Tori Black

“Torid” with Nymphetamine 3 – part 1

Our Tori Cleft for Thee

by Nobody Special

Tori Black on Nymphetamine 3PART ONE

“Can I squat?” asks the predictably nubile lass in the early morning sun.

“You can do whatever you want. This is your day. We’re just hangin’ with you for a bit,” comes Mr. Ninn’s immediate reply from his perch overlooking the set of his own Nymphetamine 3 concept.

Thus begins another episode in the quirky life of Michael Ninn, er, IMNINN, er … whatever. (Geniuses often lead confusing lives. Have you noticed?)

The naked lady in question has been gyrating in front of the cameras for several minutes now, and seems confused about her options. True, she has been gyrating while standing on a canopied bed, outside by a swimming pool – in high heels – so even though she’s a porn star, she probably doesn’t have a whole lot of experience with this particular situation. Like any professional she wants to please the director of the show, but unlike almost all directors, Michael deploys a minimalist approach to the actual “direction” part of his solo female scenes.

It’s early on a Saturday morning in Los Angeles, and since screen-writer and budding director A.J. Wells happens to be visiting this weekend, we’ve committed to attending the entire duration of this latest Celluloid Addiction shoot. First in. Last out. Both days. … Nothing but beautiful naked women to look at and talk to for the entire weekend in the Hollywood Hills. Oh, bother. Work, work, work ….

tori black tori black tori black tori black tori black

The dedication here reigns astounding, right? [By the way, has finally launched. We encourage you to go there, and join. Talented fellow, that Michael. Sort of scary, really. Do tell him we said hello.]

True to the roots of the Nymphetamine series, Michael et al, have assembled a dandy collection of beautiful women to prance through the camera lenses over the next two days. Also true to the roots of the latest incarnation of the Artcore of Michael Ninn, the “et al” part of the equation remains remarkably low in the New Ninn world. There’s Michael, of course, a couple of camera operators, a video tech, and sort of a miscellaneous guy whose job consists of helping everyone with whatever they need. Other than the actual application of the models’ makeup, Michael’s partner on set handles basically everything else, from the producer and assistant director positions, to production managing, to styling and wardrobe, to the actual still photography and behind-the-scenes videography, Scott fills a lot of shoes in this streamlined approach to making DVDs.

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