6/30/02 | In honor of her intrepid return to her Message Board, we’ve decided to show off the earliest pictures we have of the young beauty, Georgia. Most of you probably know she’s featured in a couple of scenes in Basically Becca, and you can see, even as early as a couple of years ago, just what a special affinity she has for the camera. We’re pretty sure that’s what Juli and Becca were discussing in the few shots we snuck in and shot of them too. This “interaction” was actually not for any video release, but seemed to involve other types of release, come to think of it. As Mr. Harvey (not the rabbit) would say, “And that’s the rest of the story.” [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair, Becca, Juli Ashton, Erica] |
6/27/02 | We seem to be on a Juli roll here, but in the grand scheme, that seems like a very good thing. We look this time at a snippet of Essentially Juli: Forbidden, and we find out that even the best “laid plans” (sorry: couldn’t resist) of the esteemed Ms. Ashton sometimes develop of their own accord. We call it “The Tale that Overshadowed the Tail.” You’ll probably just call it 36 pictures of Juli with Nina Hartley and Man du jour … [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Nina Hartley, Risque News Insight] |
6/26/02 | Wow! We found some really old pictures of Juli, and Taren Steele, and Serenity. These were from the very first scene shot for the very first Essentially Juli. We’d go on and on about how great they are, and what fond memories they brought back, but we’re just to choked up with emotion. Damn, we have a fun job … Check this out, circa 1996 … [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Taren Steele, Serenity, Gayle, Veronica Hart, Risque News Insight] |
6/24/02 | In an atypical caving of conscious, we’ve been won over by office lobbying efforts to post some of the more “timely” stories as they’re, well, timely. D.Minion been after us to sort of bop back and forth between past and present for some time, but Dee finally won us over. For those of you that have seen the office cam shows, you’ll know just how persuasive Dee can be. Wendy’s got a new “do” and D.Minion was on set with her (and, coincidentally, Dee) just last month. Now you can read about Naked Hollywood, Wendy-style, and see her new hair too. Next task is to get Wendy over to the office to show us more of her do’s and don’ts, as they are. Hey, maybe all her hair has a new style … [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Asia Carrera, Keri Windsor, Wendy Divine, Christi Lake, Kim Chambers, Nina Hartley, D.Minion] |
6/21/02 | Well, we have inane country music references. We have rare sitings of both D.Minion and some Lucky fellow. We have Kristal as a blonde, Dee as a sex object, and Devinn as her typical Diva. What’s most important, though, seems to be what we don’t have: We don’t have even one f**king picture of a koala. Good to see things are back to their usual abnormal state around here. Read about Devinn’s 5 Rooms, or just look at the 98 pictures of WOMEN, NAKED WOMEN. Dang, that felt good … [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Dee, Kristal Summers, Kelsey Heart, April, D.Minion] |
6/9/02 — 6/19/02 | As a kind of change of pace, and because a lot of us are in Jamaica, the skeleton crew (as we affectionately call them) has the task of posting the Epic that was the Australia trip. D.Minion calls it “Going Down (under) with Devinn Lane and Sydnee Steele.” We call it bizarre to say the least. We begin with a picture of a piece of furniture and an mpeg of water going down a drain — complete with sound. (So be warned.) Then it gets weird. Hey, at least you know what you’re getting, and at least you’re used to that around here … G’Day Mates … [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Sydnee Steele Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion] Pre-Trip — Day One — Day Two — Day ThreeDay Four — Day Five — Day Six — Day SevenDay Eight — Day Nine — Day Ten — Day Eleven |
6/5/02 | Art fan and avid nude model Wendy Divine sets the stage for us in a welcome diversion from cutting and pasting. We see Wendy as Divine Art, which is a heck of a lot better than looking at rows of code. Come to think of it, looking at Wendy naked (and having sex) is a heck of a lot better than almost anything we can think of. Oh, Eric’s in here too, but guys are just props, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine] |
6/3/02 | Juli drops (by) and gives us 50! There’s been such a surge in Buried Treasure sales lately that we thought we’d put up some more stills from the scenes, as kind of a bonus for those that have seen the video. Even if you haven’t seen the video, these are some interesting tales. In addition to the 50 pictures, we have also, true to form, provided keen insight and poignant recollection–and we talk about puppies–and God. What else would you expect? [FEATURED TAGS: Nici Sterling, Shaena Steele, Juli Ashton, Risque News Insight] |
June 2002 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:April| Asia Carrera| Becca| Christi Lake| Dee| Devinn Lane| Erica| Gayle| Georgia Adair| Juli Ashton| Kelsey Heart| Keri Windsor| Kim Chambers| Kristal Summers| Nici Sterling| Nina Hartley| Serenity| Shaena Steele| Sydnee Steele| Taren Steele| Veronica Hart| Wendy Divine