12/31/02 | We’re ending the year with typical form for us. Naturally that means that many of you may just want to skip this one and wait a couple days for the next beautiful naked girls frolicking about hither and yon (wherever the heck that is). We’ve put together a synopsis of the most recent Risqué Christmas Party which we’ve entitled En Masse Miscellanea. It’s good to go to Mass around the holidays, right? Those of you that like looking at friends’ vacation photos will enjoy this just fine. Those of you that prefer hard core will like Kristal’s new Magazine Cover a lot more. (And we promised D.Minion that we’d put in the plug we forgot. Dang, man, it’s hard to remember everything.) [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Dee, Wendy Divine, Julia Ann] |
12/30/02 | Well the cold weather seems to be back and so Dee’s heating us up with A Couple Dirty Dozen from Jammin’ Jamaica. Technically there are 26 stunning shots here, but we’d have lost our alliterative efforts if we’d tried to have been precise, and so we chose form over substance in this introduction. Come to think of it, that’s generally our choice. We’re comfortable with it. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee] |
12/27/02 | Wendy is clearly Divine, and only Summer as beautiful as Kristal, Ann, Julia. In Michael Ninn’s view, however, these are among the Perfect women in our world, and that’s what D.Minion talks about today. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves … except to point out that there are 76 cool shots in this big parade. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Kristal Summers, Wendy Divine, Nikita Denise, Fujiko Kano, Michael Ninn, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
12/25/02 | It’s Christmas!! We’re not too busy opening presents to forget our annual really bad pun efforts, though. You’ll probably wish you’d have sent more presents so that we might have forgotten this … [FEATURED TAGS: Merry Christmas!] |
12/24/02 | It’s “Dee” time for celebration and Kristal once again “bares” some mention, so to speak. This time they’re both cavorting Naked in Hollywood, or at least in the series with that title. And D.Minion sees fit to throw referance to a whole bunch of various foods based on her most important basic food group, sugar. Maybe it’s the holiday times: ‘Tis the season to show folly … [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Kristal Summers, Nina Hartley, Keri Windsor, Asia Carrera, D.Minion] |
12/23/02 | We’ve got Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath on their Night Calls XM Radio show, this time with special guests Kristal and Amber Summers. Then Taylor Wayne drops by to talk about breasts and Juli’s secrets for having anal sex with Rocco. Many people around the world probably don’t start out their weeks this way. Our members can … and ain’t that dandy? [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls Radio, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Kristal Summers, Anais, Taylor Wane, D.Minion] |
12/20/02 | Before the weekend we thought we’d offer up just a little reminder that our women have more to offer than stunning nude forms and obvious oral abilities. Kristal had a “Final” in her PhotoShop class last night and she had to design a CD Cover. We thought she did a wonderful job, and so we decided to show it to you. She picked a band at random, but it seems this group has been in the adult industry news lately, its lead singer allegedly talking one of our industry’s higher profile performers into walking out on her contract and her film career. We’d mention that there has to be some sort of poetic justice in Tera Patrick ending up with the head of something called “Biohazard,” but that would be inappropriate. So we’ll just show off Kristal’s talented brain … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers] |
12/19/02 | There was frost on the ground when we woke up this morning. Now for the vast majority of you that will not exactly constitute earth-shattering news. However, we should point out one salient fact: We don’t do frost in Los Angeles. We quickly whipped together a warming set from Inari and Dee on the much more tropical island of Jamaica. As you’ll see, they comfortably comfort each other on a comforter. Consequently, we called it “Comforter Cubed.” Capice? [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Inari Vachs] |
12/18/02 | Many people have very few greater pleasures than uttering Wicked Whispers. Apparently D.Minion ranks among that crowd as she extoles the virtues of lesbian sex between Julia Ann, Kristal Summers, TJ Hart, and Jezebelle Bond. Come to think of it, that seems quite a rational stance in those terms. Really pretty girls doing really personal things … that’s a good reason to “get up” today … And take some time to visit our buddies at Wicked too. Tell them we sent you and you’ll get lots and lots of free stuff: Just say we said it was fine … [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Kristal Summers, TJ Hart, Jezebel Bond, D.Minion] |
12/16/02 | We know you’ve probably been unable to sleep wondering how D.Minion’s account of the final day of shooting for The Devinn Lane Show, Part 2 went, and so we’ve decided to ease your torture and give you “the rest of the story” today. Note that we say “ease” your torture, rather than eliminate it, because we felt obliged to include a couple of 15 second video clips that D.Minion took on the set this day. Rather than beautiful naked women, however, we have instead short music clips featuring Mark Stone on guitar, and Evan Stone as vocalist. We don’t get naked women frolicking and masturbating; we get “Pinball Wizard” and “The Last Train to Clarksville.” Don’t worry, we’ve already talked to D.Minion … [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane Video, TJ Hart, Ruby, Exclusive Video, Kaylynn, D.Minion] |
12/13/02 | We interrupt this account of Devinn’s directorial return to bring you pictures of Inari lounging around naked on a couch we happened across while visiting a Georgia shoot. On this Friday, the 13th, we just couldn’t think of anything luckier … well, that you’d want to see naked … [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs] |
12/12/02 | So we’re at Lowe’s (you know, the home improvement warehouse) picking up stuff for the Risqué Christmas party and we notice an SUV in the parking lot with a magnetic sign on it that reads “PregnantPhotos.net” — underneath a tasteful line art representation of a women well into her third trimester. We thought this was strange enough until we realized that the owners had to have chosen this particular URL because someone already owned “PregnantPhotos.COM.” You can ponder yet another absurdity in modern existence, or you can continue with yourThe Devinn Lane Show, Part 2reflections with over 50 beautiful pictures. Brian will love this one: There are almost no words at all, and TJ got booty … [FEATURED TAGS: TJ Hart, Devinn Lane, D.Minion] |
12/10/02 | Kristal has sex with two men at once?! That should probably be enough to entice you to read more right there, but if not, we’ll note we also have pictures of Devinn Lane and Stephanie Swift naked. Brevity is good. Ask Mike. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Devinn Lane, Stephanie Swift, D.Minion] |
12/6/02 | Back when we started Adult Diary it seems we didn’t really have a precise focus on how we were going to proceed. As we continue our cleaning and holiday season retrospect it has occured to us that our approach might have been more of the tried and true “shotgun” attack. You know, fire a whole bunch of little bullets and see if you hit anything that people like. We’re better now (Really. Swear.), but once again we find ourselves in the position of offering up another dose of the early days. We’ll make the same apologies for the questionable graphics practices, and we’ll again laud the fascinating content. We’ll also suggest you again stock up on eggnog before you begin. Let’s call it “Back When the Old Stuff was New, Too” [sic, we know]. [FEATURED TAGS: When The Old Stuff Was New (Archives)] |
12/4/02 | We waited a week to post the latest Night Calls episode because Juli’s taking a rare night off tonight, and we didn’t want all of the members to miss their weekly dose of Juli. That said, we have to admit that the new “high-tech, state-of-the-art” studio lights are wreaking havoc with D.Minion’s automatic camera settings. She’s trying to manually compensate, but there’s a lot to adjust while trying to keep up with the pace of the show. We were going to tell you just to skip the pictures this time, but then we got to the final two. They deserved their own page, so you can skip the first 38 if you desire. In the spirit of Thanksgiving at least check those two out. You’ll see why the trip to America was worth all the trouble … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Laurie Wallace, D.Minion] |
12/3/02 | The AVN Awards nominations are out and we give you the only admittedly biased opinions you’ll find on the web. When we become Dictator, this will all be a lot easier. Until then, you can read what we think, or you can just look at the 45 beautiful pictures that our most nominated friend has shared with us. Hopefully come January, we can all stroll down Devinn Lane. We’ll let you know when that Dictator thing happens. [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane] |
12/2/02 | As we’re entering into the time of the industry “full court press” mode for companies trying to woo the AVN voters, D.Minion gives us a summer time account of the XRCO Awards and their wildly appealing simplicity. We should note at the outset that her less than elaborate coverage very likely stems from the fact that she seems to have spent a fair amount of time under Devinn’s table. Having seen the awards show, we can assure you of the superiority of D.Minion’s vantage point, however. And at least this posting has less than seventeen thousand pictures to look at … We’ll tackle AVN mañana. That’s soon enough for me … [FEATURED TAGS: XRCO Awards, Julia Ann, TJ Hart, Sydnee Steele, Devinn Lane, D.Minion] |
December 2002 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Anais| Asia Carrera| Dee| Devinn Lane| Fujiko Kano| Inari Vachs| Jezebel Bond| Juli Ashton| Julia Ann| Kaylynn| Keri Windsor| Kristal Summers| Laurie Wallace| Michael Ninn| Nikita Denise| Nina Hartley| Ruby| Stephanie Swift| Sydnee Steele| Taylor Wane| Tiffany Granath| TJ Hart| Wendy Divine