Shayla LaVeaux on Becoming a Porn Star

Becoming a Porn Star

The Evil Laugh of Victory

Of course, being the dedicated sociologists that we are, we had to go a bit farther than Twitter. So we also took a few minutes to look at what the “official news sources” say are the worst jobs in America. You do, however, have to remember that nudity as a job requirement did not seem to be a part of this official consideration. These people with economics (and other boring) degrees simply factored in risk, average salary, and potential for advancement. They all looked pretty much the same, so we randomly picked NBC to serve as the example. [Let’s be honest, NBC has needed all the help it can get since its now infamous decision to let its NFL broadcasts head on over to FOX.]

  1. Broadcaster
  2. Cook
  3. Enlisted Military Personnel
  4. Lumberjack
  5. Newspaper Reporter

You can see the rationale with this CITE, but we found the most interesting part to be that broadcaster and reporter make it to the list because of an interesting potential for job advancement calculated at MINUS 13%. Every day there are more and more people coming in that want to take your job, and given the threshold skill level required, the professions will weed out the weaker members of the herd fairly quickly.

Welcome to being a porn star. Should you be thinking about becoming a porn star, you might bear (or “bare”) that in mind.

Certainly broader acceptance of the profession by contemporary society has made choosing the profession spawn at least a little bit less of a stigma than it used to be. These days you will notice common references to porn in comedy routines and prime-time sitcoms, and our industry regularly receives mention on even more “news-oriented” outlets. We hate to keep referring to economists in a site devoted to celebration of personal freedoms, but the old supply and demand rules still apply. As demand (for payment) plummets, and supply increases … well, if you don’t know, you don’t care, so just understand it’s not good for those “supply” people.

Even More Risque:  Dee Faux Gets

[At this point we started a good deal of illustration with Shayla performing cleaning services, but since she clearly likes doing so in the nude, we couldn’t exactly duplicate those here. On the upside, we did add a row of photos depicting Shayla happy with her Becoming a Porn Star decision, which we hope alleviates some of the disappointment. We do what we can.]

Becoming a Porn StarBecoming a Porn StarBecoming a Porn Star

Despite the bumps in the road, and the clearly wonderful maid that she would make, we still think Shayla should hang around. We think she should also visit the office a lot more often, but we admit to bias on that position.

[For the record, not one of those jobs even makes the “real people” list of worst jobs in America. Ever think about researching body lice? How about working in a slaughter house? Want to live in Florida and get wild alligators off people’s property? … Still, the worst job in existence here has to be the person they call when someone says, “Wow, those portable toilets are a mess. Get somebody over here to clean them up.” … EEEW. … -Ed.]

Carnival of (Shayla) Knowledge

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