9/30/02 | Well, with tomorrow being the first day of October, we suppose we should acknowledge the passing of another season. While people are out raking leaves, well, not in Southern California, but in a lot of prettier places I’ve lived, they can ruminate upon the Final Chapter of Phaedra Alexis. We promised you could read it, and the email response has been surprising. Hopefully none of us has too many times when we just look at the fireplace and think about what might have been. You know, we think we need more naked pictures of Inari. That always seems to perk us up … [FEATURED TAGS: Phaedra Alexis, Risque News Insight] |
9/28/02 | It’s funny how things go in cycles. All of this talk about Screen Play put us in a mood to remember the best movie ever made that had the misfortune of completely lacking promotion. Wicked Pictures had this repsonsibility, and was entirely consumed by singing the praises of Jenna’s biggest movie for them at the time, so poor Juli had to settle for almost nothing in the way of press. Over the years people have caught on, and the movie’s done well, but there are many a story left to be told about this extraordinary event. One of those would be Taren Steele, and we recount a bit here. Restrospect, it seems, has its comforts … [FEATURED TAGS: Taren Steele, Risque News Insight] |
9/27/02 | We thought we’d head into the weekend with a flash back at the sexual enthusiasm that Juli Ashton always displayed when she was active in XXX. Then we thought we’d remind everyone what a wonderful person Dee remains some four years after her scene with Juli and Mr. Marcus in Ashton View’s Screen Play. We looked at the pictures from the scene, and we decided we’ve pretty much accomplished our goals. That’s a nice way to head into a weekend. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Juli Ashton, Risque News Insight] |
9/26/02 | There are a lot of good things in life. For example, puppies are good things. Also, watching beautiful young women masturbate is a good thing. However, watching a beautiful young woman masturbate with a puppy would NOT be a good thing. See how just the littlest change can make all the difference? We did the smart thing. We’re giving you both, separately. We’re clever that way. Three cheers for even more video clips …! [FEATURED TAGS: Alexa Rae Video] |
9/25/02 | We’re doubling up today, because we just felt a little bad just showing home movies for the members, even if they did include really cool hamsters. So we’re showing off how organized we are by putting up D.Minon’s reprisal of last week’s Night Calls. Wow, the season just started, and we’re not even behind yet. Don’t worry: We’ll get over it … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Chennin Blanc, Nicole Oring, D.Minion] |
9/25/02 | OK, so we didn’t make you wait all that long before showing you the first shots from the Members’ Party. As typifies most of the Risqué gatherings, actually, this one was primarily about food. And so that’s what you’ll be seeing a lot of. Actually, we should warn everyone here. You ever meet those kind of people that invite you over to their house and then show you picture after picture of their vacation? Well, WE are those kind of people. So if you want to skip this post, feel free. You have 90 pictures here and only one small glipse of Wendy’s naked body. That’s it for the nudity. Don’t look for it here. Hey, at least we’re honest, and we promise to get back to our regular decadent deliveries just as soon as we can. Even if you don’t want to see the pictures, however, you might want to check out The New Adult Diary Mascot … Now we’re jammin’ … [FEATURED TAGS: Risque Members’ Party, Keri Windsor, Anais, Kristal Summers, Dee, Georgia Adair, Steve, Lon, Gman, Mike,Brian, Carol, Bert, Maverick] |
9/24/02 | We know that probably all of you have been waiting anxiously for the recap and photos from the Members’ Party in Las Vegas this past weekend. You can’t sleep; you’ve lost weight; you’ve even been mean to your cat. Well … you’re going to have to keep waiting, because that’s the way we are. And since we’re leaving your breathless, we thought it appropriate to mention that Devinn’s Breathless is in our (generally not very) humble opinion her best work to date. She’s awesome in an awesome movie. So take a look at her 50+ pictures, and you’ll be breathless for an altogether different reason. Then go visit her new site, and tell her how much you like it. Then visit our friends at Wicked Pictures, because they get lonely if people don’t drop by. See? You have LOTS to take your mind off of the Members’ Party. Of course if you’d have gone, at least you’d have your memories … [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, D.Minion] |
9/18/02 | Well, what do you know? The team did it. We have now caught up with our Night Calls recaps BEFORE the new Night Calls season began. You can now see Night Calls, July 17, 2002 (with our own Georgia Adair), and Juli owes us a dollar. (She bet we couldn’t do it.) Our team did a wonderful job, and now we owe them a trip to Monty’s, the Valley’s best steak house, imho. If any of you understand that acronym, you’ve been on the Internet for a while. Glad to have you. All is good. … Wait! It seems to me that limousine transportation to a steak dinner for six, with Heitz cabernet (btw), might cost more than a dollar. Dang. We need a better manager. Ah, well … Enjoy, y’all … the new season begins … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Georgia Adair, Stormy Daniels, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
9/18/02 | OK. The clock is ticking, and the Adult Diary Night Calls crew is under the gun. Keyboards are furiously pounding in the office as we rush to the deadline. Will we make it? Can we do it? Fortunately, we’re not trying to save the world, or anything like that. We’ve just promised to catch up on the last season before the new one starts. Check out just how patriotic naked girls can be on Night Calls, July 3, 2002. God Bless America … and Juli and Tiffany … and D.Minion. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, D.Minion] |
9/17/02 | The odd tale of Phaedra Alexis continues, as we promised it would. It’s funny because Ashton View’s My First Porno was really about the “Behind The Scenes” view of making an adult movie, and in actuality there was a lot going on “Behind The Scenes” in this “Behind The Scenes” show. You know what they say: Truth is stranger than fiction. And this remains one of the stranger ones in our memory … [FEATURED TAGS: Phaedra Alexis, Inari Vachs, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
9/16/02 | As Kristal Summers and her niece Amber are off as special guests on Juli’s Night Calls Radio XM, we’re catching up on the Night Calls memories. You can now see Juli tooling around in her new “business” PT Cruiser. You can also see her playing with some different tools altogether. Relive Night Calls June 19th, 2002 and get ready. The season starts SOON, and we’re almost caught up … Groovy … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
9/13/02 | As we worked to put together this next story, it came to us what a behemoth undertaking we had begun. The events of this story covered several years, and we struggled to do better than recount them in real time. The historical significance of this week in America certainly served to goad us, and we plunged forth. Today, we’ll open with what turned out to be part one of a three-part expose on how the “best laid plans …” (if you’ll pardon the pun in our context). Hey, we don’t always get it right, but confession is good for the soul, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Phaedra Alexis, Devinn Lane, Shayla LaVeaux, Jewel D’Nyle, Juli Ashton, Risque News Insight] |
9/11/02 | We would be remiss if we failed to acknowledge the significance of this date, and so we offer one small view. We hate being remiss. [FEATURED TAGS: Phaedra Alexis] |
9/9/02 | As promised (gasp!) we’ve got D.Minion’s “behind the radio scenes” look at Juli’s new venture, Night Calls Radio! She was there and she’ll fill you in on all the details. Others of us were at other places, and have access to way more interesting pictures. If you want to read about the “FIRST Contracted On-Air Talent for XM Radio’s Adult Division” you can. If you’d rather look at 50 pictures of Juli, and Inari, and Keri having sex, well you can do that. Of course you could also look at 50 pictures of Juli, Julia Ann, and Becca having sex, if that’s more your cup of tea. Being the kind of folks we are, we’d probably do it all … But then, we’re that way. (Oh, and SteveD: pfhttttttpt … that’s slang for “faugh” by the way.) [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls Radio, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Kaylynn, Inari Vachs, Keri Windsor, Julia Ann, Becca, D.Minion] |
9/6/02 | In honor of Georgia completing her second event for Danni’s Hard Drive, we decided to post D.Minion’s account of Georgia’s first (major) event for our friend Danni. That sounds like a simple plan, but the graphics folks had a little too much free time, or maybe they just like to play with Georgia. Whatever the case, we’ve come up with our increasingly common bizarre application of adult entertainment. We’d worry about ourselves, but we’re pretty busy. We’ll worry about ourselves the first chance we get. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair Video, Brook Bradford, Exclusive Video, D.Minion] |
9/5/02 | As you can tell, the troops have been busy around here. Unfortunately, we’ve reached critical mass in responsibilities, leaving the unthinkable reality as truth: The boss had to do a web posting–completely. This wasn’t just sending up code to the servers; this was providing actual commentary to D.Minion’s coverage of Night Calls, June 5, 2002. We know: the “team” let everyone down. We’re posting out of order (but we are holding to our goal of catching up on Juli’s life), and we haven’t even had time to mention that our favorite hostess now has a new, and very cool, XM Radio gig. We’ll get to that, as soon as I get some help around the office. Everybody’s been on sets constantly, and I’ve been left alone. You’ll see what a problem this can be … Oh, pun, says (uh) me … [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Amber Michaels, Amanda Lexx, Michelle Michaels, D.Minion] |
September 2002 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Alexa Rae| Amanda Lexx| Amber Michaels| Anais| Becca| Brook Bradford| Chennin Blanc| Dee| Devinn Lane| Georgia Adair| Inari Vachs| Jewel D'Nyle| Juli Ashton| Julia Ann| Kaylynn| Keri Windsor| Kristal Summers| Michelle Michaels| Nicole Oring| Phaedra Alexis| Shayla LaVeaux| Stormy Daniels| Taren Steele| Tiffany Granath