9/30/10 | You know how many modern cars have CD changers built into them these days, and most of those devices have six “slots” into which you may insert your various personal music selections? … Right. … So in one particular car this week we found the following options available to us: Mötly Crüe, Bobby Darin, Aretha Franklin, Ringo Starr, Human League, and The Black Crowes. Now you might expect someone with such diverse, and potentially eclectic (Let’s be honest.), music tastes to carry these “unusual” predilictions into her everyday day life, and Shayla LaVeaux certainly doesn’t disappoint today as she gives it “Ye Olde College Try” for our entertainment. Tied very closely to this wonderful revelation was D.Minion’s glee at discovering she could do this in boring old computer code: ♥ … . Simple pleasures, y’all. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] |
9/27/10 | What if you make moccasins out of a water moccasin? Is that redundant? Well while our (significantly less than, truth be told) Illustrious Leader was off contemplating important issues such as this over the weekend, those less philosophically inclined were left behind to launch the proper celebration of Dear Maverick’s Birthday (as you can see below, actually). When His Pickiness returned, it seems that there were some very slight – hardly worth mentioning, really – variances between what happened and what was supposed to happen. Gee. Some people have no sense of humor about some things, like spending hours and hours working on a new video display method that we sort of … well … forgot. And then there was something about a whole bunch of pictures that sort of slipped through the cracks too. Oops. … Hey, if we didn’t have to spend so much time pondering the appropriate animal skins with which to make comfortable footwear, we’d have probably remembered. It’s better now, though. Whew. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Julia Ann] |
9/25/10 | Birthdays generally fall in the “happy occasion” category for most of us, and when Maverick has one we get to share his gift with everyone. What could be better than a Kristal Summers Cam Show Replay you may wonder? Well, a Cam Show that also featured the ever-lovely Julia Ann, of course. It seems Mav has a thing for blondes with large breasts, but we’re thinking that he may have plenty of friends out there that understand this fascination, even if they don’t share the level of his enthusiasm. True, Kristal was in one of her Brunette Phases this time, but somehow we think that her hair color won’t keep Dear Maverick from enjoying the show. … And we need to be nice to Mav: He has to live in the rain most of the time. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Julia Ann Video, Exclusive Video] |
9/19/10 | Apparently after yesterday’s editorial comments regarding beer consumption and professional duties, Maverick felt a need to define (and a little bit defend) a few British traditions. Now the “point – counterpoint” approach works fairly well in conversation, but in a written environment, when you don’t get to include the final words … well … not so much. On the upside (even for the U.K. folks out there), Georgia Adair illustrates today, so everyone can pretty much ignore the “weird” as Mav puts it. There’s a saying about a pot and a kettle, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair] |
9/18/10 | Peeking at partying porn stars makes for a decidedly happy day, and Maverick has once again provided us just such an opportunity. Now we can’t say with certainty that the fact that these happen to be U.K. porn stars makes it even more fun, but it sure seems to. Maybe we just like seeing different women flashing and playing than the ones we usually see. Come to think of it, this might validate Ron White’s comment (that we tend to quote a lot around here, truth be told): “Once you’ve seen one woman naked, you pretty much want to see them all.” [FEATURED TAGS: AdultStars247.com, Anais, Crystal Pink, Michelle Moist, Holly D, Shay Hendrix, Loz Lorrimar, Syren Sexton, Tyler, Tiffany Doll, Kerry Louise, Sarah Jane, Tanya Cox, Exclusive Video] |
9/13/10 | Once again we’ve evidence of how unnecessarily complicated women can be. The current issue of Glamour magazine lists on its cover a (presumably) insightful article claiming “Ten Ways to Get What You Really Want in Bed” – which sounds nice, but has nine too many options it sounds like to us. A men’s magazine would say simply: “How Do You Get What You Really Want in Bed? Pay for It.” … See? … Sometimes perspective can make all the difference, and if D.Minion’s coverage of Exxxotica LA this summer teaches us nothing else, it should teach us that. On the other hand, any excuse for scantily-clad ladies always makes us happy – even the overly complicated women around here. [FEATURED TAGS: Exxxotica LA, Cytherea, Sunny Lane, Sophia Lynn, Joanna Angel, Exclusive Video] |
9/10/10 | We’re bringing in a little Brando today. OK. So technically we’re just bringing in the name, but we use it in the context of a really famous movie. Honestly, though, the movie actually sprung from an even more famous book, at least if you’re the type of person who reads. And if you’re not the type of person who reads, well, we’re not sure what you’re doing here quite honestly, but welcome anyway. If it makes you feel any better, you’ll have a lot of fun just looking at the “BTS Adornment” provided by Cytherea. You can just ignore all the words. That’s what most of the people that actually work here do, truth be told. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea] |
9/8/10 | Continuing our traditional celebration of really funny t-shirts, we saw one at a ridiculously fancy store in L.A. this week that said, “It’s not all about winning or losing. Well, OK. Yeah, it is.” Of course a philosophy such as this comes fairly easily in a retail establishment where some of the shoes cost more than the first car most of us had growing up. Speaking of growing up, apparently those short-legged pants have made a comeback – or maybe they never left. We tried to get the details but oddly enough the sales people at the fancy place didn’t seem all that interested in providing fashion history to someone wearing a 20-yr-old Denver Broncos t-shirt. Go figure. … And what does all of this have to do with Capri Anderson? … Thankfully very little. We’d warn you about the Mary Tyler Moore references today, but that would spoil all the fun, now wouldn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Capri Anderson] |
9/2/10 | No one can be quite certain why all of the sudden quotes from The Great Gatsby keep coming across the posting desk, but apparently someone has started college again and has found themselves in an American Lit class. That said, the following does indeed have some bearing on today’s introspection, albeit more in the addendum than in the information proper. “Americans, while occasionally willing to be serfs, have always been obstinate about being peasantry.” … And if you don’t understand (or don’t care) about the expatriate Mr. Fitzgerald, well, just look at the conclusion of the Cytherea having fun being a voyeur story. We all get to pick our own drummer. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea] |
September 2010 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
Stars:Anais| Capri Anderson| Crystal Pink| Cytherea| Georgia Adair| Holly D| Joanna Angel| Julia Ann| Kerry Louise| Kristal Summers| Loz Lorrimar| Michelle Moist| Sarah Jane| Shay Hendrix| Shayla LaVeaux| Sophia Lynn| Sunny Lane| Syren Sexton| Tanya Cox| Tiffany Doll| Tyler