[As regular perusers of the free risque “tour” can attest, we will often run articles out here that ran with their more explicit illustration many years ago. Generally something current reminds us of something back then, so we will look up the original piece and pull it out again for free display. To be clear, Charlie and Penny have both long retired at this point, although one can still find Monique (with many more tattoos) on the rare set now and again. Still, beautiful naked women never go out of style, even though hair styles — in all the bodily locale, btw— might. Famous people get to be young and flawless forever, both a blessing and a curse, perhaps. At any rate, onward…]
Of Puppies and Porn Stars
by Theo Rem
So let’s do a little math. [OK. I confess that this would qualify as an odd beginning for an article on a predominantly adult site, even for us.]
According to Wikipedia, a “generation” spans 30 years. Now we don’t need to debate (or actually even understand the reasoning behind) this, but we need a place to start, so let’s go with that. And let’s just say that the “average” person works 45 years of their lives. (It’s probably somewhere between 47 and 43, depending on how much higher education they earned, and when they started working for a living, but let’s just go with simple math for today, and say 45.) And we need one final fact to begin our analysis today, so we’ll tell you that, according to Revered Old Dude around here, the “average” career in a woman in porn is “certainly less than 9 months,” but according to D.Minion might be as little as three. Again, in the interests of simple math, we’ll go with six months as a typical career — or porn generation for our purposes.
Now we did some research on three of our all-time favorite women in porn, and as it turns out Monique Alexander started in the business back in early October of 2001. Then “a generation” later Penny Flame came along, followed by Charlie Laine, yet another generation down the road. (And all three of these women happen to be in today’s photo sets. How convenient is that?) Upon talking with some of the more aged [Ahem.] folks in the office we began to get an understanding of just how rare it turns out to be to find a photo set of three women still working six or more years after they started.
Naw, a Porn career can go on ten generations or till the time you get in till the time you die. And D. Minion or Dee is my Porn performing muse. LOVE YOU ALWAYS. PS: Stay safe from covid.
If you live beyond ten generations, give us a call. Even we do not have people that old, from whom we might seek wisdom.