Category Archives: The Risque Road

Anais — A Matter of “Choice”

Somebody’s Daughter by Lucky The calendar reads “Fathers’ Day” as I write this, and it gives me “Pa’s” to reflect. (Even on quiet Sunday mornings, approaching rather more serious issues than would be our “usual,” one must always take time out for a proper pun when the opportunity presents itself.) Despite the regular trials and […]

Hamster Time — Can’t Touch This …

Hamster Time
Kristal’s Beau in “Teau” by B. Low Radar Every so often you just have to clear out some files and put up some of what you’ve been meaning to for some time. Today, apparently, would be one of those days. We’ve got a bit of “miscellanea” floating around with no real place to put it, […]

Adult Diary Members’ Party

Adult Diary
Re: Our new mascot, thanks to Mav … by Minion Minions [Video Files Deleted in Sample. Sorry about that.] You know, it’s hard to know what to say about the Members’ Party, and I pretty much always have something to say. Rather than a party, it was more like a family reunion where none of […]