Risque Origins

Risque Origins — Let There Be Sight

Origins of Our Species

Kristal Summers and Deeby (Just) Steve

[Ah, Risque Origins. What a topic, and one we approach quite carefully in some situations, just so you know.]

I guess D.Minion ran across some old pictures of the very first member’s party the Risqué gang held in Las Vegas, and to show you how jaded they’ve all become, nobody could remember much about it. [Hey, we can’t remember what’s in the storage room, and we have a couple of databases detailing the contents, and we’re in there every day. Be nice to old people, there, Mr. Use a Dog House for a Chicken Coop.] Since Lon and I were the only members able to attend (actually, we might have been the only members period way back then) she and Lucky figured the experience must have been seared into both our minds and we’d be able to supply a blow by blow account of the entire evening. Now, I’m quite sure I haven’t attended so many porn functions as a Risqué insider that I’ve become jaded, too. More likely it’s just advancing age that’s clouded my memories. But here are the few tidbits I can be reasonably sure happened that night. [For what it’s worth, I’ve been hanging around with porn stars for twenty years, and “reasonably sure” represents the highest standard one can hope for, actually. It gets distracting. When you literally have clothing older than some women making sex movies for a living, well, you try not to think about it. Ah, Risque Origins … ]

risque imageIt was held in the Frank Sinatra suite at the Riviera Hotel, with a bedroom upstairs and a large living room type arrangement downstairs, complete with grand piano, fully stocked bar, and sweeping floor to ceiling views of the strip. Most of the Risqué girls were there, including Kristal, Dee, Wendy, and Devinn. I don’t remember Inari, so I’ve got to assume she wasn’t there, because I can’t imagine ever forgetting her. [That’s what Inari’s first husband said, but now he’s married to Dee, so, as you can see, life can provide a bit of soothing in some cases.] Juli was in San Francisco at the time, so she couldn’t attend, which disappointed us greatly, but she found time to call in and talk to me and Lon and DM and probably just about everyone there, so that helped to soften the blow a little bit.

Even More Risque:  The "Forbitten" Miko Lee

risque imageThere was a porn convention going on in Vegas at the time, so other industry folks stopped by as well. [Scheduling the Members’ Parties was fairly convenient back when they had the summer Vegas convention. We were all out of town anyway, so it was much easier to coordinate the itineraries of the very busy women in the business.] The one I have the clearest memory of was jessica drake. That was the first time I’d ever met her, and she looked spectacular. [Well, considering that this photo at the left documents jessica’s entry to the event, one can understand how Steve might term this memorable. The various other pictures adorning this post could give further rationale also.] I’m thinking, given how long ago this was, that Evan Stone probably accompanied her, but I have no memory of him. [Gee. Imagine that.] That might have been before he became DM’s boyfriend, but maybe she remembers. She seems to have a special place in her brain for Evan. [Her brain. Yeah. That’s it. … ]


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