11/28/01 | Don’t get us started on a rant here, but… Deb has had this really great Devinn story laying around for a while, because I hadn’t worked on the pictures. Just as I get them finished another Devinn story is posted. As I always say… It’s hard to get too much Devinn Lane. So here’s more – “Devinn Lane Does a Drive-By-Booby.” [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane] |
11/27/01 | When we questioned the lovely Devinn Lane about her “gifts” for our members this month, she explained they were in response to a “bunch of email” from her members about her “jewelry.” After looking at the pictures, consider us fans of such Piercing Inquiry. Think of Devinn as a veritable fount (as it were) of information. For those of you never fortunate enough to see intimate jewelry up close and personal, here’s your chance. Oh, and there are a lot of “more traditional” pics of Devinn too — not that Devinn could be “traditional” by most definitions. That seems unlikely. [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane] |
11/26/01 | True to our tradition of providing “blasts into our past(s)” we bring you a couple of selections from a half-decade ago, or so. First you can check out the stunning Asia Carrera, shortly after she left Vivid and joined our little group, and then you can look at a woman who didn’t stay around long, but left an impression on many. Her name is Emmanuelle, and if you want to see her in action, check out New Wave Hookers 5or Diva 2. Until then just enjoy the beautiful ride. [FEATURED TAGS: Asia Carrera, Emmanuelle, Risque News Insight] |
11/20/01 | On this day of giving thanks, we at Adult Diary are thankful for a great many things. Somewhere near the top of that list would be gratitude for the opportunity to see lots of Kristal Summers naked. Hey, we’re just simple folk around here, and we enjoy that kind of thing. D.Minion had the chance to accompany Kristal on a Club International shoot recently, and come to think of it, she acted pretty thankful too. There’s a lot of love in this office … and a lot of Kristal in this set. We’ve even updated her Journal through September, which makes it the least amount we’ve been behind on this all year. Aren’t y’all thankful now too? [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers] |
11/19/01 | Since Juli’s off in Jamaica again she decided to leave us with another batch of pictures from an earlier trip. Thanks, we think. Anyway it’s Juli, Devinn, Cheyenne Silver, Becca and even our old buddy Keri Windsor. We like the pictures just fine, but we’re still lobbying to attend the next trip to Hedonism III. We’ll bring a camera, we promise. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Devinn Lane, Cheyenne Silver, Becca, Miyoko, Keri Windsor] |
11/19/01 | You know, we were reading Wendy’s Journal about Jamaica, and she mentioned that she really loved the black and white set she shot there on the beach. And we thought, “Hey, we remember those pictures; they really were great.” So then we thought, “We should put those up for everyone to see.” And then we did. Sometimes the thought process around here is pretty simple, actually. Hey, simple can be good — particularly if it involves Wendy Divine. [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine] |
11/17/01 | Our lovely ladies have been busy here as Wendy dropped off the next installment of her Hedonism III Journal, and D.Minion took time away from “set-sitting” to give us a rather bizarre entry entitled Inari is not a “Puff Piece.” We’re not exactly sure what that makes the stellar Ms. Vachs, but it doesn’t really matter as we made up most of the answers anyway. Apparently driving and taking notes are two endeavors that don’t multi-task in the Minion environment. Fortunately, there are lots of pictures. If you don’t want to see Inari in hard-core action, by the way, don’t look at the second page of her pictures. You have been warned … [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs, Wendy Divine, D.Minion] |
11/16/01 | Well it looks as though our new “Insider” intern is lobbying for a full-time job here, as she’s chased down some more cool pictures for everyone to look at. We’ve never really considered her sexual orientation, now that we think about it, but she sure seems to have a penchant for picking out beautiful women. Whatever: Works for us. Check out Bunny Love and Nikki Charm, as they are Charmingly Lovely. We’re going to go quiz the intern … [FEATURED TAGS: Bunny Luv, Nikki Charm] |
11/10/01 | OK. Enough is enough. It’s bad when we constantly have to post stories about all the fun people in our little group get to have bopping around the world. It’s much worse when we have to read about what happens on trips we almost got to go on. However, we decided to go ahead and post “Roommates are the View” because worst of all would be to lose these nifty jobs. Kristal Summers, Dee, Inari Vachs and Wendy Divine ALL got to go last time, and we’re starting a petition to mandate our attendance at the next Hedomism III trip. Email D.Minion; she’s keeping count. Did we mention enough is enough? We need a tan … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Dee, Inari Vachs, Wendy Divine, Risque News Insight] |
11/09/01 | We’re catching up around here, and we’ve put up another insider’s view of Juli Ashton’s Night Calls. This time D.Minion catches Juli, Tiffany, and the series’ regular “Call Girls” Inari Vachs and Dee. What more could you ask for? Well you could ask for us to post a story from the July 18th episode a little more quickly, but that would be mean. Thanks for your patience. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Inari Vachs, Dee, D.Minion] |
11/06/01 | Well, what do you know? Maybe wonders do never really cease … We have another entry from our industry “Insider” section, don’t you know. We were wondering if we ever would, and the selection is actually, well, wonderful. Maybe we should just be safe and call it “Wonderlust with Keri Windsor and Ava Vincent.” Or maybe we should just get on with showing you the pictures. We wonder … [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent] |
11/5/01 | It turns out that the girls got involved in a Wet T-Shirt Contest while taking time away from the beaches at Hedonism III in Jamaica. It also turns that Kristal Summers WON! It turns out that Kristal has actually never lost a wet t-shirt contest where she was a participant. It also turns out that we’re not in the least surprised. See how Kristal Summers is perfect to a “T” and you’ll see why. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Dee, Inari Vachs, Wendy Divine, Risque News Insight] |
11/02/01 | Now everybody’s getting into the act around here, as Inari Vachs actually rode her bike over to deliver some pictures. While we’re on the subject, we should, in all honesty, point out that she has worse car problems than anyone we’ve ever known — and we’ve know a lot of people. However, we forgive her the mechanical indiscretions in light of the fact that she just looks so damn good naked. You can tell by looking at Inari’s newest “Gallery” entry. [FEATURED TAGS: Inari Vachs] |
11/01/01 | In honor of the weather getting cooler, we thought it would be cool to revisit Hedonism III in Jamaica. Wendy chimed in to help by letting us have a copy of the journal she kept while there. Then she helped us out even more with a bunch of naked pictures. We love that Wendy’s so helpful … sexy as all get out too, it seems. Check out her latest journal entry — well, part one, at least — this woman has a lot to say, and show off … [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine] |
November 2001 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Asia Carrera| Ava Vincent| Becca| Bunny Luv| Cheyenne Silver| Dee| Devinn Lane| Emmanuelle| Inari Vachs| Juli Ashton| Keri Windsor| Kristal Summers| Miyoko| Nikki Charm| Tiffany Granath| Wendy Divine