Michael Ninn's Catherine

Michael Ninn’s Catherine — Overloaded

Catherine — The Finished

Did you ever look at a word for so long that you were convinced it had to be spelled wrong, even though you “knew” it was correct? I don’t care what those geniuses out there think; too much concentration may not be a good thing. Pretty soon we’re on that slippery slope of fixation, and we should “shun” that any way we can, right?

Well, I don’t think I really understood this concept in other applications prior to the last couple of months, but I sure get it now. When we had to write the first “story” for michaelninn.com about Catherine, we just described it this way: We haven’t the vaguest idea what to say about this movie yet. We’ve seen it so many times that we’re positive it’s either ground-breakingly wonderful in its combination of raw, lustful, sex and immense “Feature” production values and art direction … or it could be awful. On the upside, we’re very honest .”

Now we’ve had a chance to actually see it. The entire office viewed the “Check Discs” before they went to Los Angeles to be replicated, and according to D.Minion, “ground-breakingly wonderful” is correct. Of course D.Minion is the type of person that has perfect friends and completely useless “non-friends.” She doesn’t really dazzle the “objective” scale any, in other words. AVN sent over an “advance review” full of heaps of praise and a “AAAAA Rating” — which is really nice, but I still don’t know if it means anything.

I’ve just decided to fall back to the simple way of looking at the cosmos here. Regardless, it’s finally over.

Now to celebrate (sort of) we’re heading down to Los Angeles for the third installment of Neo_Pornographia, and the original bit of Angel Cassidy Exposed. There is truly no rest for the weary, but we’re happily, albeit tiredly, along for the ride!

Even More Risque:  LaVeaux Inclinations

Sometimes it’s best just to be simple. Does anyone know where to find really good ice cream in Hollywood?

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Now this would be our “Cool Stuff” section, which basically means we didn’t know how else to include it, but we felt like it was amazingly important, and therefore we just had to put it somewhere for you … or else we promised somebody we would. Either option can serve as a great motivator, we’ve found. By the way, the screen saver will just ask you to save it on your hard drive if you click on the link. You can put it anywhere, and once you unzip the thing, run the “exe” file and it will put itself in the right place for you, and then you can set up the options however you prefer them. If you don’t know what an unzip utility is, or the term “exe” file completely baffles you, do yourself a favor and stay away from here. =)

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Ninn Members’
Slide Show System
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The XXX Trailer
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The very safe
(PG) Screen Saver
back when the old stuff was new
And if you haven’t had enough Catherine YET,
there are over 45 minutes of video, 500 pictures,
and a whole bunch more words here.
(We didn’t have an icon for this, but cabins are always nice.)

Michael Ninn’s Catherine Coverage on risque.com Takes A LONG Time to Peruse …


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