As of The Year 2016:
A Much Lighter Consideration
As perhaps a less interesting cultural aside with the video that accompanies the Members’ Side of the site, we should note that the “old folks” had to ask the “even older folks” to explain the inspiration for the title card. Apparently a lot of schools skipped over rock musicals when they covered the 1960’s. Whatever could they have been talking about? On the other hand, now might be an excellent time to decide in earnest on another Age of Aquarius.
And since we did promise you Dee Birthday pictures, we have these. If you JOIN and want to read the story about the event, you can either search for “Dee AND Birthday” or you can just go to February 17, 2016 and see some more of them there. … Regardless of whether you join or not, do keep up your Risque Thoughts. Just see if some of them might make a statement that reaches above your belt-line.