4/30/14 | Having thus far fallen short of our collective goal of reaching a lifestyle of pure noblesse oblige, we nonetheless feel obliged to offer a noble effort toward understanding world culture. Of course we used on-set adult star interviews in both the U.S. and the U.K. to serve as our illustration, which we admit may fail some arbitrary “significance” standards when it comes to global importance. So while we may not be solving world economic issues with our looks at Georgia Adair and Cate Harrington, our test subjects have boobs. … We win. [STAR TAGS: Georgia Adair Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com ] |
4/27/14 | Arising from peaceful slumber this morning, we had every intention of lounging in our respective peignoirs, fully dedicated to eating bon-bons and reading trashy novels. After using Google to discover the meaning of a couple of those terms, though, we figured out that our lives beat the heck out of any trashy novel plot, so we might as well learn a little something this weekend. While we’re on the topic, though, did you know they still make bon-bons? You can find anything on Amazon. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
4/22/14 | Gift-Giving etiquette dictates that the Thought in the situation takes precedence over any actual eventuality. For our part on the celebratory occasion, we hold that truth to be self evident. … You see, despite what we must say in polite public, not all men were really created equal. Nor were the women. Have you ever seen Jana Jordan entertain a pretty woman? [STAR TAGS: Jana Jordan Video, Brea Lynn Video] |
4/20/14 | Everyone should be a fan of festive occasions that involve the giving of candy. Some festive occasions, of course, have other “meanings” as we understand it, but honestly they pretty much have us with candy. Naturally we put a risqué twist on “Some Bunny to Love” as we celebrate, thinking most people won’t miss old hard-boiled eggs in the process. As an aside on that topic, we’ll offer up some advice on festive occasions in general: While green eggs and ham might looks basically scary when done, purple eggs and ham can add quite a celebratory flair. [STAR TAGS: Alexis Amore, Jenaveve Jolie] |
4/18/14 | Today would be a Fine Friday to talk about Intimate Exposures 4 we decided. It could not be a “Good Friday” to talk about it because one of our Fearful Leaders expressed fear of “being zotted” should we label it so. Most of us hold the opinion that actually shooting an adult movie on Good Friday has a much greater Zot-Potential than just talking about shooting a movie, but we could be wrong. Or it could just be that Episcopalians might be a strange bunch. [STAR TAGS: Niki Lee Young Exclusive Video, Sophia Jade Exclusive Video] |
4/15/14 | Traditionally we try to do something decidedly non-taxing on this day because … well, if you need the explanation, you really need to pay more attention in life. Fortunately the mind of Lorraine Sisco can provide an excellent diversion, and the support staff of Mika Tan, Daisy Marie, Alexis Love, and Jean Valjean helps a lot too. It takes a village sometimes, you know. For the record, we have a darned good-looking village. [STAR TAGS: Mika Tan Video, Daisy Marie Video, Alexis Love video, Lorraine Sisco] |
4/11/14 | Giving everyone the 4-1-1 today seemed entirely appropriate, and since we try to be appropriate at least annually, we decided to get it out of the way for this year. After careful — dare we say nearly painstaking — examination of Monica Mayhem, Daisy Marie, and Keeani Lei we have decided that the women in adult entertainment hold a much greater significance than the men. Now how many professions outside the WNBA can you say that about? [STAR TAGS: Monica Mayhem, Daisy Marie, Keeani Lei] |
4/9/14 | Fact vs. Fiction. Porn Men vs. Other Men. … What it looks like taking a shower with Shayla — well, maybe if you were drunk and resting on the floor at the time. Whatever the case, you may think about any of these things today, as you ponder the global craze that might have been the HoPro. … [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Jessica Drake] |
4/6/14 | Things can be confusing when you happen to be dealing with trying to combine sexual women on camera and concepts like “Best” in the same conversation. Fortunately for everyone, we alleviate all that befuddlement and just make it simple today. With Mia Malkova on tap (as it were) it all becomes perfectly clear. Or else you really won’t care and will be perfectly happy spending an hour or so in consideration of Mia on video and in stills. Either way, we’re cool. [STAR TAGS: Mia Malkova Video, Kimmy Haze, 247AdultStars.com] |
4/1/14 | Iconic fictional detective Philip Marlowe once remarked, “I like smooth shiny girls, hardboiled and loaded with sin.” Our own Uncle Gibby happens to like Raymond Chandler, and considering the date, A Particular Foolish Fetish seemed like a fine way to honor Gibby for all his hard work of late. A little Anais fit the Marlowe bill nicely, and we might learn a little in the process. Winners all around. No foolin’ … [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Wanda Curtis, Michael Ninn] |
April 2014 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Alexis Amore| Anais| Brea Lynn| Cate Harrington| Cytherea| Daisy Marie| Georgia Adair| Jana Jordan| Jenaveve Jolie| Keeani Lei| Kimmy Haze| Mia Malkova| Monica Mayhem| Niki Lee Young| Sophia Jade| Wanda Curtis