Cheyenne Silver at Hedonism

Andre Madness — Colors of Cooperation

Mad About Hue

by Madness Trawling

Bobbi StarrJust to be clear right off the bat here, we happen to be talking about Andre Madness, just so you know. For those of you new around the risqué parts, we happen to go way back with Dear Andre. Back in the glory days of Playboy TV’s Night Calls, he used to be the official risqué videographer on all the annual trips to Hedonism III in Jamaica. We should mention that none of the following photos really have anything directly to do with the point today, but it did seem silly to miss an opportunity to show off Cheyenne Silver naked. [It might even be criminal, come to think of it.]

Actually, some people think that Andre picked his working name “Madness” as a result of these trips. Honestly, that makes some degree of sense. Personally I attribute it to the fact that this interesting fellow at one point lived with Stephanie Swift and Cheyenne Silver – at the same time. [And, yes, “lived with” in that way.] At some point he decided to discontinue this arrangement, and if that particular decision doesn’t aptly define “Madness” – with a capital “M” – then I sure can’t think of a better one.

[For the record, the Members’ Area had rather different photos of Cheyenne Silver displayed here, but we remain dedicated to protecting potentially sensitive eyes. Consequently, we set about finding some clothed pictures of Cheyenne to use here. That turned out to be harder than you might imagine, as Cheyenne doesn’t like to wear clothes very much even when she’s not at a nudist resort. In case you don’t recognize her, that’s Keri Windsor in the center photo with Cheyenne. Keri also prefers nudity as it turns out. Don’t you just love that in pretty women?]

Cheyenne Silver Cheyenne Silver Cheyenne Silver Cheyenne Silver Cheyenne Silver

At any rate, after a long stretch of meetings with a suitably sincere muckity-muck from Adam & Eve last week, we got an invitation to drop by one of their shoots going on. We found out that Andre happened to be heading up this adult-oriented effort, so suddenly this sounded like a dandy idea. [We can’t yet disclose the purpose of these meetings, but we will tell you that they involve a unique and certainly wildly successful director in our business. Oh! And his name rhymes with “Like all: Win!”] Driving to the set it did occur to us that most people would probably ask which women they were likely to meet on a shoot, rather than who happened to be directing. [That thought did in fact give me a moment’s pause as I recall, although no matter what they tell you: One of the darned handy things about getting older does turn out to be that you forget things quickly. Hey, too much recall of one’s life can be depressing.]

Even More Risque:  Adult Model Quirks


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