Kristal Summers

Very Social Media

Kristal in Penthouse’s Social Media Sluts

by D.Minion

Kristal SummersI have an aversion to the word “slut.” Not sluts, per se; them I love! But the word seems a bit pejorative to me. … [And yet one must be a trifle erudite, it would appear, in order to know what the word pejorative even means. Don’t you just love irony?] I probably have more of an aversion to social media! Give me a pen and paper to write a letter any day! [Sadly, that happens to be true. D.Minion belongs to that dying breed that takes notes on a legal pad before transferring them to an electronic media for storing. We’ve tried to cure her of this quirk, but honestly that doesn’t even crack the top ten on the list of things she needs to re-learn to keep pace with modern society. On the upside, she has always been quite willing to record beautiful naked women in any number of digital formats.] But when Kristal Summers told me she was going to be in Penthouse’s Social Media Sluts, I knew I couldn’t stay away from this very social media! [See?]

Kristal has been kind of in and out of the Adult biz for a while, and I haven’t had the pleasure of being on set with her for WAY too long! But now she’s making movies with a vengeance! Signing with Bud Lee’s 101 Modeling Agency has given this gorgeous MILF a myriad of new porn opportunities! Kristal told me she’s been working a lot, and is thrilled about it! [In case you haven’t learned this principle of higher mathematics yet, you will find that for the most part, a woman’s glee with making porn and the presence of a serious significant other in her life will be inversely proportional concepts. You should therefore learn, as we have, to simply enjoy the moment(s), however long they last.]

Even More Risque:  Andre Madness — Colors of Cooperation

While Kristal chatted, and applied cream to her beautiful, bronzed, bod, I tried to concentrate on taking notes and taking pictures. OK, mostly I looked at Kristal. She didn’t seem to mind! [Actually odds seem good that the new boy “toy” has a tanning bed at home, as Kristal is beginning to look like one of those trophy wives from Florida. Still, if you have to have a trophy … .]

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