And Then Along Came Georgia Jones

Georgia JonesMaybe ‘Tis Better Not to Have Loved

by Nobody Special

Heterosexual relationships can tricky, with no small amount of “drama” often a large part of the equation. If you have ever been close with a gay couple, though, you know that compared to them, all of our love issues seem about as substantive as cotton candy.

It can’t really have anything to do with what body part one likes to lick or suck in bed, but it sure seems that way sometimes. Simple mathematics would indicate that bisexual people have twice as good of a chance at getting laid as the rest of us mere straight folks, so they should be twice as happy. However, if that “fondle something similar to my own” itch turns into an honest-to-goodness relationship, well, it can get — let’s go with sticky. And you can recognize danger on the horizon by observing a simple look. We’ve given a couple of “looks” in this article, so you’ll figure out what we mean.

At the First of the Shoot

Georgia Jones and Jana Jordan

Have you ever found how infatuation beats love by a LOT?

As we alluded in the New Stuff introduction, we had to alter our planned finale to the Jana > Georgia > Faye story out of respect for the wishes of one of the involved, even to the point of not mentioning the illuminating nickname floating around the set. Personally I found this sad, because honestly how often can you work “sobriquet” into a sentence in life anymore? That said, we do not wish to hurt anyone unnecessarily so we will simply lay out a few facts for you should you wish to do a little snooping with the risqué search engine and figure out some things for yourself.

  1. Jana and Georgia showed up on set “together” but not wishing to have sex on camera “together” anymore.
  2. Georgia had nothing really to do on this day except sit around on a location miles from anything.
  3. Interestingly, Mr. Ninn had also booked Faye Reagan on this day, who because of ride-sharing ended up having a few hours to kill before she got into makeup for her evening scene.
Even More Risque:  Deft Clefts Denouement

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