
Anais Appeal, Technically

Anais Appeal — According to Maverick

by Perplexed Potentate

Anais on the Farm. That seems odd.We’ve actually been trying to spend a little more time on the free side of risqué here, but it has been a busy month, as they tend to be. We are adding more free stories to the Examples section, and although you have to register to read those, people do seem to like them. At least they spawn emails, and that doesn’t happen often in the web world. Everyone’s pretty busy. Have you noticed?

We actually did want to comment on the most recent entry, because people have been wanting verification that Maverick’s story with us happens to be a true one. As with most oddities in life, you really can’t make this stuff up. He started a few years ago as an Inari Vachs fan, attended a few parties and conventions with us, and somehow ended up shooting his own line of POV titles for one of our sister sites now, Really. (Also, he really does tend to walk into stationary objects whenever Kristal Summers is in the room.) For now, you can actually follow his exploits by being a Member of the Risque Commune sites, at least until Mav really spreads his wings and bops off on his own. Now that actually requires a paid membership, as compared to just reading risque samples for free out here, but on the upside the photos don’t have those annoying black bars over them (or that cute, but equally annoying, blue guy going “Shhh”) on the inside. As you might imagine, the Members’ videos also tend toward the much more captivating.

If you’ve been following us through the month of September, come to think of it, you’ve been seeing our tribute to Wendy Divine as a regular Wednesday feature, and Wendy’s got that captivating bit down to a science. The last installment goes up today, but odds are pretty good we’ll do another “Humping with Wendy special at some point. We never seem to run out of things to do, because people like this woman Anais here tend to drop by a lot.

Even More Risque:  50 Ways to Have Your Lover

Further Anais Appeal — Selected by Maverick

risque anais appeal risque anais appeal risque anais appeal risque anais appeal risque anais appeal

Hard to argue with that.


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