — particularly in an industry that tends to change players every couple of years — can be rather enjoyable. Never underestimate the value of comfortable relationships. They are rare.
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