Georgia Adair

Georgia Adair Toys with Affection

Next, you’ve got to know your bottom line going through the door, or an experienced player in the office (usually a company owner or some such highfalutin’ honcho) will eat you for lunch. Confidence and ability aside, and you all believe you have those attributes in spades or you wouldn’t be here in the first place, the simple fact remains that the person you’re going to be negotiating with has done this probably dozens of times (or more) before, and you’re just used to worrying about yourself. If you figure out your “I’m going to say ‘No’ if these specific conditions aren’t met” position before you go into the meeting, at least you’ll know when it’s time to walk away quickly before you sign anything. It’s much easier to remember one small group of things than it is to try and script exactly how the people in the room are going to interact once the “dance” begins. … And I’ll let you in on a secret here: There is a ZERO percent chance that you’ll be able to predict exactly how the conversation will go. Just think of how you want to start, memorize your “bottom line bullet points” … and then listen to what’s going on around you. If you spend all your time trying not to forget the next point you want to make, you’re not going to have time to process what the company representative will be trying to tell you (or hide from you, but that’s getting into Graduate School Level Negotiating, so we’ll ignore that for now).

Here’s where to whole question of, “How can I achieve the kind of career I’m really looking for?” starts to turn depending upon the answers to the above questions, so I’ll just answer any specific concerns you may have on the phone next week. (The AVN shows we’re producing deliver on Monday, so we should be back to normal time-wise by Tuesday.) My real point here comes from the recognition that a very important “fourth” potential income option may come into play, assuming all the stars align and you play your cards right, and keep your ducks in a row … and a whole selection of other similarly mixed metaphors turn out to be true. Endorsement income may well become far and away the only truly amazingly profitable part of your career that you never really considered in much depth.

[The rather impactful photo set that accompanies this article happens to feature Georgia Adair in a promotional activity uniquely suited to our industry. (So if you wanted to know how in the world these pictures have anything to do at all with what we’re talking about, well, there you have it.) Sadly, the “demonstrations” of the products did not lend themselves to “non-explicit” display, so out here in the free side, you get no pictures. Heck Georgia’s probably worth Joining for all by herself.]

Even More Risque:  Dating Tenaya

Assuming you work the other major areas of your career properly, at some point the endorsements will make you many times as much money as the mere performance contract. So don’t get your head all wrapped up in how much prettier, or sexier, or more talented you think you are than some other woman already working under a deal. Just get your head straight on the issues that are important to you. Stay humble, and do each job to the absolute best of your ability. So few people in life actually succeed in these seemingly simple steps that you’ll rise to the top of the pool, almost without noticing it.

When that happens, even if you don’t end up becoming a Risqué Client, you should do what you can to commit this very important advice to memory: Be nice to people on the way up, because you’re going to pass them again on the way back down.

Finally, if you want to know the toughest question a company owner will consider, but will probably never ask you, it’s this: Why should they take on the additional accounting and emotional headaches that invariably arise just to have you exclusively when they could simply pay an exaggerated fee every once in awhile and get you in whatever movie they wanted?

Figure out the answer to that one, and you’ll hear the fat lady warming up in the wings.


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