3/30/02 | It’s truly awe-inspiring to see what a true professional can do. It doesn’t hurt if that professional happens to be beautiful and naked at the time either. In this “Risque” flashback, as it were, we spend Sixty Seconds with Shayla LaVeaux. We’re confident in assuming that you’ll be spending a little more time than that. Call it hunch … [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] |
3/27/02 | We’re honestly a little afraid going into this one. D.Minion drops in with a nice little story about how Julia Ann fondled her at a strip club. Julia Ann Dances. Fine. No problem. Then we got to a story about buying a bunch of toilet paper and how that enabled D.Minion to convince women to get naked in the bathroom so she could take pictures. Basically, we’re just laying it out there: 96 Rolls?! takes us on a truly existential tangent. It can get weird around here. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Inari Vachs, Dee, Kristal Summers, Devinn Lane] |
3/26/02 | Juli’s back with a peek at another Ashton View thriller. This time it’s the interracial orgy from Essentially Dee and it’s a dazzling display. These people were having fun. You can call it a love story between close friends Juli Ashton, Dee, Lola, Marc Anthony, and Julian St. Jox. Or you can call it what we do around here: “Whole Lotta Humpin’ Goin’ On” — and members get to see it. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Dee, Lola] |
3/23/02 | It’s apparently a day for learning and dastardly deeds around here. Poor Kristal’s only one person grossly taken advantage of, as circustance would have it. We learn about some hidden perils of being in the adult business in The Price of Fame. Fortunately Kristal’s another trooper, and she obviously had a good time with Georgia as you can tell from Georgia’s Full Moon. We even get to learn about what it’s like on a “box cover” shoot, as Inari’s Box Gets Shot. With all the learning going on around here, we hope somebody’s picking up something. Gee. Members get everything … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Georgia Adair, Inari Vachs, D.Minion] |
3/20/02 | Wendy’s making another appearance, this time in the obviously anticipated “ending” of the Chronicles of Nick Manning. That’s how you know sex is over, right? When the guy orgasms? We conclude with volumes seven, eight, and nine, and it was fascinating to see how much film and time they spent documenting male ejaculate. We’d look into the theories behind that, but quite frankly it sounds like way too much work. We’ll let some aspiring Ph.D candidate do it, and then we’ll just read the answer. Until then, enjoy the pictures. [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine] |
3/19/02 | D.Minion dove right into this one. Devinn was producing her first show for her contract company Wicked Pictures, and Julia Ann was starring with her in what was her first XXX movie in over a year. Suffice it to say D.Minion was in heaven as Devinn and Julia Made it Beautiful/Nasty. We’re quite certain that D.Minion had her index finger in a cast after this shoot. We mean from taking all these pictures, naturally. Give yourself some time on this one, as you’ve 200+ images to peruse. And when you’re done, you’ll understand this thumbnail. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Devinn Lane, Charlie, Renee LaRue, Lola, Nakita Kash, Ariel, Adajja, Amber Michaels, D.Minion] DANG! We forgot our blatent plug to sell the movie. Buy it here, please. |
3/18/02 | Sometimes it’s hard to believe the things that happen to Deb. Really cool things. Like right now she’s off with Juli & Tiffany (from Night Calls for you novices) doing who-knows-what. Next week she’s flying off to Florida with Shayla LaVeaux. The other night she was relaxing in her apartment when Wendy Divine dropped in wearing very little and willing to wear even less. Maybe I’ll just let Deb tell you about it in “Social Intercourse.” [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine] |
3/15/02 | As long as we’re in the Inari Vachs vein, as it were, D.Minion takes time out to provide a public service announcement. In announcing the startling revelation that “Drugs are Bad, OK.” she tells tale of a wayward actor who had partaken perhaps too much of a good thing. More importantly she gives us lots more pictures of Inari with the added motto of “there’s no such thing as too many spread shots.” She’s learning, this one. You don’t even have to learn: You can just look … [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs, D.Minion] |
3/12/02 | It turns out that Inari and Dee have Friends in Mo’ Places, and if you understand that reference … well … you probably still won’t understand the bizarre elocution that accompanies some wonderful pictures in this posting. We have omnipresence and afficianados; we have epiphanies and corollaries, and we have them in a porno site. Quite possibly we stand apart from the norm. We’re just not sure toward which direction. We have, however, decided to not worry about it and to send you off to the story. [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs, Dee, Juli Ashton, Risque News Insight] |
3/8/02 | It’s amazing how often the two sides of the office are coincidentally working on the same type of content around here. While Deb had “her people” working to get up her experiences on Night Calls, Juli had been pushing us to get her own site up to date too. Well, what we have here is a Night Calls marathon going on, and we’ve promised to keep it going until we’re current. Kristal’s working on the image editing work for the February shows, and now you can finally read about the December shows! Feel free to look at the pictures too, if you’re so inclined. Mostly we’ve figured out, it’s good to be Juli and she appears to spend a lot of time with her arms in the air. Fame is an odd animal it seems. It’s less odd than not being a member, however. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Jessica Drake, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
3/7/02 | Deb’s been hanging with Juli quite a bit lately – shopping – conventions – working out at the gym. She went along to Night Calls last Wednesday and had quite a good time. Duh! Who wouldn’t? There were several of Deb’s new friends there, too. Deb meets the nicest people – like sexy women who don’t mind taking off their clothes. It’s a great job. Anyway, here’s Deb’s take on Night Calls subject for the evening “First Date Sex.” [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Kelsey Heart, Kaylynn] |
3/5/02 | Now that Kristal’s pursuing a new look, and a new friend to “look” at, Sweet Georgia, we thought we’d remind you all what the little darling looked like when she first came into the office. We’re all about potential around here, and it looks like we were right about Kristal. She’s turning out just fine in Changing Times … Wait until you see what’s next! [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers] |
3/1/02 | While you’re waiting for the new chat software to load for Wendy’s chat, you might as well open up another window, and remind yourself that basically Becca’s a Babe! Then you’ll probably want a third window so you can actually purchase Basically Becca from us, as it’s Ashton View’s latest release, and it’s been almost a year to the day since Juli first sought to release it. It just wasn’t perfect in her mind, it seems. Personally, I think she just wanted to do Becca some more. So now you can have Juli AND Becca as Juli and Becca have each other, basically. You don’t have to be a member to buy the tape, but you do to see these special pictures … [FEATURED TAGS: Becca] |
March 2002 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Adaja| Amber Michaels| Ariel| Becca| Charlie| Dee| Devinn Lane| Georgia Adair| Inari Vachs| Jessica Drake| Juli Ashton| Julia Ann| Kaylynn| Kelsey Heart| Kristal Summers| Lola| Nakita Kash| Renee LaRue| Shayla LaVeaux| Tiffany Granath| Wendy Divine