Filed Under: Jenna Haze

September 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


You take your basic adult video site, and you start talking about video of “pie” and all kinds of naughty things most likely come to mind. While Cytherea and her CyCAM certainly fit that bill, we will warn you that D.Minion has once again outdone herself with her “Eye in the Pie” interpretation. Don’t worry too much, however, as we can assure you that even this oddness has nothing whatsoever to do with 3.14159265 … [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video] 

Sweet Dreams Are Made of This

We theorize that you members have been keeping up with all the Risque Commune sites over the past week and a half. Because you have learned this a valuable effort, you have thus already seen Cytherea playing naturally au naturel in nature, Shayla being her naturally friendly self while “Going Down, Down Under” … and Maverick of 247AdultStars fame (yeah, well, sort of) turning a quite natural shade of purple in the presence of naked females. You have already seen all this so we don’t even need to mention it. If you have somehow lost your mind recently and have not been paying commune-wide attention, well fear not, we have linked you pleasantly today. And we’ve thrown in a study of Bijou Not Being Bitter as well. We think maybe she doesn’t understand that word. … And in case you’re wondering, we “theorize” all of this because we know what “assume” can do. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jessica Drake Video, Dolorean Video, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video, Dee, Wendy Divine, Kristal Summers, Keri Windsor,] 

A Natural Cy

Gloom has befallen fully half of the NFL fans as of very late last night, or very early this morning, depending upon where you call home. The other half of the fans, as one might expect, find themselves rejuvenated, thoughts of evil union disputes pushed far into the ancient history parts of there minds. … Then there are the other people who have somehow managed to avoid the clutches of American Football Frenzy and find accounts of lesbian sexual interaction far more appealing. Sometimes it can be hard to understand any of these extremes, however, but if you think about it, it remains far easier to contemplate why someone might be interested in beautiful naked females than it does to fathom how some people can get distressingly worked up over a game. Those people should probably search for “Gloom, despair, and agony on me” replays on YouTube. [FEATURED TAGS: Angie Savage Exclusive Video, Angelina Valentine Exclusive Video, Holly Sampson, Juelz Ventura]

Two Angie Types Likely not Thinking about Football

As it turns out, no one was keeping the home fires burning during our recent trip to cover Adam & Eve’s Dallas — experience. On the other hand, some attentive person decided to provide a great deal of fire for us at our temporary location. Honestly in this case we’d rather not have relied on the kindness of strangers. And for a town named “Sweet Water” they sure didn’t seem to have much of it actually available locally. Go figure. [FEATURED TAGS: Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

A Differnt Kind of Fire Down Below

Depending upon when you happen to be reading this, you may find that we are technically “before” September 7th. However, since we’re taking all the new folks in the office down to L.A. to cover the Adam & Eve “Parody” of Dallas this week, we thought we’d get this up before we left so people weren’t sad in our absence. Of course you could be reading this at some point in the future, so this distinction won’t mean anything at all to you. Just understand that time remains a wholly relative concept around here, and you’ll be fine. If you find yourself still confused, ask “eno” on the Message Board. He can explain it. … Oh! Cougars & Coeds – part 1. … [FEATURED TAGS: Shyla Styles, Ruby Rayes]

Shyla & Ruby - Not Concerned with Our Absence at All

Someone told us recently that “It’s better to be implacable than wise.” He claims to have read it in a book, and it may even be true. Were we wise enough to know what implacable means, we might even be able to comment with more insight, but sadly most of us here lack the tenacity necessary to go and find a dictionary these days. Even takes valuable time away from YouTube where we might enjoy classic Jennifer Beals videos. We all make tough decisions in life. For the record, though, when we grow up, we want to be Uncle Gibby. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Ashton Moore, Dru Berrymore, Jenna Haze, Laurie Wallace, Michelle Michaels, Shay Sights, Star E. Knight, Tanya Danielle, Wanda Curtis, Lexi Belle, Monique Alexander, Nikki Delano, Breanne Benson, Capri Anderson, Sunny Leone, Exxxotica Chicago 2011 Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

Star E. Knight Offering a Potentially Easy Decision

Finally we find ourselves but one round of meaningless games away from the real NFL season. … That’s what we’re all thinking, right? … It certainly couldn’t be that we have once again in our lives been distracted by large-breasted females. That couldn’t happen yet again, could it? … No way. We are dedicated and seasoned professionals, in no way susceptible to confusion generated by simple biological quirks. … And if you believe that, you really needn’t bother with today’s post. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michael Ninn]

Happy Birthday Kristal Summers!

July 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We could call this something philosophical today – like “Net Benefit” – but that would imply way too much economic thought when considering Maverick’s forays into the summertime debauchery that many, many beers in London can bring if you hang out with porn stars. Come to think of it, we should have learned after all these years not to even try to qualify Maverick with mere words. Pictures are better, and some of the videos aren’t even hopelessly dark. Bonus! [FEATURED TAGS: Sophie O’Brien Exclusive Video, Kimmy Haze, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video, Valentina Cruz Exclusive Video, Tracey Lain, Faye Rampton Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Video,] 

Definitely NOT Maverick

So most adult web sites probably don’t mention either Eugene O’Neill or Michael Landon in their typical discourse, and they certainly don’t weave them into the same conversation we’re guessing. That said, we’ve never made any claims to be on even the same planet as typical in this world, and we do talk about Nikki Kane enough that you can just ignore the old dead guys. That would certainly be cheerier. [FEATURED TAGS: Nikki Kane, Michael Ninn]

A Kane That's Certainly Able ... (We have no shame.)

Many types of people end up in the “adult business” although many of them seem quite unwilling to accept it, or at least acknowledge it publicly. A quick trip through the latest “Novelty” convention has highlighted this little fact that we seem to forget, while Shayla choosing an outfit in which to attend a small-town produce “Festival” seems to demonstrate how seamlessly we adapt to the “regular” world. Overall, we seem to have an easier time with them than they do with us. You’d think they’d take lessons, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] 

Prepare to be Dazzled

You just know you’ve made it as a major society in the History of the World when road construction in one of your major cities makes the international news. Either that, or you know it has been an amazingly slow news day. Well, you’ve got a much less painful option to consider over the weekend, and you won’t even have to think about “Carmageddon” in LA at all. The CyCAM makes its episodic debut today, and while potentially as noteworthy as shutting down the major North/South interstate in Los Angeles, it probably won’t make the television news anywhere. Pity, that. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video] 

Cytherea's Favorite Appliance

Possibilities abound in this business in general, and unique potential multiplies geometrically around the risque communes. For example, sometimes the people that came up with the plan for a post don’t happen to be around when the time comes for other people to actually do the work. And sometimes that can be just a tad confusing. On the upside, this particular confusion involves Wendy Divine, Shayla LaVeaux, Aurora Snow, and Jenna Haze all in various states of nakedness. Come to think of it, we could more accurately have described “all of the various states” as completely. That would have worked too. See how confused we get? [FEATURED TAGS: Erotica Los Angeles 2004, Julia Ann, Mika Tan, Nina Hartley, Brittney Skye, Wendy Divine, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jenna Haze Video, Aurora Snow Video, Michael Ninn]

Shayla LaVeaux and Julia Ann - Breasts of Friends, Obviously

As the temperatures rise across the country, getting wet seems like a wonderful idea a great deal of the time. Of course when you consider the juxtaposition of Cytherea and “wet” in a single sentence, the relevance of the outside temperature doesn’t really matter all that much. Now if with this introduction you might be forming an opinion as to Cytherea being a meteorologist of some sort, well, you clearly don’t know Cytherea all that well. Take heart (or whatever) in hand, though, for today you may learn much more about her. She loves D.Minion, you know. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

The Writing's on the Wall

Some of us consider our civic duty as males to play the chivalrous role, offering strength, comfort, guidance, and support to any lass potentially in a less than favorable situation. The fact that Uncle Gibby just happened to find himself called into action at a strip club where Bree Olson was headlining, well, that’s just a coincidence. He’s a dedicated lad, that Gibby. Rumor has it he’s also thinking of changing his name to “Jimmy” but you’ll have to follow along inside to understand his rationale. [FEATURED TAGS: Bree Olson Video]

Polaroids?! Wow! ... How Retro.

We attended a workshop at a conference once where the speaker began his talk by saying, “We only walk by continually beginning to fall forward.” While we can’t really speak to the relevance for that specific workshop to what followed in our professional careers, since none of us can even remember which one it was – or even what city we were in when we heard it – we have employed the sentiment on occasion. For example, we can see how the theory applies to the freedoms celebrated in America on July 4th, even if many of us face $2,000 fines should we seek to create our own Rocket’s Red Glare instead of simply enjoying those of the government-sponsored variety. Perhaps most of all, however, Freedom (with a capital “F” don’t you know) allows us to voice introspection and illustrate our points with beautiful naked women. All in all that does seem safer than potentially blowing off your hand or burning the town down. [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Shayla LaVeaux, Jassie, Marie Luv, Daisy Marie, Faith Leon, Kimberly Kane, Adriana Sage, Britney Manson, Emily Marilyn, Michael Ninn]

Seeking Anais: An Excellent Use of Freedom

Everybody should pop on over to and say hello. You should also probably join Julia’s site so you can see all the cool stuff. If you decide upon this course of action, however, you should probably be aware that there might be nudity there, and even possibly representations of sex out of wedlock. Then again if moral issues seem to be a stumbling block for you, what the heck are you doing here anyway? … So how’d we do Julia? Subtle enough? [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video]

Reading Can Be Educational

June 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We’ll pretty much consider anything as a topic if it leads to a discussion of female masturbation. We’re quirky that way. And every group needs a leader, of course. Well if you’ve spent any time at all as a member in the Risque Communes you’ve undoubtedly become familiar with D.Minion, our resident Queen of Quirk. This time around she somehow manages to take Lala X, a British adult actress, and meld her into a special Love, American Style. As you probably guessed, we are in fact talking about the television show that ran 40 years ago. … See? … Quirky, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Lala X Exclusive Video, ]

Two for the Show

Odds seem pretty solid that we’d have paid a lot more attention in Health class if Nicki Hunter had been our teacher. In addition to being an awesome singer, Ms. Hunter has a rather unusual (we assume) perspective on at least one of the four basic food groups, as you may learn today. Should education enterprises such as this seem overly taxing for your current mood, you might just pop over and see how Shayla LaVeaux chooses to pass the time in a recreational vehicle. Road Trip anyone? [FEATURED TAGS: Nicki Hunter Exclusive Video, Erica McLean Exclusive Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

Learning is Good

If you spend some of your free time reading, you’ll occasionally run across some wonderful quotes. For example, John D. MacDonald wrote, “Life is the process of finding out, too late, everything that should have been obvious to you at the time.” Now the fine author penned this pithy observation in The Only Girl in the Game, but to be fair, we actually discovered it as the introduction in Paul Levine’s Slashback. After such a literary introduction of our own, you might think that we’d be on an intellectual quest today, perhaps explicating a poem by John Donne and dealing with a rather different form of conceit than the adult industry usually provides, this of the metaphysical sort. … Naw. We’re just letting D.Minion rant about how she hates to miss things and remembering fondly the first time we got to see Cytherea’s new boobs. … We all enjoy life’s callings a little differently. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Not Far From Donne, Truth Be Told

To be quite honest, one of our favorite aspects of working on this site for over a decade has to be that we simply don’t need to make stories up. While we do rather enjoy reading fiction, the dedication and attention to detail that it requires to actually write it really doesn’t interest us much. Around here it works much more like a typical “editorial” job in an old fashioned journalistic setting. Of course we would maintain that our particular subject matter tends to keep one’s general interest more than, for example, local politics, or even the local football team. Come to think of it, probably all the NFL players are looking at every single day while they wait for the lockout to end. That makes sense, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Cassidey Video, Michael Ninn]

Cassidey - Doing Her Bit for the NFLPA

Most of us have probably heard the saying “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” – or some sort of variation on that translation. Many of us, however, might be surprised to learn that the quote does not come from the book Of Mice and Men, but rather comes from a really old poem by Robert Burns, which inspired the name of the aforementioned book. Sadly neither Mr. Burns, or the excellent author John Steinbeck ever got a chance to photograph Cytherea taking a bath, and we feel sorry for them. As for the members, you can look up the poem if you want, but looking at Cytherea would probably be a lot more fun. Because we’re kind and like to give hints, the relevant lines in the poem read literally, “The best-laid schemes o’ mice an ‘men / Gang aft a-gley” (ouch) while Cytherea in a tub reads like the photo here. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Wendy Divine]

Poetry Perhaps of a More Relevant Sort

At its essence life comes down to a matter of perspective. You can approach it with emotions ranging from calm benevolence to malevolent ire, but in the end we’re all going to end up in the same place. No matter how rich you happen to be, no matter how many friends you have on facebook, the final chapter will read the same for each of us. What matters, therefore, becomes how we interact with the world before that final date on the tombstone. Take D.Minion. … We keep asking and yet no one seems willing to. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo 2011, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea, Raquel Devine Exclusive Video]

Shayla LaVeuax in Consdieration of D.Minion

Do you know how you can tell if you’re bowling with Cytherea? At some point in the evening the PA announcer will utter the words, “Wet cleanup on Alley 11” in one variation or another. (True story.) … Not everything that porn people do in life has to do with being nude and sweaty, shocking as that may seem, and this time around we’re celebrating that fact to rather lengthy extent. Heather Vandeven and Michelle Maylene drop by to help D.Minion’s story (thus the “lengthy” part of the description), and then you can pop over to Cy’s site in case you missed her update earlier this week. Come to think of it, you can watch her “prepare” for bowling, although you’ll still need to bring along your own sweat, assuming you find that appropriate. We figure you can handle that part. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Heather Vuur Exclusive Video, Heather Vandeven Exclusive Video, Michelle Maylene Exclusive Video, Nicki Hunter]

Monitoring Heather and Michelle. It's a living.

Let’s see, shall we? We should be talking about shooting explicit photos of Cytherea on a couch, and eventually we do get there, but we take what we’ll term an unusual path in the process. We’ve got modern technology, Greek Mythology, inventions from classic Hollywood starlets, WWII, and even foreign nuclear reactors to get through first. Can you tell Lon wrote the story? Really, really smart fellow, that Lon. He does seem to rattle easily on occasion, however. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea, Vicca]

Cytherea's NOT hiding from Lon's lessons. We swear.

Doing some of the most normal things in life can take on an … let’s go with unusual … twist when you do them with porn stars. Of course given the choice between the normal and the not, everyone in this business would choose the latter. Look at it this way: We wouldn’t have chosen this profession if we felt at all typical in our overall approach to life. Allegedly time will tell if we’ve chosen the right path, but until then, everyone should lobby for the chance to make ice cream with Shayla LaVeaux. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Jessica Drake, Phoenix Ray, Dolorian, Evan Stone]

It's All About Concentration

You have your basic Hall of Fame in a lot of different places in life. What you’ll find a lot more rare will be these instances where you can find a Hall of Should Be Fame when you run across it. Of course if you found a hall that contained Sabrina Rose, Celeste Star, and our good friend Charlie Laine, you could probably think of a lot of ways to make that famous too. It all seems relative in life, doesn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Sabrina Rose Video, Celeste Star Video, Michael Ninn]

it must be hot in that hall

Should you be reading this historically, you won’t notice any difference, but those looking at it currently certainly will. As almost all of you know by now, for the last week or so we (along with millions of others in cyberland) have been under attack by an admittedly quite smart, but altogether nefarious character nonetheless. For the first time in our history we actually got “cracked” and have been frantically dealing with the aftermath for some time now. Finding the leak, as it were, is nothing compared to repairing all the damage done, if you want to know the truth. We’ve got it all locked down again now, better than ever ironically enough, and we’ve got a bunch of stuff backed up in the queue which we’ll rebuild quickly. We’ll catch up. We always do. And we do so elegantly, as you can tell from the picture of Shayla here. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo 2011, Shayla LaVeaux, Cheyenne Silver, Rayveness, Stormy Daniels, Kayden Kross, Sophie Dee, Bobbi Star, Stoya, Ginger Lynn, Monique Alexander, Faye Reagan, Jesse Jane, Jenna Haze, Tori Black, Alexis Texas, Jessica Drake, Alektra Blue]

The Milk of Shayla Kindness

July 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Just for the record, if you ever get a new friend in Los Angeles, she should own a ranch in the hills. We happened to be at two such places over the last few days, one of them drinking margaritas, and one of them not drinking margaritas because we just had to bring by our donation for the Pet Rescue Center before getting the heck out of Dodge – because we didn’t want to be stuck late drinking margaritas again. When Pour Me Another Tequila Sheila starts sounding like one of the greatest songs ever written, you should really call it a night. Also you all donate something to your local pet rescue … after reading this right now, naturally. [FEATURED TAGS: Tori Black, Erica McLean]

Tori Black. She probably loves Country Music.

Did you know that déjà vu has an opposite partner called jamais vu? It means feeling like you’re seeing something that should be familiar for the very first time. Well, Felicity lends us her photographic talents today, and even after having been present on literally thousands of adult movie sets, we found ourselves amazed. People might be surprised to learn that a great many very talented people populate this industry, and not all of them work in front of the camera. Not that we wouldn’t want to see Felicity naked, but that’s another story entirely. [FEATURED TAGS: Megan Foxx, Emy Reyes Video]

Sunny Lane's Eyes of the Beholder

To some extent we find ourselves without guidance today as the head guru dude is off working with Cytherea to help get the rest of the elements in line for the launch of her new site, and D.Minion is (we swear) off attending the General Hospital Annual Convention in Los Angeles. Obviously the first decision we understand completely, and the second one baffles us completely. At any rate we have been left to “complete” Maverick’s latest 247AdultStars entry today, and we have done so with our completely typical aplomb. Basically, we complete you. … Nice, isn’t it? [FEATURED TAGS: AdultStars247, Sandie Caine Video, Exclusive Video]

Lessons Learned Are Like ... Something. We forget.

None of us here could find a definitive answer regarding how old a person has to be before they can become an existential, but it does seem like you should probably be older than your typical new porn star. Of course some would argue that women that choose making adult movies as a vocation must by definition hold at least some existential concepts dear, even if they don’t perceive them as such. Others would argue that expressing one’s sexuality openly and without shame indicates rather a strong moral compass and a dedication to individual empowerment. … Then there are those of us that would argue that there’s altogether too much arguing in life already, and so we should really just stop arguing and enjoy the unusual people, like Erica McLean and Megan (“not that one” ) Foxx, that populate the planet. … Also, everyone should have dogs. If everyone had dogs, there would be no war. [FEATURED TAGS: Megan Foxx, Erica McLean]

Megan Foxx — Stratching an Itch. Or Itching a Scratch. … Whatever.

Feast or Famine. That’s what they say, right? Well, whoever “they” happen to be, “they” certainly hit the nail on the head this time around. All of the sudden everybody here has so many independent projects going on that we actually have a temporary written sheet to help keep track of them all. And computer geeks don’t like writing; that’s a fact. Still according to the Aged Ones in charge writing is actually faster and more efficient sometimes. (Yeah, right.) On the other hand, the crush has given one of the newer team members a chance to do a little investigation of Dee, along with Kinzie Kenner and Yasmine Milan. How bad can that be? As a matter of fact, also according to the Aged Ones, if we let people play with Dee stories once in awhile, they don’t whine nearly as much about workload. Even computer geeks agree with that. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Kinzie Kenner, Yasmine Milan]

Spanks for the Memories

This has all the markings of an interesting few days coming up, as we’re headed into downtown to help Cytherea with her next web content shoot, and then we plan on visiting our first ever “Exxxotica Los Angeles” convention. Usually we go to “Erotica Los Angeles” which would obviously be a completely different gathering (as you can tell by the completely different name), but AVN decided not to have “Erotica” this year (not that they really told anyone or anything, but we’re not bitter). Then we’re going to be on set for a couple of days with Erica McLean where presumably we will learn that on occasion pigs do indeed fly. Cytherea has chimed in further to help everyone pass the time in our absence with a blast from her past we’ve entitled “A Cy and a Thigh High Sigh” – simply because we’re weird that way. And if you’re familiar with Cytherea at all, you understand completely that we use the term “blast” here in a literal sense. The Geeks will be here doing their Geek Things, though, and after perusing today’s commentary, you’ll likely understand a bit more – and be quite happy doing so. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video]

Cy Creating the Thigh High Sigh

Just to be sure we get everyone mentioned, because they do bop all over this “socializing” story here, it was (in order of Marty’s Photo Page Appearance) Nicki Hunter, Jenna Haze, Sara Sloane, Misty Stone, Belladonna, Bobbi Star, Kirsten Price, Savanna Samson, Joanna Angel, and one bodaciously cute Production Assistant named Mandie hanging around on this day, but Tori Black, Kayden Kross and Kagney Lynn Karter didn’t get there until very late, so we have to save them for the next installment. Of course we still have plenty to cover (or uncover) today, so we’re not overly sad. Also, if you’re a Member here you know how much extra credit counts, so you might think about boning up on Kenny Rogers trivia and Greek Mythology. That’s probably not the type of “boning up” you expected here, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Nicki Hunter, Jenna Haze, Sara Sloane, Misty Stone, Belladonna, Bobbi Star, Kirsten Price, Savanna Samson, Joanna Angel]

Nicki Hunter, Savanna Samson and Sara Sloane  — Socializing

The current favorite for the Local LA Area Bumper Sticker contest we keep perpetually in motion around here reads, “Where am I going, and why am I in this hand basket?” Now you shouldn’t read too much into the fact that we’re talking a bit about AVN today, and if you do read something into it anyway, we can assure you that we plan on denying everything. As a matter of fact, that turns out to be a pretty good plan for life in general. Feel free to try it yourself. If nothing else, it annoys the dickens out of most people, and that’s always fun. [FEATURED TAGS: Felicity]

Felicity – of Body and Spirit