Shayla Pretending to be Wildly Innocent

Wildly Innocent

Risque PhotographWildly Innocent — But More Wild Than Innocent

by Evan Less Wild

Shayla hates it when we start talking about age around here, so if you hear anything that sounds like it might be age-related, well, gosh, you must be mistaken. Don’t let it stress you too much, though: That can happen to any of us.

So Shayla and I have known each other for longer than a whole bunch of women in the business now have even been alive. … Oh, and we met at a topless bar. It’s not like we’ve known each other since we were three years old or anything. (OK. That introduction might have been just a teensy bit age-related. Nobody tell Shayla.) The point here being that sometimes spending time with someone that you’ve known for a couple of decades — particularly in an industry that tends to change players every couple of years — can be rather enjoyable. Never underestimate the value of comfortable relationships. They are rare.

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Francesca Le & Melanie Rios Being Politically Correct

Politically Correct

Risque PhotographPolitically Correct Kitchen Coochie

by Front Burner

Honestly, if you try to start thinking about politically correct porn, it will likely just make your head hurt, and you will still probably never reach a firm conclusion, pardon the expression.

See? In this industry it can be difficult to even write about being politically correct while being politically correct. So imagine our dismay to discover two young women in a kitchen talking about cooking. Granted, women do still cook, and we’re fairly certain that they still eat, but these days any stereotypical scenario raises alarm bells — which sort of begs the question about how they became stereotypical in the first place, but let’s try and just tackle one little predicament at a time, shall we?

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Risque in Concept

Risque 411

Risque Cheyenne SilverThe Risque Method 411

By Papa Tiempo

We do in fact operate Risque as an adult site with hard core material available for members, though, and that we should be clear about. Oddly enough, apparently, we do not specialize in offering ALL hard core material, all the time. (Hence the more direct “Risque 411” at this time.) Tens of thousands of places exist on the web where one can find explicit sexual activity — truthfully way too many of them for free, in our (almost never) humble opinion. We try to talk about it. And we try to think about it. And we don’t really try to save the world while doing so. Continue Reading Risque

Devinn Lane Sharing Spectacularly with Juli Ashton

Sharing Spectacularly

Risque PhotographSharing Spectacularly … with Love

by Nobody Special

The theory goes that most people really go for the “celebration of love” today. In a conscious decision, we’re going to avoid issues of why those of us in love need a special day for that, and why those of us just wishing we were in love need to be reminded of that lonely state. All in all, that seemed safest. [Yeah, yeah, we know Valentine’s Day was a couple of months ago now, but who does not appreciate sharing spectacularly any time of year? Risqué History on these pages happens much as it does in real life — bouncing all over the place.]

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