6/30/24 |
ReelRisque Providing Their Own Sugar[STAR TAGS: Tenaya, Capri Anderson] |
6/29/24 | Without being overly crude about it, we can safely say that sometimes shooting with unusually “big things” attached to the performers — by genetics with the men, and most often people with medical degrees when it comes to the women — can make the entire process easier in some ways. Cinema tends to be all about camera angles, and you don’t really need an advanced mathematics degree to figure out that wider angles at the connection point only really happen with larger, um, levers. Having understood that for years ourselves, however, we ran across another quite handy use for such an … extended interest … in the subject matter of today’s movie. We’re still unsure as to the why of the whole thing, but we get the how at least. [STAR TAGS: Allie Haze Video, Jasmyn Jolie Video, Halie James Video, Kelly Divine Video, Victoria Lawson Video, Alia Janine Video, Annika Adams Video, Darcy Taylor Video] |
6/28/24 |
RisqueNews Squad Partially Mod (and only partially a Squad, really)[STAR TAGS: Lala X, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/27/24 |
247AdultStars AOK on PVC[STAR TAGS: Lala X Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/25/24 |
RisqueNews The 411 on The Best New Starlet … Ever
6/24/24 | Sometimes in life you run into things that when boiled right down to their essence just turn out to be Sad, but True. Of course what with sadness being one of the more relative of the emotions, not to mention among the most completely variable, well, what one should feel and what one does feel may not be the same thing at all. Never fear a dichotomy like this in your own lives, as the situation tends to be fairly common. You will survive, and you will be fine again. … Although we can say that if you do not tell people about your lack of actual sadness, it will probably make the short term a lot more pleasant. [STAR TAGS: Audrey Hollander Exclusive Video, Justine Joli, Taryn Thomas, Michael Ninn] |
6/23/24 |
GingerLynn Kiki Daire – Cher Adele – Iris Rose – Vicky Vixen – Amber Chase – Raven Rockette… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career. |
6/22/24 |
ReelRisque Clean Freaks pics | vid
6/21/24 |
RisqueNews The Music Manifest[STAR TAGS: Jeska Video, Asa Akira Video] |
6/20/24 |
Shayla Going Down … Way Down … Under[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
6/18/24 | You will not find us confused about words very often in this little Risqué world. You may disagree with our diction, or even resent our irreverence, but we generally know what we’re trying to say, even if we happen to be the only people saying it at that time. … That said, we’re having a bit of a problem with how to describe a revamp of something we described as “retro” almost twenty years ago now. At some point, retro just becomes old, or obsolete, or even — gasp — ancient. None of us wants to be associated with any of that, though, what with us being all hip and groovy … still. [STAR TAGS: Alexis DeVell, Shayla LaVeaux, Kaylan Nicole, Norma Jean, Serenity, Felicia] |
6/16/24 |
RisqueNews Time for Summer Lovin’[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Summer Knight Video, Cytherea] |
6/15/24 |
247AdultStars Halloween Gets Sexy … in June[STAR TAGS : Syren Sexton Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/14/24 | You might find it difficult, as heat waves hit the nation, to find the bliss of Autumn in your own life. Never fear, however, as Risqué has arrived to make that goal within your very grasp (well, if you happen to be a member). To be clear, you will find us less useful in your quest to become a tycoon, even as we reach the finale of D.Minion’s coverage of that very movie. While you may indeed find Evan Stone and Autumn Bliss to provide a significant amount of heat, you will not need air conditioning to view the … um … interchange. Well, you might, come to think of it, but that probably depends upon how big your viewing group happens to be. Kudos for needing more than a six-pack to quench any resulting thirsts. [STAR TAGS: Autumn Bliss Video] |
6/13/24 | We’ve all heard “suits her to a T” of course. We’ve all owned T-shirts probably ever since we can remember. Most of us have likely heard “T for Texas” (or Tennessee), and some of us may even drink Tea, although we might not admit it to our friends (unless it’s of the iced variety). Why, without a “T” a Troll becomes a simple dinner accompaniment — or else we might be travelling uncontrolled down a steep hill. So we need to understand the importance that “T” can play, for example as between “Forbidden” and “Forbitten” Two. Oddly enough, watching Shayla in the midst of her sexual life generally doesn’t bring most people to thoughts of semantics. Go figure. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Raquel Devine Exclusive Video] |
6/11/24 |
RisqueNews Keri and the Star Charts[STAR TAGS: Keri Windsor Video, Wendy Divine Exclusive Video, Maya Divine Exclusive Video] |
6/10/24 | Let’s face it: Any time adults “play” naked, it tends to be a pretty good time for everyone involved. Now when three willing women decide to play naked, it can also be a darned entertaining thing to simply watch. Not to say that you should not join in should three naked women invite you into the game, but since most of us really don’t get that chance very often, we can at least enjoy the finale to Cosplay Queens today while we try to figure out where one might find these three naked and friendly women. Then, of course, you can start over again from the top, just in case you need more food for thought. [STAR TAGS: Cassie Laine Video, Tanya Tate Video, Zoey Holloway Video] |
6/8/24 | So we know that we are supposed to keep our nose to the grindstone, although honestly that sounds super painful. Just ask anyone who has ever suffered road rash after falling off a bike. But we know what to do with our nose. Hey, at least if we keep it to the grindstone it will prevent us from sticking it into places it does not belong like other people’s business, so that constitutes a big plus. At the other end of the typical human form we have the feet. Now while some folks are apparently “Maniacs” about them, rather than dig too deeply into that psyche, we have just decided to go check Amazon and see how much a grindstone costs.[STAR TAGS: Brooke Banner Video, Jada Stevens Video, Hailey James Video, Loona Luxx Video, MacKenzee Pierce Video, Hailey Starr Video, Emilianna Video, Kacey Jordan Video] |
6/7/24 |
ReelRisque Think (the Ninn) Pink pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Andie Valentino Video, Michael Ninn] |
6/5/24 | Shayla called the office and asked us to track down a music video she did with Ice T some years ago. The original plan was to use a short bit of the clip on the Free Tour, and then put the entire video here in the Members’ Side. We happen to still be friends with the producer of that video, so it didn’t take much to get a copy. (Basically it cost dinner in Hollywood.) But when we got a chance to look at the whole thing we noticed that Shayla’s basically naked the entire time, not the sort of thing we choose to do in the public areas of our site(s). She does appear very briefly early in the song — like for a second — wearing a gown, but unfortunately (for the Free Side) that happens right before Ice T says, “Stripper I want my dick sucked!” … Um, guess what we decided would be an excellent thing for Shayla’s Members to see. Sometimes our cleverness can be amazing. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] |
6/4/24 |
247AdultStars Black & Red & Pink All Over[STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
6/3/24 |
RisqueNews Not Taxing at All[STAR TAGS: Faye Reagan Video] |
6/2/24 |
GingerLynn Natasha Voya – Joclyn Stone – Dillion Harper – Bella Reese – Jenna Rose – Taylor May… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career. |
6/1/24 | Should you wish to bring an event to a crescendo, our advice would be to invite Lorraine Sisco as Grand Master. It could not hurt as well to have at least one young woman running around who’s so proud of her new boobs that she considers being topless the entire time the most logical of choices. … A keen-eyed member noted that we had somehow missed an important element in our modernizing efforts, which meant we had to spend a lot more time with Faith Leon, Daisy Marie, Nevaeh, and a bunch of other old friends. Oh, bother. [STAR TAGS: Holly Morgan Video, Audrey Hollander Video, Faith Leon Video, Kelle Marie Video, Nevaeh Video, Daisy Marie Video, Lorraine Sisco Video] |
Filed Under: Felicia
September 2014 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
9/28/14 |
Cytherea has a birthday this weekend, and consequently we must celebrate in an appropriate fashion. Of course having been out with Cytherea on multiple occasions over the years, we can say that “appropriate fashion” leaves a lot of leeway for us. We stuck with the traditional beautiful naked shots, however, proving both that we appreciate Cytherea and she can scare us a little. [STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video] |
9/24/14 |
Honestly we have no idea why an entire religious faith would have one special day dedicated to hurrying along one specific woman, but we try to be accepting of most beliefs around here. Consequently, in honor of our good buddy Lon, who happens to understand this religious faith, we humbly offer Rushing Hannah. [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Jenna Jameson Video, Felicia Video, Cheyenne Silver] |
9/22/14 |
A couple of us were up in San Francisco last week and happened to notice two concurrent events going on. Amidst the artwork and rebellion illustrated by the “Tattoo Expo” planners had also decided to put on the “Beerfest” celebration. … Yeah, what could possibly go wrong? … In our particular case today, neither Paola Rey, Celeste Star, nor Holly Morgan look in the least bit inebriated. One of them might have tattoos, but honestly we forgot to look. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Paola Rey Video, Celeste Star Video, Holly Morgan Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
9/17/14 |
Consider the sobriquet. While that was to be the original plan today, courtesy toward friends closed off that avenue of inspection. We considered a more subtle analysis of the word itself, seemingly a blend of sober and briquettes, bringing to mind an altogether unsatisfying BBQ without beer, but that seemed an approach to Georgia Jones and Jana Jordan too obtuse even for us. Suddenly D.Minion roared into the room shouting, “Hey! They have the last season of Bones on Netflix now!” … And at that point we simply decided to let people figure it out for themselves. Amidst all the glitz of this world, you often find the most basic searches for human happiness. [STAR TAGS: Jana Jordan Video, Georgia Jones Video, Faye Reagan, Michael Ninn] |
9/12/14 |
According to a psychology text book a ChickaDee brought into the office today, “Some form of hunger, love, hate, fear, hope or ambition gives rise to every human emotion and every human thought.” … While we hate to disagree with any sacred tomes used in our institutions of higher education, this cannot be correct. Clearly they have forgotten sleepy as an attribute. We have other thoughts today too, substantially enhanced by the application of naked women to the arguments. Come to think of it, sexual tension should be on that list too, unless they think no one ever has sex unless they’re in love, of course. [STAR TAGS: Tanya Cox Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
9/11/14 |
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 11,000 new citizens will be born in America today, and they will never know a world not under the enveloping threat of terrorism. We do what we can to continue our lives without being incapacitated by fear — the skill of cognizant ignorance being one many in the world consider the United States a champion. Kristal Summers helps us out again in a rare serious commentary from D.Minion. If you’d prefer to just have the short answer, we can give you that here: It’s sad that so many people will never know the feeling that came when flying was part of the fun of vacation. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers] |
9/7/14 |
Presumably D.Minion’s love of cheerleaders spurs her to announce the opening weekend of the NFL season, although it could simply be her love of paychecks. Colorado natives Shayla and Kylie add to the celebration along with “transplant Bronco fan” Cytherea. Truth be told, the female fans at risqué may not actually even know if their team happens to be playing, but everybody like Peyton, so they figure it counts. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers, Kylie Ireland Video, Ashlyn Gere, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Nina Hartley Video, Taren Steele Video, Toni James Video] |
9/4/14 |
As the 2014 NFL Season launches tonight, we have come up with a simple solution for this silly “Do we have to change the name of the Washington Redskins because some people find it offensive?” debate. Rather than get all bogged down in ever-evolving Political Correctness, D.Minion has theorized that they can simply leave the name alone and change the mascot to a potato. We have never seen even one offended potato running around with lobbyists, and every game program could feature a nice recipe, like roasting with garlic and rosemary. … See? Thinking outside the box. We do that — with the assistance of Michelle Maylene this time around. … Someone call Roger Goodell. [STAR TAGS: Michelle Maylene Video] |
9/1/14 |
Much like parenting, you can never have favorites among your offspring. Also just like parenting, every manager has favorite clients, regardless of whether or not she or he ever admits it out loud. So as we close D.Minion’s final look at Georgia Adair’s final movie, we intend no implication of favoritism here. All clients are equal. Georgia was just a little more equal. … She became. She saw. She opted out of conquering. [STAR TAGS: Georgia Adair, Sue Diamond, Marlene, Victoria Sin, Michael Ninn] |