50 Ways in Risque Retrospect

50 Ways to Have Your Lover

Young Anais AlexanderRisque Retrospect

by Nobody Special

Gee. You spend a few days focusing on sex therapists and educators — and how their web needs might differ from more typically “adult” fare — and when you come back you have all sorts of weird things on your desk (or these days in your “electronic in-box” I suppose). In a manner of brief back-story, we should explain that for some completely unexplainable reason someone decided to clean out the center console on the truck that has been in risqué service since, well, since the beginning of Risqué Time. While that little collection of trivia will not hit the web for another week or so, the action did spawn a bit of “drawer examination” by some busy little beavers. (That expression might be much more humorous once you know that these were all women on the prowl. Or maybe it’s offensive. Who can keep track?)

At any rate, I am apparently tasked with “story time” regarding a handful of scans done in my absence, and thus I will comply — hopefully briefly — so that you might get along to Shayla and the ever-so-captivating Chantelle Fox.

Before we begin our examination of Risqué History I decided to drop in a “Panel Photo” of Shayla that either the Shayla folks missed today, or (considering she did happen to be doing the work on a Saturday) the person posting simply did not know how to handle. Once viewing it you will likely agree that it would have been a crime to forget about it altogether.

Today We Think Pink


See? You really cannot have too much Shayla LaVeaux. So let’s get to my assignment. We’ll start with an easy set, and seeing as how the Packers kissed a Viking today we can throw in our altogether too familiar this season, “Sorry about that, Uncle Gibby." Seriously, we’d better stop posting Anais content every time this happens, or Gibby will start rooting against his team.

Even More Risque:  Sasha Oom-Wow-Wow

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