3/31/13 | Kylie’s contribution on this Easter Sunday was to point out that England does not have a kidney bank, but they do have a Liverpool. … We’re not sure what that has to do with Salvation, but then Natalia Forrest loving her boobs and Cytherea shaving seem equally confusing on that topic. Risqué has a revamped “Angel’s Fall from Grace,” though, which at least sounds on topic. It turns out that it’s another Life of a Potential Porn Star story, but, hey, we got the title right. [STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com, Taylor] |
3/26/13 | A Tale of Woe turns to Tales of Whoa! as Steve points out in his review of the AVN Awards Show this past January. Now you may think that we should have probably posted this sooner than nearly three months after the event, but honestly it took most of us that long to recover from the surprise of how good of a job AVN did this year. Of course if you set the bar low enough, eventually you’ll leap right over it. At least next year we may not have to force people to attend so they can write about it for the site. … Uh-oh. Expectations have risen. That’s never good. [STAR TAGS: AVN Awards 2013 Exclusive Video, Shayla LaVeaux, Kristal Summers, Cytherea, Cheyenne Silver] |
3/21/13 | On the first full day of spring, what could be better than enjoying Justine Joli and Jassie cavorting with rapture in front of a roaring fire? … OK. So technically the fire doesn’t really “roar,” per se. And “cavorting” may not be exactly right either, as that implies a bit of aimlessness that really does not appear here. Also, let’s face it, you’d probably be fine with Jassie and Justine in your living room no matter what season it happened to be. … Still, we do have “rapture” present — lots and lots of rapture. [STAR TAGS: Justine Joli Video, Jassie Video] |
3/17/13 | A traditional Irish blessing begins, “May the road rise to meet you … ” which turns out to be pretty ironic, seeing as how that’s exactly what happens if you drink too much green beer today. There’s a lot of mysticism in that Irish culture. In ours, however, we tend to be rather less metaphysical, concentrating instead on things like naked breasts in our annual Erins Go Braless (3) event. The women of the Risqué Commune have been accusing us of being remiss in mentioning the continuing updates to their individual sites, though, so we have a bunch of wildly helpful links for your membership enjoyment today. OK. So they might be simply normally helpful links, but at least we have included them. We so hate being remiss. It’s bad enough missing the first time. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea, Kylie Ireland Audio, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com ] |
3/13/13 | A clever group might have put together a dazzling array of three-ways today, considering all the threes in the date. Of course Kristal Summers having “first-time” sex with her boyfriend on camera sort of distracted us today. Sigh. As the writer Francois de La Rochefoucauld taught us, however, “The desire to seem clever often keeps us from being so.” … As it turns out, on this day of impending Pope-dom, there used to be a famous cardinal named Francois de La Rochefoucauld too, we learned. Gee. If Kristal had only met the two of them we could have had that 3-way. Of course she’d be like 400 years old now, and that seems to stretch even the most liberal definition of MILF. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Kylie Ireland, Julia Ann Exclusive Video, Devinn Lane, Nikita Denise] |
3/10/13 | Wouldn’t you know that we’re doing one of those, “Oh, wow. This is interesting, so we should just drop it into the middle of things, schedule be damned!” sorts of operations again? … Well, one of the geeks working on the free side remodel found an “orphaned” story, and rather than go all the way back to files from December of 2001, we decided rather to simply bring the story up to date today. Just when you had to deal with losing an hour’s sleep and trying to figure out how you can parlay that time trick into an entire week off work? … Well, if you do figure out how to do that, you have a lot of time to think about Being with Juli Ashton. If not, you may have to hurry. … To be employed, or not to be employed? That could be the question. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Tina Tyler, Dee, Chloe, Shawna Sexton, Bridgette Kerkove, Charlie Angel] |
3/8/13 | In the final analysis, none of us will really have to worry much about the calculation, seeing as how we’ll be dead and all. Those left behind will have to deal with all the annoying realities (and math), however, and so we offer up a bit of hope and happiness today amidst a retrospective view of Our Tragic Heroine. She lives, by the way, and we also have puppy pictures too. You probably won’t even remember to be all existential and such. Group sex has a way of being distracting. [STAR TAGS: Jill Kelly Video] |
3/5/13 | Did you know that the female housefly normally only mates once, since she has an ability to store sperm for when she needs it to fertilize more eggs later? Obviously a housefly would make a pretty lousy porn star, because they would have to retire after just one scene. Also, they’re not that pretty — unless, perhaps, you happen to be another fly. If you happened to be a fly on the wall, however, during D.Minion’s most recent week in Vegas, you might have seen all kinds of porn stars that did not suffer from that whole “one mating” tendency. We considered this an excellent thing, even though it took DM a bit of time to get it all written down. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux, Vicca Video, Nikita Video, Michael Ninn] |
3/1/13 | Reports out of the Vatican reveal that while the 145 critical individuals have all arrived from across the world, they have not as yet elected a new supreme leader for the Catholic faith. It seems that for a few days at least, they will all be too pooped to Pope. … Should their exhaustion reach critical levels, the cardinals could consider allowing Shayla LaVeaux and Kristal Summers to serve as “Maids to Order” so that our comely lasses might handle the day to day clutter which inevitably accumulates when smart people sit around and think. At least that’s our excuse around here, and we plan on letting Shayla and Kristal help as much as they want. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video] |
March 2013 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Bridgette Kerkove| Charlie Angel| Cheyenne Silver| Chloe| Cytherea| Dee| Devinn Lane| Jassie| Jill Kelly| Juli Ashton| Julia Ann| Justine Joli| Kristal Summers| Kylie Ireland| Michael Ninn| Natalia Forrest| Nikita| Nikita Denise| Shawna Sexton| Shayla LaVeaux| Tanya Cox| Taylor| Tina Tyler| Vicca