The Risque Blog Babe

Risque Blog Emerges

Blogs Going Croak in the Night

by Nobody Special

risque blog babesWell, the Free Risque Blog version … we’re not sure, something in the teens, probably … launches today. Once again, we’ve put together what at least our geeks feel to be cutting-edge technology to talk about, if not technically the world’s oldest profession, at least its first cousin. So come in. Look around. Make comments. Do whatever rocks your roll. We have always basically done this for fun, so we hope you have fun wandering around. If you can’t have a little fun in life, we really can’t see the point. None of us really “wins” this journey, you know.

If you want to know the truth, the term “blog” fairly accurately describes what we’ve been doing on the web since we started about a decade and a half ago now. The first official “name” of the site honestly happened to be Adult Diary which explained our goals quite well we thought. We’ve been using a custom approach to this Web Site Commune thing, well, since that’s the only way there was to do it. Now, though, a few moderately effective alternatives have surfaced, and so we’re going to give one of them a shot out here on the Free Side.

NOW … We should probably explain that no matter what all the other people do on their adult web sites, we have always used a different standard for posting on freely accessible areas on the Web. Basically we use the “Mother of a 10-yr-old Standard” … that we simply made up ourselves. If you pay much attention to the risqué commune at all, you’ll fairly quickly figure out that we’re exceptional for our outlook around here – or else we’re simply weird. Some people subscribe to that theory too, and we really can’t find much reason to argue with the logic, so we happily ignore it for the most part.

Even More Risque:  Cam Shows Archive

Risque Blog Standards

In short, the “Risqué Standard for Posting in a Non-Members Area” goes like this: If any of us are ever standing next to a mother who has a 10-yr-old child looking at our site, we don’t want to be embarrassed about anything they happen upon. Yeah, it’s strange, but it makes us comfortable, and if one can’t be comfortable in one’s Diary, then one needs a much better hiding place for it than the web it would seem.

All of that said, now, some of what we talk about in the members’ area doesn’t really require adult video and image illustrations and so (by loud, if not popular demand) we have begun yet another avenue for discussion with a more official “BLOG” approach. We’ll see if it works. Only time will tell, but at least it can also heal all the wounds if we get our feelings hurt.

Just so you know, even people in the porn industry don’t only think about sex all the time. Imagine. …

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