When her show was over, Julia greeted fans and friends. Lon got a free Polaroid! Cool! I just wished her a Happy Birthday and thanked her for inviting us! Julia looked gorgeous and was having a blast! [Does “Fabulous” go with Forty or Fifty? Ah, well, it doesn’t matter: With Julia it will likely be both. … Life can be not only unfair, but ostensibly cruel. She’s a princess of a woman, though, so it’s hard to feel too badly about how slowly she seems to age compared to the rest of us.]
Lon and I had decided on midnight as our “hard out” time. However, Julia had another show at 1:00 am. [This would not be the first time in history that a porn star completely rewrote the rules on something hard, as you probably know.] Sheer will and caffeine kept us awake. I know there were gorgeous, naked women all around us, but lately my bedtime has been around 8:00 pm! I was tired, but enjoyed the view. [Perhaps if she spent more time around gorgeous naked women she might stay up later at night, right?]
The caffeine was getting to me, so I went off to find the rest room. I knew where it was. In strip clubs, the ladies room is IN the dancers’ dressing room. I understand that I’d been watching these women writhe naked on stage for the last few hours, but I always feel like I’m sneaking into their sanctum sanctorum when I enter their dressing room. [And her point is?]
I was in and out in a flash and no one seemed to care in the least. [Gee. Strippers oblivious to everything except the wallets in the main room. Go figure.]
It was finally time for Julia Ann’s last show of the evening. Again, she killed. Julia has been dancing for years, knows exactly what she’s doing, and knows how to rile up a crowd. Also, her birth certificate may say “40” but her body says “25.” [And when Julia’s naked, my body pretty says anything Julia wants it to. I may not be alone in this, by the way.] Yup, we were happy we’d propped our eyelids up with toothpicks and stayed awake! At the finale, Dyanna Lauren and Melissa Monet brought out a flaming cake for our birthday girl! There was icing and licking and loads of good, clean fun!
The nice GPS lady led these tired pilgrims back to the hotel. We managed a couple hours of sleep before it was time to have Krispy Kremes, (Do you realize that there are NO Krispy Kreme franchises on the Central Coast? I know what I’m going to ask Santa for at Christmas!) and then off to the airport so Lon could shuttle back to Vegas. [At last report Lon still wore the large silly grin, but eventually the muscles in his face have to relax. We’re almost certain … ]
Sugar, caffeine, and happy memories kept me awake for the three hours it took to drive back home. [Well, it was the middle of the afternoon by this point. Bright sunshine. Lots of people in cars around. Hopefully that at least helped too.]
And by the way, I mentioned that Shayla and I had spent a good part of the evening gabbing. Guess who I get to share a room with at AEE in January? [She does?] Hee, hee, hee! More news when it’s available! [How come nobody ever tells me anything? … My uncle used to have a cap that said, “Where are the others? I must catch up because I am their leader.” … Now I get it.]