Rack to the Future

Rack to the Future

Rack to the FutureRack to the FutureRack to the FutureRack to the FutureRack to the FutureRack to the Future

Most of the articles today on the more pedantic “Back to the Future” Day involve an analysis of how well the movie producers forecast how life would look on October 21, 2015. Our own internal research indicates that people here still like boobs pretty much the same as they always did. We also think that this trend may not have initiated in 1982. That would be our theory at least. [As you may have surmised if you know us at all, the photo gallery in this spot for the members differs in some pertinent aspects from the ones you see here, since we don’t put pictures out there we would be uncomfortable if just anyone of any age happened by them. Still, we do try to be interesting for everyone, so we included a shot of each of the sites currently in the Risque Commune. You join one, you get them all. Yada, yada … You’ve seen it before. … The 247AdultStars folks had a really difficult time because apparently they almost never take photographs of their models when they’re actually wearing clothes. Imagine.]

247AdultStars Promo Pic

[Come to think of it, rather than the photos differing in “aspects” that should technically probably be “breastspecs” just to be accurate. We do love our painful humor. And boobs. We like those too. “Rack to the Future” … At the very lease, we amuse ourselves.]

Even More Risque:  Go Broncos

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