Filed Under: Denver

Mother Shayla May I?

Mother Shayla and Family
The Matriarch by Just Plum Nome We’ve all heard that some people just seem to be “born leaders” in life. While I’d argue that the vast majority of us serve a leadership role in at least a few aspects in our own existence, it would tempt the ludicrous to maintain that we each have similar […]
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Our Prodigal Porn Star Shayla

Shayla LaVeaux
Of Vice and Men by Nobody Special Take away family members and think about how many people you’ve known for 18+ years and still talk to regularly. For most of us, that list probably won’t be a large one. If, for example, you won beaucoup scholarships in your young life, went on to some stupidly […]
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Cam Shows Archive

In Mexico with Juli Ashton
Beaten (and quite stirred) by Y.B. Normal You know, we felt like we’d exhausted all of the frivolous excuses to show you more installments from Dee’s Cam Shows that you missed, and just because Kristal and Mr. Marcus were there in this particular instance, and Carol happened to be in town to authenticate the experience, […]