X360 Sex Awards

[As we head out to yet another convention and Awards Show we thought we’d run a replay of the most recent Awards Show coverage from the members’ side. As a group we have some silly amount cumulative of experience — like 100+ years — and yet we still always really look forward to hanging out with old friends, new friends, and … you know … whatever else “hangs out” at a show stocked full of adult movie stars. Maybe it’s the food. … ]

McKylie & McBeth

by Nobody Special

We’ve all heard this: Art is Pain. Considering most things in modern life move inexorably toward the more and more complicated, the brains behind the wildly successful AVN Awards Show years got together for an as yet unnamed cable television outlet and put together a new event they called simply, The Sex Awards.

Sex Awards 2013Now a whole bunch of people will write a whole bunch of things about “famous porn star this and famous porn star that,” so true to our form at risqué we won’t really bother with any such boring approach. If someone has already said it, why bother trying to say it again, right? Worse, if an excellent writer has already said it, even trying to say it again seems intentionally foolish, and we always try to limit ourselves to being accidentally foolish at risqué. So we’ve decided to sum up the vast majority of the attendee quotes to one little line courtesy of the Bard:

If it were done when ’tis done, then ’twere well it were done quickly.

— Shakespeare, “Macbeth”

Alright, so we may have taken that particular reference slightly out of context, but you get the point. Smooth, Organized, Elegant, and fast sum up the comment highlights. Trust us when we tell you that to throw an industry event and not get anyone to complain about anything ranks as a very rare and impressive accomplishment.

One risqué favorite photographer, even older than risqué’s aged leader — and thus quite reasonably wishing to remain anonymous — described the event as “Vintage Fishbein … Sands, circa 2008.” Of course this high praise may be confusing for anyone not as old as risqué’s aged leader, so just understand that the two guys behind the Sex Awards happen to be the same two guys that spearheaded almost all of the forward-thinking efforts back at the old AVN. The “Fishbein” in the anonymous quote actually happened to be one of the AVN owners back in its glory days. (By the way, the photographer wishes to remain anonymous, but since we have started a Shakespeare theme today, if you want a hint, think Lear.)

If you want a point of view overlooked by many it seems, this might be the first truly “industry only” event we have ever seen associated with AVN. They accepted nominations and tabulated the votes via a shockingly modern approach, some new-fangled thing called The Internet, but they honestly did limit attendance to the awards themselves. The people at the doors all worked off networked “lists” via iPads, and if you were not on the list, you did not get in. Obviously anyone that has a friend in the industry could probably get on the list, but that limitation happily kept the attendance under 2,000 as it turned out. They didn’t even advertise the venue on the web site, so unless “Hollywood” helped as a location, you had to know someone to even ask them where to go.

Even More Risque:  Closeting Shayla LaVeaux

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