Filed Under: Celeste Star

December 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

12/31/24 Julia Ann & Penny PaxIt seems obvious that a site such as ours would be excellent at ending the year with a bang. That kind of goes without saying. … However, when you can accomplish this In the Flesh all while weaving in some girlfriends, well, that takes a unique view of the world. We do try to share our unique view as much as possible, but to be clear, if you wish advice on how to change your life to include girlfriends — plural — with girlfriend — singular — well, we make no attempt to help with that. We do not even have an opinion as to the propriety of that quest, although it does sound like you might have some interesting resolutions coming up. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers, Inari Vachs, Julia Ann Video, Penny Pax Video, Maddy O’Reilly Video, Zoey Holloway Video]
12/29/24 Zoey PaigeMany of us have had experience with babysitters, whether performing the service or being in need of it in our own lives. Suffice it to say, however, that today’s feature movie, Couples Bang the Babysitter 9, does not reflect those circumstances with any particular sort of accuracy. That said, accurately portraying real-life situations does not exactly rank as the top priority in any kind of movie-making. In the adult kind of movies? Yeah, they never talk about that at all. So enjoy the fantasies as presented. That seems like a good rule in general for this world. So bon appétit, carpe diem … one of those happy foreign phrases. [STAR TAGS: Andy San Dimas Video, Dillion Harper Video, Brianna Brooks Video, Madison Chandler Video, Miss Dallas Video, Shay Fox Video, Charlee Chase Video, Zoey Paige Video ]
12/28/24 fake bilboardWith the year coming to an end — and most of us wondering how that possibly could have happened — thoughts turn seriously to Las Vegas and our annual pilgrimage to the AEE with AVN. True, some of us, when thinking of Las Vegas could still be consumed with how the Raiders could have done such a completely stupid thing like winning a game and blowing up their next draft position, but as we explain (all too patiently, mind you), the people with jobs this year would like to have them next year, so they don’t give a whit about draft position. All in all, it will be way more fun to think about putting The Erotic Heritage Museum into your plans for this visit. Everyone knows the Raiders have been breaking hearts since 1984. [STAR TAGS: Las Vegas Erotic Museum, Michael Ninn]
12/27/24 Celeste StarToday happens to be the anniversary of Shayla’s birth, which means she gets beaucoup presents in December — presuming people do not get lazy and do the dreaded “combined” approach. Well, we got Shayla the best present ever with the Inside Story with a subtle suggestion as to location when she finds her next potential lesbian playmate. So that’s handy, right? Honestly, we had one better gift idea, but every time we suggest that one, Shayla always says, “Yeah, no… Thank you.” … At least she’s polite when she rejects us. [STAR TAGS: Celeste Star Video, Linsey McKenzie Video]
12/25/24 Charlie Laine


Seek And Ye Shall…

[STAR TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Jelena Jensen Video, Andie Valentino Video]

12/24/24 Taylor Hayes


Commune Comingling

[STAR TAGS: Taylor Hayes, Rayveness, Alexis DeVell, Serenity, Jeanna Fine, Paula Price, Keri Windsor, Jenna Jameson, Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Taren Steele]

12/22/24 AnaisHonestly, even the people that have been here forever — since, like, before some of the modern crew were even born, literally — even they cannot remember every single little detail about what was happening in the world on a specific day when we run across an old post and ask them. Sometimes they have no idea — which much of the younger crew finds annoying, literally and honestly. It does remain clear that we always like to brighten the moods of distant friends, though, so that’s what we’ll do today, even though what happens to Aaron Rodgers no longer makes them sad. Honestly, it mostly makes them giggle (literally). [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Kristal Summers, Anais Exclusive Video, Sandee Westgate Video, Michelle Lay Video] 
12/21/24 Happy HolidaysNot very many sites have been around long enough to be able to pull up a Christmas celebration from 25 years ago. Even fewer sites would be able to blast a classic lyrics remix with the opening line, “Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be Porn Stars.” Yet here we sit, merry and content as ever, reality be damned. Considering how much faith many people seem to have in the belief that suddenly everything will be better on January, 21st next year, probably everyone could benefit from a little kind reflection. Just remember: Almost nothing actually ends the world, nor does it suddenly improve mightily. For the record, clearly we have pretty much always been this wacky. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Devinn Lane, Wendy Divine, Kristal Summers, Dee, Lulu Chu, Savvy Sux]
12/19/24 Audrey Hollander


Catherine FEMs Fini. DM Supine.

[STAR TAGS : Audrey Hollander Video, Justine Joli Video, Michael Ninn]

12/17/24 Shayla LaVeaux


A Seat at the Bar

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video,]

12/16/24 Kayla CarreraAfter a good bit of scientific analysis and careful consideration, we have come to a possibly controversial conclusion. Feel free to disagree, but we’re convinced that adult movies may employ some slightly unrealistic plot devices. … Really. While the concept of Housewife Hookers may in reality exist out there in the real world, we’re not sure that the scenario depicted in the scene today accurately reflects the reality of such a situation. Of course we could be totally wrong. As far as we knew, the housewife was an extinct species, at least in American life. [STAR TAGS: Kayla Carrera Video]
12/15/24 Nikki Daniels


Adessa Winters – Cameron Canela – Jada Fire – Savana Ginger – Alia Janine – Nikki Daniels

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

12/14/24 Justine Joli, Audrey HollanderWe have learned a few things over the decades here at Risqué, of this we remain certain. For example, everyone tends to enjoy stories about Justine Joli and Audrey Hollander. That makes sense. People also seem to enjoy a sort of inside scoop, out of the public eye, sorts of tales about famous rock guitarists, even if he had not met either Justine or Audrey at the point where this story takes place. Consequently, we feel comfortable in telling you that you will likely enjoy Ninn Recovered today, no matter which part of the story catches your attention first. And if not, well, you can always look at the pretty pictures. Who hates that? [STAR TAGS : Audrey Hollander Video, Justine Joli Video, Michael Ninn]
12/13/24 Kylie Ireland


McKylie & McBeth … and The Backstage Bootleg

[STAR TAGS: 2013 Sex Awards, Kylie Ireland, Julia Ann Video, Kristal Summers, Dee, Devinn Lane, Inari Vachs]

12/11/24 Shayla on PhoenixYou know how comfortable old friends can be? When they happen to look like Shayla LaVeaux, and they happen to have Shayla’s decided openness about nudity in general, well, they make darn good house guests too. Of course Shayla happens to be much more than a pretty face, and she has some dandy ideas about excellent travel arrangements, as we learn today. She’s even gotten into the spirit of our liaison with our British bud Maverick, although we’d be willing to bet she’s going to win the flirting contest with pretty much anyone named “Lexi” that you’re likely to run across. As long as we get to watch, though, we don’t really care who wins. (Hey, sorry about that Mav.) [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Phoenix Ray]
12/10/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Eclectic Endeavors

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]

12/9/24 Shayla LaVeauxLet’s say you’d really enjoy a job where all you have to do all day long boils down to taking pictures of Shayla LaVeaux naked. In that case odds seem good that you’d feel like you have a pretty darned good job. It would also mean, of course, that you have D.Minion’s job, and if you’re curious — at least the way she explains it … you’ll have to pry the job out of her cold, dead, fingers. Of course that would be another issue altogether. Still it always makes us happy when we can work a Constitutional allegory into an adult web site introduction, and let’s face it, a naked Shayla LaVeaux pretty much makes everybody happy. And if you still have doubts about whether or not you’d like to brave the day with Shayla, we might mention that the title of this particular entry ended up being “Shayla Looking (and Licking) Strong” — if that helps. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]
12/8/24 Victoria ZdrokWhen you have been a fan of a professional sports team for a very long time, and during the vast majority of that time your team has consistently been at the top of the standings, sitting pretty as the playoffs approach, well, it can be slightly discombobulating when suddenly you find your team working hard simply to stay relevant. Let’s face it, whatever “combobulated” means, we’d probably all rather be that. Consequently, we strive to help our friends who find themselves in this situation, put there by a formerly laughing-stock team, no less. Fear not, for you may follow merrily along as we lead him TO temptation. [STAR TAGS: Linn Thomas Video, Victoria Zdrok Video, Natalia Forrest Video, Michael Ninn,]
12/7/24 Happy WomanThis date can be a complicated one on which to post an update on a site which distinctly eschews serious talk as a matter of practice — even as it does not when it comes to the use of serious words. It becomes particularly difficult when one of the original Risqué Management members has a birthday on this day, so we might want to celebrate that at the same time wishing to provide proper reverence for the significance this date plays in the course of human history. Some lines exist as simply too fine to split, though, so we do our best to honor both things, albeit in completely different ways. We do not always do the appropriate thing around here, but even we have some standards. [STAR TAGS: Chasey Lain, Justine Joli, Sarah Blake, Alexandra Silk Video, TJ Hart Video, Kate Frost Video, Summer Storm Video]
12/6/24 Linsey McKenzieEverybody likes to get the inside story. And everybody sane likes diners. Now not quite everybody might like diners full of employees who moonlight as adult movie stars, but the cross-section of people who do like that idea will certainly like these particular diners a lot. So you take one of these “special diners” and set about combining it with a show actually titled Inside Story, and you have the makings of something quite interesting. Turns out the makings at this specific establishment managed quite a tasty treat as our story begins. [STAR TAGS: Linsey McKenzie Video, Yurizan Beltran Video, Isis Love Video, Gemma Massey Video, Krissy Lynn Video]
12/5/24 Syren Sexton


Intimate Christmas Wishes with Syren & Chantelle

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

12/4/24 Dee


In Dee Scent: Knit One Whirl Two

[STAR TAGS: Dee Exclusive Video]

12/3/24 Shayla LaVeaux


A Beach of a Thing

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

12/2/24 BeccaIf you give us a “B” for Becca, then give us a “T” for Tennessee, and then combine those two things, you might have some idea of the joy of discovery we felt when meeting a nice Southern Belle and her Beau on the beaches of Jamaica. … Then again, when Becca invited us to her home, we felt joy on an entirely different level. Nudity abounds on some beaches in Jamaica, and that can be darned fun when you travel with Playboy TV, but you know what you cannot find? Those beaches don’t have a single outlet into which you might plug your Sybian. [STAR TAGS: Becca Video]
12/1/24 Sasha Heart and Georgia Jones


Trouble in Paradise pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Sasha Heart Video, Georgia Jones Video]

March 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

3/31/22 Celeste Star and Aiden AshleyTori Black happens to be an amazing talent. Truth be told she also happens to be even more impressive as a human being, and a true inspiration for people regardless of their biological genitalia. Given the wealth of choices we had, we could still think of no better person to celebrate the end of International Women’s Month, as we begin to study up for next year. … Honestly, AVN once nominated Tori in twenty different categories — at a single awards show. She won “Performer of the Year” twice in a row. Yada-yada… Although physically performing counts a good deal in this industry, we have been around for more than two decades here, so we don’t much sweat the sweaty stuff anymore. When a woman dazzles us with her mind — y’know, and still looks that good and all — we sit up and take notice. Tori Black’s After School Special provided such a moment for us, so much so that we had to watch it several times — y’know, for scientific purposes and all. [STAR TAGS: Tori Black Video, Romana Ryder Video, Sindee Jennings Video, Rebecca Blue Video, Ruby Knox Video, Aden Ashley Video, Celeste Star Video, Capri Anderson Video, Melissa Jacobs Video, Lily Labeau Video] 
3/30/22 Ginger on Peter North


Going North, Young Woman

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

3/28/22 Faith LeonHave you ever had one of those tasks assigned where you could tell by just looking at it that the amount of time required just to organize what you were trying to do was daunting all by itself — and that didn’t even count the time necessary to try and actually do it? Then when you mention that little detail to the boss you get that annoying standard explanation of, “The longest journey begins with the first step” kind of platitude? You could try what we did by responding, “Sure, but so does the shortest journey, and we would like one of those, please.” … That won’t work to get you out of the task, but it might make you feel better. Consequently, we felt much better as the 500-odd photos, bunches of videos, and a whole heaping of D.Minion quirkiness made it out in our Full Faith and Credit for Deduction enterprise. If you must do something difficult, at least try to have fun with it. [STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Shy Love, Sophia, Michael Ninn]

3/26/22 Fracesca Lei and Kylie Ireland


The Eyes Have It

[STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Michael Ninn]

3/25/22 Fracesca Lei and Kylie Ireland


Hots o’ Gold

[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Francesca Le Video]

3/23/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Nicely Done

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

3/22/22 Beth Bennet


Quite the Step Up

[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennet Exclusive Video,]

3/21/22 Lon and ShaneWhat better way can you think of to celebrate the first day of Spring than getting up close and personal with Kylie Ireland? Granted, clever people might have scheduled a couple of days back on St. Patrick’s Day to revel someone named “Ireland” for sure, but sadly we do not know any clever people. It’s a burden we bear. On the upside, Spring lasts a whole lot longer than one day, and Ms. Kylie gets a whole different kind of “bare” on this excursion, so who really cares in the grand scheme? Big pictures can get altogether too much focus it seems to us, when at the core we are talking about human beings. Somebody in D.C. ought to reason a bit more in that direction. Don’t you think? [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Shane Video]
3/20/22 Britney Amber


Maya Hills – Joslyn James – Nyomi Banxxx – Cytherea – Britney Amber – Shay Lynn

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

3/19/22 Kristal SummersIf you have Paradise in your life, you count yourself among the blessed people on the planet. Of course if you have Paradise, and then you lose it, that’s way worse than never having it, because you don’t know what you’re missing if you never had it to begin with. Right? Of course, if you intend to lose Paradise, you’re either Milton, Michael Raven, or someone seriously needing a nap. If, however, you lost Paradise and then you found it again after hours and hours (and hours) of computer labor, well, then you can once again count members among the blessed people. Should you still be confused, Julia Ann and Kristal Summers can help guide you. What we say doesn’t really matter anyway. Nobody listens to us with those two around. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Kristal Summers Video, Julia Ann Video, TJ Hart Video, Olivia del Rio Video, Tanya Danielle Video, Jana Cova Video, Monica Mayhem Video, Summer Storm Video, Phoenix Ray Video, April Flowers Video]

3/18/22 Ginger and Lynn


They Feel Pretty

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lynn Ray Video]

3/16/22 Taren Steele


Fountain of Friendship

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Taren Steele Video]

3/15/22 Anna Joy


Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three … Anna Joy!

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

3/14/22 Tara Morgan


Boobies Rock on Pi Day!

[STAR TAGS: Tara Morgan Exclusive Video]

3/13/22 Cindy CruzWe pretty much love all things Latina around here, which probably has a lot of deep-seated psychological reasons, not a single one of which would be of the slightest interest to any random person who might be reading this. What could be of interest, of course, would be the reopening of an early TOC full movie featuring, Carmen Caliente, Cindy Cruz, Liv Aguilera, and Selma Sins. There are some dudes too, but we pretty much consider them props in these gonzo shows, probably for a completely different group of deep-seated psychological reasons nobody cares about either. We will say that putting them in lingerie turned out to be a stellar idea, even if some dude came up with it. [STAR TAGS: Carmen Caliente Video, Cindy Cruz Video, Liv Aguilera Video, Selma Sins Video]

3/12/22 Shayla, Kelsey, NikitaThe Shayla LaVeaux crew piped in bright and early this morning bragging about how they have now revamped all the way back through Volume 4 of the updates, which puts them complete back through 2015 as we hear tell. Shayla had a long career, so they’ve a ways to go, but it still marks an achievement we recognize. You folks can watch Shayla demonstrate Things that Never Happen and then get her Timbers Shivered all on the same day. Nice. … We’re going to try and figure out a way to explain to people in London the time difference in Los Angeles. … EARLY. Really frickin’ early on a Saturday. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Nikita Video, Jenna Jameson Video, Kelsey Heart Video, Brittany Andrews]

3/11/22 Bobbi StarrWho knew that people could learn secret tricks about how to take photographs professionally at an orgy just by being a member here? … OK. So we knew, but now we have shared this crucial knowledge with all the budding pros out there, which makes us really darned nice, for the record. Not only that, but we unearthed a Bobbi Starr performance that we had honestly forgotten about. The web can be really handy for reminding you about things; have you noticed? And none of us ever ages on the web either, which qualifies as a trick we wish the bathroom mirror would learn. Apparently not much has changed since we first learned you can’t always get what you want. Perhaps you’ll be satisfied with what you need, though, and everybody needs more Bobbi. [STAR TAGS: Bobbi Starr Video, Carolyn Reese Video, Dani Jensen Video, Krissy Lynn Video, Madelyn Marie Video]

3/10/22 Beth Bennett


Blinds Leading | The Party

[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennett Exclusive Video, Loz Lorrimar Exclusive Video, Crystal Pink, Michelle Moist, Holly D., Shay Hendrix, Syren Sexton, Tiffany Doll, Kerry Louise, Tanya Cox,]

3/9/22 Ginger Lynn


As She Wishes, Farmboy

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

3/8/22 Shayla LaVeaux


Orange We Glad

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

3/7/22 Active Menage


Demise of the ‘Stache

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Erica Boyer Video]

3/6/22 Syren SextonIt has taken a full year since we first started mapping out the process — mostly because of Maverick becoming a famous photographer and digital magazine publisher, which was really annoying, actually. (Don’t you just hate it when people around you seem to forget that it’s all about YOU?) … Finally, though, we have teams compiled on both sides of the Atlantic to coordinate putting the 247AdultStars videos back online — all 14+ years of them. Regardless of how long it took, getting all the EU stars back in viewable Exclusive Video splendor will be wonderful. Honestly, not much in the EU qualifies as wonderful these days, so we’re happy to do our little insignificant part with distraction — beginning with a couple of the earliest 247AS family members, Kaz B and Syren Sexton. [STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

3/5/22 Natalia Rossi


Hottie Harvest | vid

[STAR TAGS: Jesse Capelli Video, Natalia Rossi Video]

3/4/22 Chantelle Fox


Tattoo Whee!

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Photos, Monique Alexander Video, Jessica Drake Video, Summer Storm Video]

3/3/22 Young Cytherea


Life’s Strange Journeys

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Rebecca Love Video, Teagan Video, Ginger Lynn]

3/1/22 Ginger Lynn


Physical Therapy Extraordinaire

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

July 2021 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

7/31/21 Kamiko TakaGiving an adult movie the title “Erotica” seems a bit like calling one of the Fast and the Furious franchise shows Car Chase. … That said, a slight possibility exists that movie producers in this industry do not have cleverness first and foremost on their minds during the movie naming process. In fact, they could be subtly indicating that a vast difference exists between copulation and love, between elegant expression and raw fornication. Still, we’re going with the first option in our Erotica Ruminations, because you will never hear the word “subtle” in describing many of these owners either. [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Jill Kelly, Serenity, Rayveness, TJ Hart, Sydnee Steele Video, Charmane Star Video, Kamiko Taka Video, April Flowers Video, Envy Video]
7/30/21 Dee with Juli AshtonWe really do listen to members around here, which probably seems odd in this day of thousands of sites being run by only dozens of companies. On the other hand, we have hardly ever been what one might characterize as “typical” in any fashion. Consequently when enough people sent emails expressing an interest in an entirely new section serving as a Full Movies index, we built one. A few still lounge in the remastering queue, but we continue to work through that — as must be evidenced by the vast expansion of “New Stuff” over the past few month — so we announce this new functionality with a quick redo where Dee Designates Dasha followed by the complete reconstruction of Essentially Dee. Mostly, we try to start everything with Dee, essentially. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Juli Ashton Video, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Keri Windsor Video, Lola Video, Bolivia Samsonite Video, Ginny Video, May Video, Carmen Luvana, Lauren Phoenix, Dasha Video, Shay Sweet Video]
7/29/21 Ron Jeremy and Ginger Lynn


The Frivolity of Youth

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

7/28/21 Samantha Rone


Rone Hard & Put Up Funny

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Samantha Rone Video]

7/27/21 Cytherea and Angela


Hot for Student

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Angela Stone Video, Michael Ninn]

7/26/21 DonkeyWhen we set out to do the Welcome to the Valley SERIES late last fall, we kind of figured that by the time we wrapped it up this summer, sanity would have returned to the country and things would have loosened up a bit in our everyday lives. We thought we could celebrate the conclusion. … Yeah, well, we should have finished three weeks ago, because we’re all headed down Insanity Trail again — or UP the COVID Contamination one, depending upon how you look at it. At least we have a lot of Sarah Blake Bonus on tap, and we do in fact finish with what they called the end of the series. Clearly some of those insanity trail aficionados worked for Nectar back then. On the upside, if you have to be inside away from people again, Risqué happens to be an excellent place to ruminate. [STAR TAGS: Alex Divine Video, Sarah Blake Video, Michael Ninn]
7/25/21 Scarlet Red


Marley Blaze – Jenna Jay – Alina Long – Scarlet Red – Jenna Ivory – Chasey Lain

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

7/24/21 Kelly Kline


Private Gifts pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Kelly Kline Video]

7/23/21 Tenaya


Resorting with Tenaya

[STAR TAGS: Tenaya Exclusive Video]

7/22/21 Shayla LaVeaux

KylieIreland & Shayla

Kylie’s Lucky Bed

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kylie Ireland Exclusive Video]

7/20/21 Ginger Lynn


Studios & Flesh

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

7/19/21 Samantha Bentley & Adrianna LunaIf you wish to have proper English tea, you should definitely try to get Tanya Tate to prepare a proper Tea & Muffin Party for you. Come to find out, you will not even need any muffins, at least of flour, yeast, eggs, yada-yada variety. Now truth be told, should you wish to view the video evidence of Tanya’s most recent party, you have to watch really, really closely all the way to the last scene to even see an oven-baked muffin. We’re thinking you might not care, however. We will advise that if you convince Tanya to throw such a tea party at your house, and her friends start wandering off into other rooms of the house, you should follow them. [STAR TAGS: Adrianna Luna Video, Samantha Bentley Video, Elaina Raye Video, Tanya Tate Video, Devon Lee Video, Presely Hart Video, Jessi Palmer Video, Celeste Star Video]
7/17/21 Norma Jeane


Sassy & Sweet

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Norma Jeane Video]

7/16/21 Noah Angel


Ultimately Lesbian

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Noah Angel Video]

7/14/21 Dee


Solo and Yet So Exemplary

[STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Michael Ninn]

7/13/21 Cytherea


Mastering the Bation

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

7/11/21 Alice Lighthouse


Anything That’s New

[STAR TAGS: Alice Lighthouse Video]

7/10/21 Kristal SummersWe have not paid nearly enough attention to Kristal Summers lately, so we decided to keep the remastering project going with an entire movie starring Kristal Summers. Granted, Monique Alexander could have been the star, she so new that she was not even having sex with men on camera at the time, but she did have three of the six scenes. Even Nikki Fairchild and jessica drake had two scenes each, thus potentially claiming the star position. But you see, we have a simple rule around here: If Kristal Summers appears in the movie with D.Minion on set to cover her, well, Kristal Summers is the star. We take comfort in simple rules. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Monique Alexander Video, Summer Haze Video, Nikki Fairchild Video, Jessica Drake Video]

7/9/21 Shayla and Vanessa


Sexy Is as Sexy Does

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Sexy Vanessa Exclusive Video]

7/8/21 Ginger and friends


Practicing Naked

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Debra Lynn Video, Angela Dunlop Video, Gina Carrera Video]

7/6/21 Cytherea


Read the Room

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Kelly Kline]

7/5/21 Holly WellinIn the remarkably desperate for plot series that has been dwindling down the past couple of months here, Welcome to the Valley finds itself against a backdrop of the AVN convention in Las Vegas this time around. Now to call the AVN attempt at a virtual presentation in 2021 a failure would be a huge insult to failures everywhere, so we will not go down that road at all today. Instead we will point out that with in-person events AVN has some history to rely upon. They’re better at those. When our own (admittedly virtual) in-person dalliance involves Avy Lee Roth and Holly Wellin, well, we can almost forget the mess that was the last “convention” experience. … Almost. [STAR TAGS: Avy Lee Roth Video, Holly Wellin Video]

7/4/21 Kylie Nicole


Technically Not Shy

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Kylie Nicole Video]

7/4/21 Alice McMunn


Annie Cruz – Jennifer White – Alice McMunn – Jayden Cole – Nadia Styles – Alessandra Noir

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

7/3/21 Machine, Cytherea


Sage Against the Machine

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

7/2/21 Autumn BlissYou will see a lot of talk amongst magazines that feature naked women about “empowering” those models to be unashamed about their nudity and how these publications allow these women to assert their control over their own bodies by choosing to appear au naturel in a place any adult with fifteen bucks can then choose to view. Given that stance, then, women in the moving pictures business that make this choice — along with performing acts of a substantially more intimate nature — should be showing the most might of all. Without getting into the politics of such an argument, we can confidently say that even among that “free expression” pool, not all the women demonstrate their power equally. [STAR TAGS: Autumn Bliss Video]
7/1/21 Ginger Lynn and Bionca


Gentlemanly Pursuits

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

July 2020 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

7/28/20 Georgia JonesLiving these days comes down to pretty much feeling like a professional funambulist. Ironically, the whole “fun” part tends to be distinctly lacking, however. Between getting glared at for not wearing a mask, to getting glared at for wearing a mask, like outside has become pretty darned complicated. How many of us ever thought we’d ever even have a remote opinion about which kinds of masks we like versus which kind we do not? How many of us ever considered owning masks in different styles and colors before a couple of months ago? Then there are the “hoax” people … which we should likely not comment upon. So we just decided to stay inside and look at adult movie stars. Don’t even need a mask for that. [STAR TAGS: Stracy, Renee Perez Video, Georgia Jones Video, Charlie Laine Video, Celeste Star Video, Sophia Lynn Video, Michael Ninn]
7/24/20 Jennifer White


Talk Dirty to She | pics

[STAR TAGS: Jennifer White]

7/21/20 Jasmen Lopez


Old Dogs New Tricks | pics

[STAR TAGS: Jasmen Lopez]

7/16/20 this seems badThe more things get dicey in real life, the more they seem to get dicey in our Play Misty observations. In both real and vicarious life, though, it seems that men are basically idiots who cannot see past a pretty woman, no matter what the situation. We cannot say with any certainty how this realization might help the current terrible situation in the world right now, but we can say that although Misty will finish up on Risqué within a month, the world will just as certainly still be sucky. Drat. [STAR TAGS: Brooke Belle Video, Paige Ashley Video]

7/15/20 Holly Hollywood and DeeSpend about 15 seconds on any news program these days, and you’ll figure it out. Try going into some previously “normal” store, or basically anywhere out in public, and it might take a couple of minutes instead of 15 seconds, but you will reach the same conclusion: Some people really just need to Chill, you know? Well, being ever the faithful public servants at Risqué, we have decided to help in our rarely imitated way by starting the perfect journey — with the movie Chill. … Could be that no one ever imitates us because they think we’re crazy, but that would be a topic for a different day. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Holly Hollywood Video]
7/14/20 Happy Love DaySo it does happen to be “a” 14th, even though most people would not consider July to contain, The Important 14th of the year. Still, we have begun getting (a surprising amount) or requests to prioritize the older video remastering process so that when Adobe Flash goes hasta la vista, bebé at the end of the year, people will not lose their favorites. This batch only comes from as far back as Valentine’s Day, 2018, but these days that seems like a long time ago. Remember when we could go outside and strangers would see us smile at them? Remember when we could kiss before we decided to get married? … Wow. That was fun. [STAR TAGS: Vicca, Nikita, Daisy Marie, Darcie Dolce, Tasha Reign, Chanel Preston, Ava Rose, Jenna Rose, Kimberly Williams, Sabrina Maree, Kimberly Rogers, Brett Rossi]
7/12/20 jodi Taylor


Raylene – Misty Stone – Christiana Cinn – Samantha Ryan – Nikki Delano – Jodi Taylor

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

7/10/20 Noelle Easton and Puppy

Risqué “TOC”

Vagina Worship | pics & vid

[STAR TAGS: Emily Kaie Video, Sami St. Claire Video, Roxxi Silver Video, Noelle Easton Video]

7/5/20 Angelina Cheramova


The Great Equalizer | pics & vid

[STAR TAGS: Angelina Cheramova Video]

7/3/20 no sunshineWe all happen to be living in very strange times. Regardless of what has happened when we can finally consider this whole COVID-19 thing “over” — whatever that ends up meaning — the world will be a fundamentally different place. Currently some leaders have undertaken various acts of broad, narrow, or quite possibly simply denial aspects. A percentage of the people consider those decisions wise, thoughtful, and undoubtedly difficult, albeit well-intentioned. The rest of us consider these actions, to use the technical term, completely and wholeheartedly wackadoodle. This morning a headline in the paper boasted that a local aquatic center would be partially opening soon, for example. How crazy is that? If you only partially open an aquatic center, all the water is going to leak out. … We should think about something else. [STAR TAGS: Athena Farris, Lacy Lennon, Autumn Falls]