5/31/24 | If one were logical and honest about it, in the final analysis, the “Last Man Standing” will almost certainly be a woman. There are more of them. They live longer, mature earlier, and at least objectively do not seem to fall victim to the “Dang it … there’s no blood for my brain because it’s all in my dick” disease. If women ever figure that out, all those old white dudes in Washington will be in for a rude awakening, right? … Fortunately, today, we avoid politics entirely while we simply admire a couple of old friends in Keri Windsor and Taylor St. Claire in a movie entitled, interestingly, Last Man Standing. You can draw your own conclusions, but we’re pretty sure Keri wins in this one. [STAR TAGS: Keri Windsor Video, Taylor St. Claire Video, Kelsey Heart Video, Alexandra Quinn Video, Lezley Zen Video, Cheryl Dynasty Video] |
5/30/24 |
RisqueNews Kat de Pussy[STAR TAGS: Katsumi Video, Katsuni Video, Penny Flame Video, Mia Smiles Video, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn] |
5/28/24 |
247AdultStars Memories of Beauty Abounded[STAR TAGS: Erotica LA, 2009, Julia Ann, Christy Canyon, Alektra Blue, Jessica Drake, Tori Black, Tori Lane, Sophie Dee, Lexi Belle Video, Sunny Leone, Nikki Benz, Gianna Michaels, Belladonna] |
5/27/24 |
ReelRisque Diamond ’N’ Rough pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Skin Diamond Video] |
5/26/24 |
RisqueNews The Ichtheologist without the Ick[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video] |
5/24/24 | Life goes on. We all know that. From the time most of us are very young we begin to learn that people will come in and out of our lives. We learn to treasure their memories and spend time in fond recollection when we can. Of course only a complete idiot would argue that all of these now distant friends held equal levels of importance in our lives, and around here we only have partial idiots, so we would never claim that. We do have something that many do not, however, as we can pull up the next episode in Tycoon and find ourselves surprised with new scenes from a dear old friend. … It’s not the same as an in-person visit by any means, but it beats the heck out of looking for pictures on a hard drive full of them. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video] |
5/23/24 |
Shayla Definitely Not Junk[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michael Ninn] |
5/22/24 |
RisqueNews Continuing the Maverick Theme with Cate[STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/21/24 |
RisqueNews Maverick of Yore[STAR TAGS: Renee Perez, Dyanna Lauren] |
5/20/24 | Former President still criminal defendant in ongoing trial for trying to write off a payment to a porn star? Check. … Watching beautiful Cosplay Women act out elaborate lesbian fantasies still a lot more fun than watching criminal trials — or scrolling newspaper feeds about those trials? Double Check. … Granted, a list of things more interesting to hear about than our former President would be very long indeed, although that still might beat hearing again about how our current President is not all that old. Really. … No wonder people talk about porn more than politics. Around here, of course, most are just glad we finally quit talking about the new kickoff rules in the NFL. … Some people… [STAR TAGS: Nicki Hunter Video, Ela Darling Video] |
5/19/24 | Lawyers get a bad reputation pretty much because lawyers deserve a bad reputation. Having been unusually involved in “legal cases” over the past few months/years we have seen a lot of lawyers, and they pretty much all seem to deserve the sleazy, say-anything-for-money lack of respect they tend to get. That said, not many of them look like adult movie stars — one recent notable exception aside, and intentionally not mentioned by name. In our little fantasy world, then, when you hear “She Divorced Me…” you’ll know you will likely not care about legal niceties. We did not. Of course we do not try to convince the world of the accuracy and justness of our fantasies either. So there’s that. [STAR TAGS: Brooklyn Chase Video, Jillian Janson Video, Holly Hearts Video, Alexa Nicole Video, Ryder Skye Video] |
5/18/24 | Certainly there are things in life that seem to draw way more attention than any objective view might determine they really deserve. A rich, powerful man had sex with a porn star, you say? … Gosh. We’re stunned. … Getting quickly away from that quicksand of a topic, though, we can say with certainty that one should Never Diss da BJ in life. You may not need to actually celebrate it all the time — although in honesty a BJ is a bit like pizza in that clearly “great” exists, but even the average ones are still pizza. If you can’t get gourmet stuffed-crust, then frozen Tombstone will do just fine. … Hmm. We could have gotten off topic again. We should stop now. [STAR TAGS: Jillian Janson, Shayla LaVeaux, Olivia Del Rio] |
5/17/24 |
ReelRisque Flower Power pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Nikki Rhodes Video, Allison Pierce Video] |
5/15/24 |
247AdultStars Getting the Bedroom Dirty[STAR TAGS : Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/13/24 | D.Minion has a birthday this week, although she made us promise not to tell anyone the specific date. Following that guidance, therefore, we can tell that it does not fall on today (Monday), nor would Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday be correct guesses either. Sorry to be this secretive, but we do try to be kind when we can. … On that note, we chose, if not THE FAVORITE (in all caps and bold) scene on her personal list, at least one that to this day instills a great deal of gushing — which kind of makes sense, what with the scene featuring Taren Steele and all. … And if you do not understand anything we’re talking about, well, you clearly know neither D.Minion nor Taren Steele. Pity, that. [STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video] |
5/12/24 |
GingerLynn Lacie James – Justine Joli – Daisy Ducati – Amber Chase – Shayla LaVeaux – Sadie Kennedy… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
5/11/24 |
Shayla Wardrobe Pal Function[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] |
5/10/24 |
Shayla Land of Milk and a Honey[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video] |
5/8/24 | On the day after the country witnessed a porn star taking the witness stand in a criminal prosecution against a former President of the United States, we revisit history in a much less controversial way. Well, we have likely not technically witnessed this historic moment — one of many with “45” as he likes to be called — more likely we read about it on the internet or heard about via some “news” report. Still, at least with ours you will get to actually witness how we draw in tangents of Keri Windsor and Wendy Divine way more smoothly than some of the DA tangents appear to be drawn in the New York case. Sometimes in life, being just for fun beats the heck out of being important. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent, Jewel Valmont] |
5/7/24 |
247AdultStars Love Makes the Boobs Go ‘Round[STAR TAGS: Sandie Caine Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/6/24 |
ReelRisque Ryder IS the Skye | pics[STAR TAGS: Ryder Skye] |
5/5/24 | Once you start on a crescendo, it can leave one with a distinct feeling of unease should it just stop in the middle. While we do like to perhaps stretch the way people think around here, we mostly like them to be comfortable while in the midst of any ruminations. Consequently, we continue with the next step in our symphony of entertainment of both an audio and visual nature. We could even claim that this all fits perfectly today on Cinco de Mayo and that we planned the whole thing this way. Even though that may be true, we’d understand if y’all were a tad skeptical of that claim. Finely-tuned machine does not describe the Risqué Commune nearly as well as held together with dedication, duct tape, and hope. … But why be boring? [STAR TAGS: Lorraine Sisco Video, Faith Leon Video, Audrey Hollander Video, Michael Ninn] |
5/4/24 |
ReelRisque Finding Your Chi pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Annie Cruz Video, Kimberly Chi Video] |
5/3/24 | You may have heard that there’s this big trial going on in New York involving a Tycoon of sorts — or unusual sorts, depending upon your point of view. True to our nature, though, we wholeheartedly wish to stay as far away from that topic as possible (which basically involves just watching HGTV all the time unless you want to watch super dull programming on the NFL Network while nothing at all is happening in the league). That said, we tag-lined our own episode of Tycoon today “Mayhem and Bliss” which we figure pretty much describes their lives in general. See how fun it is not being super rich? (Yeah, we’re not sure about that either, but we do like Monica and Autumn a lot.) [STAR TAGS: Monica Mayhem Video, Autumn Bliss Video] |
5/1/24 | Many moons ago — to go with a theme we have not yet explained — we did an “irreverent” May Day introduction that apparently did not sufficiently celebrate wood nymphs (or something like that), opting instead for a hilarious use of the distress call. Hey, some people just don’t appreciate Lost in Space humor, apparently. … At any rate we have been banned ever since — mostly because D.Minion has a freakishly long memory — so we are definitely not doing that again. Of course nothing says we cannot build to a Crescendo again, so we will. If people wander from there, well, golly, what can we do? [STAR TAGS: Tall Goddess Video, Faith Leon Video, Audrey Hollander Video, Michael Ninn] |
Filed Under: Olivia Del Rio
March 2024 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
3/31/24 | A rose by any other name … would still be beautiful, but would also poke the dickens (or Shakespeare in this case) out of you if you just tried to grab it without paying careful attention. While we’re almost positive that considering D.Minion’s “Sonnet Over 18” here will not actually draw blood, it might make you blink rapidly as you try to decipher it. Feel free to compose a ready mental response, such as “OK. Poetry. Shayla is beautiful. Got it.” before you head to the post today. After all, having virtual sex with Shayla and Olivia Del Rio tends to be a lot easier to understand than iambic pentameter. Also you have no reason to remember A-B, A-B, C-D,C-D, E-F, E-F, G-G. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Olivia Del Rio Video] |
3/29/24 |
ReelRisque Bench in an Elevator | vid[STAR TAGS: Raylene Video] |
3/28/24 |
ReelRisque Brand New BFFs | pics[STAR TAGS: Capri Anderson, Teagan Summers] |
3/27/24 | So a Haiku, a Fairy Tale, and a Limerick walk into a web site … No, really. … That’s what actually happens today. … We can’t really say “why” necessarily, because that would involve trying to understand D.Minion’s rationale, and we can assure you: Down that road madness lies. … On a more — let’s go with typically sane — route, we do at least get to show off Shayla cavorting in our small town on California’s Central Coast. Better yet, Shayla has chosen to do so with a distinct lack of clothing for the most part, although she does seem to take advantage of batteries purchased locally. We’ve even thrown in some of those fancy “movin’ pictures” displaying a similar sort of cavorting, even though the scene has nothing technically to do with the poems. Even though “eno” hates that, we figure he’ll forgive us this time. If he doesn’t we’re going to assign him the task of figuring out D.Minion. That’ll scare anyone into submission. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video] |
3/25/24 |
ReelRisque Dream Deviance | pics[STAR TAGS: Veronique Vega] |
3/24/24 | “Hello Lightness, my old friend.” … And now you see why the Sound of Lightness remains substantially more upbeat and happy when compared to the Sound of Silence. Given that we call our version the Sounds of Syren, though we figure we won’t get sued. The 247 Team lined up a triple feature for today, though, each featuring Syren Sexton, so you can understand our excitement. We start (or finish) with Do Me POV, and because that seems like an interesting way to finish a photo shoot, we have both versions of Syren in BTS, part one and part two — just so you can get to know her a bit more. (Or maybe reacquaint yourself, whichever the case may be.) Bottom line, it’s always good to be Maverick. [STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/23/24 |
Cythereas Good Things Coming. … Thought working. Was broken. Now fixed. Muy bueno.[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video] |
3/22/24 | Siblings can be both the joy and the bane of existence in life — occasionally at the same time. When you happen to be a Tycoon, or so we hear, all the same problems just get magnified. More money equals more problems, as we understand conventional wisdom, although we have never met a poor person who would not be quite willing to put that theory to the test, truth be told. Life travails aside, more money also tends to equal more women, which brings up another whole area of social philosophy that we’ll avoid for now as well. We do know that bringing in Joey Valentine to help you forget your troubles will almost certainly work, regardless of the number at the bottom of your personal balance sheet. We also now know that if you do not handle your paperwork with honesty and integrity, New York may come in and take your stuff. That too — this time happily — falls outside our considerations at the moment, however. Joey distracted us, you see. [STAR TAGS: Joey Valentine Video] |
3/21/24 | What better way to celebrate the first full day of Spring than with the announcement that as of today, all of Cytherea’s exclusive videos have been restored on her site (Well, the Cythereas.com one, we mean, as she has had several over the years.) … OK. So come to think of it, being able to watch that first squirt back would be better than just hearing the announcement, but members can do that, and presumably they make up the vast majority of people reading this, so we’ll skip the pesky details and lead them to “Like Riding a Bike — A Very Wet Bike” quite happily. When life gives you “we cancelled Flash Video” lemons, enjoy all that you get to experience with Cytherea again. That’s our motto. … Or at least that would definitely be one of them. [STAR TAGS: Cythera Exclusive Video] |
3/20/24 | Sometimes we do things today that will make more sense tomorrow. We admit that. Think of it, though, like your favorite television program where you watch an episode and then wait impatiently for the following week’s update. Think how much joy that always brings you. … Oh! And definitely do not think about waiting until an entire season drops to streaming so you can binge it all at once. That sort of thinking really messes with our metaphor here. … Besides, our series features Cytherea at the inception of her comeback trail with “Anew Twist on Adventure” which absolutely could never air on broadcast television — or even most of cable. Honestly, living outside the norm has its moments. [STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video] |
3/19/24 |
Shayla Filled to the Brynn[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Brynn Tyler Video] |
3/18/24 | Someone famous posed the question, “What’s in a name?” … Or at least somehow that question became famous, maybe because everybody dies, and folks do seem to enjoy a tragedy — at least those that happen to other people. … We could pontificate on love more deeply now, of course, but one really should try to limit ambition on a Sunday afternoon. That has become the rule, right, at least until the NFL starts up again? Right now we should all be fascinated by the plethora of internet pundits with all their expert opinions on exactly how the draft will unfold over a month from now. Or one could simply ignore all that and consider typographical choices hidden within the conclusion of New Girls on the Block with us today. It may not be Shakespeare, but at least all the female roles are played by women. [STAR TAGS : Arial Rose Video, Melanie Masters Video] |
3/17/24 |
GingerLynn Kirsten Price – Joslyn James – Brooklyn Jade – Nina Hartley – Zoey Foxx – Brooklyn Daniels… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
3/16/24 | Anyone that remembers English class in school could tell that a homonym is not in fact an elderly gay person. That person could also likely tell you the difference between denotation and connotation as regards a single word. Then again, the people that do remember these — we’ll call them not always valuable — bits of knowledge probably do not command large audiences on a regular basis either. Basically, most people will read the adjective “Deviant” before the word “Massage” and be quite happy to consider the intended consequences here without even bothering to consider the niceties of the English language. We feel sad for those people, of course, and we hope they get ice cream soon. That should be available to people regardless of their vocabulary. [STAR TAGS: Alexa Grace Video, Iris Rose Video, Kylie Kalvetti Video, Jojo Kiss Video] |
3/15/24 | If you do not happen to be talking about the weather, we tend to associate good things with the word hail. (Even with the weather hail can be awe-inspiring and even fun to watch, although it does help if you’ve always wanted to give that golf ball look to your personal automobile.) Consequently, when we Hail Sasha Heart, you probably feel like you get a good idea of what will be in store for today. To that we can only advise, “Oh, Hail No!” … This inflection obviously gives an entirely new perspective to the word hail. We do that, as long-time members can attest. Although there will be zero frozen spheres falling from the sky in this update, you may find some real-life stories that can sting just a bit. [STAR TAGS: Sasha Heart, Erica McLean] |
3/12/24 |
ReelRisque A Piercing Gaze | pics[STAR TAGS: Kissy Kapri Video] |
3/10/24 | We all like to do favors for friends. … Or we all profess to like doing favors for friends just so long as those friends never actually ask us to do any of those favors. … Or perhaps our friend count just goes way, way down when it comes to agreeing to favors. … Whatever the case, at least around here we have found that no matter what the favor asked (so far), we basically agree to anything that involves Heather Vandeven, who was Heather Vuur back when we knew her, but was allowed to change her name for Penthouse — you guessed it, as a favor. [STAR TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Emily Addison Video] |
3/9/24 | Have you ever seen one of those home remodeling shows? Even if you do not spend much time on HGTV, or DIY, or any of those other kinds of similar networks, you probably know what we mean. You spend an hour (minus commercials, so like 15 minutes) watching a bunch of unnaturally happy pretty people do something, and then you think, “Gosh. That looks easy. I could do that.” … And then thousands of dollars, maybe hundreds of hours, several bruises, and many, many cuss words later, you just hire the professionals to not only do the original job, but fix everything you broke in your own ill-advised efforts. Not saying that would be what happened today in You Say You Want an Evolution, but it could have. We professionals are much too kind to ever point that out, however. And we’re way too perky, of course. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video, Cytherea] |
3/8/24 |
ReelRisque Enlightening | pics[STAR TAGS: Teagan Summers] |
3/6/24 |
ReelRisque Runaway (Alexis) Love | pics[STAR TAGS: Alexis Love] |
3/5/24 |
247AdultStars Erotica back with the Real Stars[STAR TAGS: Erotica LA, 2008, Stormy Daniels, Lexi Love, Daisy Marie, Jessica Drake, Sunny Lane, Rebeca Linares, Belladonna, Tory Lane, Briana Banks, Teagan Presley, Devon, Natasha Nice, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/3/24 |
ReelRisque Butterfly is Free | vid[STAR TAGS: Drew Butterfly Video] |
3/2/24 |
ReelRisque Down to the Deed | pics[STAR TAGS: Jojo Kiss] |
3/1/24 | We have all heard that money does not buy happiness. And almost all of us at least have been willing to put that theory to the test, y’know, purely in the interests of science. Clearly, though, all those people with money care nothing about science because they sure seem reluctant to share the wealth with the rest of us. Still, we thought it might be worth a look at the “Tycoon” lifestyle just to see if everybody looked happy and all. Truth be told, we’re pretty much up for any trip that includes Roxy Jezel. She could read us a grocery list and we’d be captivated. [STAR TAGS: Roxy Jezel Video] |
October 2022 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
10/31/22 | Tonight seems like the perfect time to be talking about Possession as a matter of fact. Of course one has many options when seeking the creme de la spooky, and to be fair, this would be a terrible choice should that be your desire here. Carmen Luvana has stoked many an emotion in folks over the years, but never once have we heard someone respond as she walked away, “Gosh. That was spooky.” … Now given your personal living situation, you may want to wait until later in the evening to begin enjoying this Risqué Feature Presentation. Once it starts, you’re not going to feel much like answering the door. Just be sure you have saved yourself some of the good candy — however you choose to define that. [STAR TAGS: Neveah Ashton Video, Natalia Wood Video, Carmen Luvana Video, Olivia del Rio Video, Amber Rain Video, Dominica Leoni Video] |
10/29/22 |
RisqueNews Tradition for the Sake of Emission[STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Taren Steele Video, Kristal Summers, Misty Rain Video, Monique DeMoan Video, Michael Ninn] |
10/28/22 |
ReelRisque Dressed for After Work | pics[STAR TAGS: Jennifer White] |
10/26/22 | According to rumor, plaid becomes the fad today, although in this little neck of the risqué woods, that hardly seems like the most interesting part. A fan getting to sneak into a locker room and have sex with Shayla after hours? That’s interesting. … A tangential road taken which ends up at an Angela Stone celebration? Also interesting. … A lesbian couple bringing toys to their vigorous Sapphic picnic? That’s really interesting. … Still, we do like to play nice, and so we have managed to fulfill our “bigger” responsibilities. More importantly we have done so with very little bitching about it, all things considered. We should be so proud. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Cytherea Video, Angela Stone Video, Sarah Blake, Dani Woodward, Thereza Love, Michael Ninn] |
10/25/22 | Seeing as how a current visit to your local Home Depot will reveal some depleted Halloween offerings pushed aside in favor of a full-blown Christmas display — in October in case you had not noticed — we felt perfectly justified in putting up a 247AdultStars “Happy Christmas” message today. OK. So we felt some trepidation, but the rest of the Satine Sparks adventure convinced us it would be fine. That woman gets very excited on set. She needs to come to our offices to shoot, it seems like. We can make tea. [STAR TAGS: Satine Spark Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
10/24/22 | We do some admittedly odd things around here, but we do not, as a rule, completely restructure two “movies” into one much more coherent presentation. That said, we are not trying to get income from two releases instead of one, relying wholeheartedly on a completely ignorant customer base. (Historically that never turns out well, by the way.) We have crafted BNBs … BETTER now, however, and you can enjoy its first episode today. Just for fun you might look up AMA Video and see what a stellar impact they had on our business. [STAR TAGS: Veronika Raquel Video] |
10/23/22 |
GingerLynn Jada Fire – Maya Hills – Olivia Wilder – Claudia Valentine – Aiden Starr – Ryan Keely… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
10/22/22 | In honor of Maverick’s look back at his last AEE, we decided to continue our trend of remastering “how AVN used to be” with a presentation featuring thousands of words, hundreds of pictures, and 6-7 videos (maybe more, this one really does go on and on) from the 2018 show. On the upside, this puts our Industry Event Reminders task complete for the last six years. Of course two of those years there were no in-person events because of that … thing we had. Remember that Thing? We are hoping this year helps us forget. … Or, y’know, we’ll all get sick and die. … AVN has a new venue this year, so we shall see, but wait until we get back to those “early century” events. Now those were a thing to behold. [STAR TAGS: AEE (Adult Entertainment Expo) 2018] |
10/21/22 |
247AdultStars To Absent Friends[STAR TAGS: AEE (Adult Entertainment Expo) 2017, 247AdultStars.com ] |
10/20/22 |
GingerLynn Torn Between Three Lovers[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video] |
10/19/22 |
ReelRisque The Volt Jolt | pics[STAR TAGS: Jessie Volt] |
10/18/22 |
Cythereas Thar She Blows … and Then Squirts[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video] |
10/17/22 | It could be that almost all of us might be horribly embarrassed should someone transcribe the things we say to a loved one and then broadcast it for the world to watch. (We know some pretty vain people and can confirm that certainly not everybody would fall into that category.) That said, one might think a professional writer of scripts would try to avoid language that sounds like pickup lines heard in a bar on the wrong side of town. Or maybe the writer in question today just figured that Ela Darling and Chloe Lynn would distract everyone anyway. We will “muse” upon that theory while you watch. [STAR TAGS: Ela Darling Video, Chloe Lynn Video] |
10/16/22 |
GingerLynn Go Big or Go Home[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video] |
10/15/22 | A really famous good and wise fellow once said that beer is proof that God loves us. Of course these days we’re supposed to forget all the good that came from our founding era because of the prevalence of the undeniably bad. Society changes, and sometimes it takes a little time on the planet to realize that little important fact. This does not mean that we should forget, or certainly not condone, all actions from our history, but painting it all in horrible colors misrepresents the past and belittles the sacrifices of all those who have for generations worked to make life better for all of us. Of course one would need to teach that history to acknowledge its importance, but that debate belongs in a different forum. For our part, we will just be happy that God gave us beer … and Sabrina Rose shared some with Jayme Langford. [STAR TAGS: Jayme Langford Video, Sabrina Rose Video] |
10/14/22 |
Shayla Whew! With a View![STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
10/13/22 |
ReelRisque Tree Hugger | pics[STAR TAGS: Aidra Fox] |
10/11/22 | We have had remarkably little time to pontificate as of late, what with the barrage of new video and home page renovations hitting the Risqué Commune sites, so we intentionally built in a slight pause today. For example, “as I walk along, I wonder what went wrong with our love” … at least some of the time anyway. And then I think, “Oh, yeah. It was probably that boning your sister thing that caused a bit of our discord.“ Others may have different answers to that question, but we’d venture to say not many will have nearly so clear an indication as to a likely explanation. So in a jump to a completely different (and distinctly more pleasant) topic — with Uncle Gibby in tow for good measure — we shall reminisce a tad about … our little runaway. [STAR TAGS: Lexi Belle Video, Alexis Love Video, Kissy Kapri Video, Veronique Vega Video] |
10/10/22 |
GingerLynn The Rom Dom[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Nina Hartley Video] |
10/9/22 |
247AdultStars Glean the Clean[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennett Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
10/7/22 |
Cythereas Help Feeling Strong[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Lily Thai Video] |
10/6/22 |
ReelRisque Loving One’s Car | pics[STAR TAGS: Aspen Ora] |
10/5/22 |
RisqueNews Memories, Both Excellent and Yet Different[STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Kim Kitaine Video, Michael Ninn] |
10/4/22 |
ReelRisque Room to Rut | pics[STAR TAGS: Kimberly Kane] |
10/3/22 |
GingerLynn It’s About Time[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Iris Rose Video] |
10/2/22 |
GingerLynn Jade Aspen – Katie Summers – Sabrina Deep – Carrie – Chasey Lain – Ruby Reyes… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
10/1/22 |
Shayla Service with a Smile … and a Friend[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michelle Michaels Video, Michael Ninn] |
March 2022 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
3/31/22 | Tori Black happens to be an amazing talent. Truth be told she also happens to be even more impressive as a human being, and a true inspiration for people regardless of their biological genitalia. Given the wealth of choices we had, we could still think of no better person to celebrate the end of International Women’s Month, as we begin to study up for next year. … Honestly, AVN once nominated Tori in twenty different categories — at a single awards show. She won “Performer of the Year” twice in a row. Yada-yada… Although physically performing counts a good deal in this industry, we have been around for more than two decades here, so we don’t much sweat the sweaty stuff anymore. When a woman dazzles us with her mind — y’know, and still looks that good and all — we sit up and take notice. Tori Black’s After School Special provided such a moment for us, so much so that we had to watch it several times — y’know, for scientific purposes and all. [STAR TAGS: Tori Black Video, Romana Ryder Video, Sindee Jennings Video, Rebecca Blue Video, Ruby Knox Video, Aden Ashley Video, Celeste Star Video, Capri Anderson Video, Melissa Jacobs Video, Lily Labeau Video] |
3/30/22 |
GingerLynn Going North, Young Woman[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video] |
3/28/22 | Have you ever had one of those tasks assigned where you could tell by just looking at it that the amount of time required just to organize what you were trying to do was daunting all by itself — and that didn’t even count the time necessary to try and actually do it? Then when you mention that little detail to the boss you get that annoying standard explanation of, “The longest journey begins with the first step” kind of platitude? You could try what we did by responding, “Sure, but so does the shortest journey, and we would like one of those, please.” … That won’t work to get you out of the task, but it might make you feel better. Consequently, we felt much better as the 500-odd photos, bunches of videos, and a whole heaping of D.Minion quirkiness made it out in our Full Faith and Credit for Deduction enterprise. If you must do something difficult, at least try to have fun with it. [STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Shy Love, Sophia, Michael Ninn] |
3/26/22 |
RisqueNews The Eyes Have It[STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video, Selina Draagen Video, Michael Ninn] |
3/25/22 |
KylieIreland Hots o’ Gold[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Francesca Le Video] |
3/23/22 |
Shayla Nicely Done[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
3/22/22 |
247AdultStars Quite the Step Up[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennet Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/21/22 | What better way can you think of to celebrate the first day of Spring than getting up close and personal with Kylie Ireland? Granted, clever people might have scheduled a couple of days back on St. Patrick’s Day to revel someone named “Ireland” for sure, but sadly we do not know any clever people. It’s a burden we bear. On the upside, Spring lasts a whole lot longer than one day, and Ms. Kylie gets a whole different kind of “bare” on this excursion, so who really cares in the grand scheme? Big pictures can get altogether too much focus it seems to us, when at the core we are talking about human beings. Somebody in D.C. ought to reason a bit more in that direction. Don’t you think? [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Shane Video] |
3/20/22 |
GingerLynn Maya Hills – Joslyn James – Nyomi Banxxx – Cytherea – Britney Amber – Shay Lynn… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
3/19/22 | If you have Paradise in your life, you count yourself among the blessed people on the planet. Of course if you have Paradise, and then you lose it, that’s way worse than never having it, because you don’t know what you’re missing if you never had it to begin with. Right? Of course, if you intend to lose Paradise, you’re either Milton, Michael Raven, or someone seriously needing a nap. If, however, you lost Paradise and then you found it again after hours and hours (and hours) of computer labor, well, then you can once again count members among the blessed people. Should you still be confused, Julia Ann and Kristal Summers can help guide you. What we say doesn’t really matter anyway. Nobody listens to us with those two around. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Kristal Summers Video, Julia Ann Video, TJ Hart Video, Olivia del Rio Video, Tanya Danielle Video, Jana Cova Video, Monica Mayhem Video, Summer Storm Video, Phoenix Ray Video, April Flowers Video] |
3/18/22 |
GingerLynn They Feel Pretty[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Lynn Ray Video] |
3/16/22 |
Shayla Fountain of Friendship[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Taren Steele Video] |
3/15/22 |
247AdultStars Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three … Anna Joy![STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/14/22 |
GingerLynn Boobies Rock on Pi Day![STAR TAGS: Tara Morgan Exclusive Video] |
3/13/22 | We pretty much love all things Latina around here, which probably has a lot of deep-seated psychological reasons, not a single one of which would be of the slightest interest to any random person who might be reading this. What could be of interest, of course, would be the reopening of an early TOC full movie featuring, Carmen Caliente, Cindy Cruz, Liv Aguilera, and Selma Sins. There are some dudes too, but we pretty much consider them props in these gonzo shows, probably for a completely different group of deep-seated psychological reasons nobody cares about either. We will say that putting them in lingerie turned out to be a stellar idea, even if some dude came up with it. [STAR TAGS: Carmen Caliente Video, Cindy Cruz Video, Liv Aguilera Video, Selma Sins Video] |
3/12/22 | The Shayla LaVeaux crew piped in bright and early this morning bragging about how they have now revamped Shayla.com all the way back through Volume 4 of the updates, which puts them complete back through 2015 as we hear tell. Shayla had a long career, so they’ve a ways to go, but it still marks an achievement we recognize. You folks can watch Shayla demonstrate Things that Never Happen and then get her Timbers Shivered all on the same day. Nice. … We’re going to try and figure out a way to explain to people in London the time difference in Los Angeles. … EARLY. Really frickin’ early on a Saturday. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Nikita Video, Jenna Jameson Video, Kelsey Heart Video, Brittany Andrews] |
3/11/22 | Who knew that people could learn secret tricks about how to take photographs professionally at an orgy just by being a member here? … OK. So we knew, but now we have shared this crucial knowledge with all the budding pros out there, which makes us really darned nice, for the record. Not only that, but we unearthed a Bobbi Starr performance that we had honestly forgotten about. The web can be really handy for reminding you about things; have you noticed? And none of us ever ages on the web either, which qualifies as a trick we wish the bathroom mirror would learn. Apparently not much has changed since we first learned you can’t always get what you want. Perhaps you’ll be satisfied with what you need, though, and everybody needs more Bobbi. [STAR TAGS: Bobbi Starr Video, Carolyn Reese Video, Dani Jensen Video, Krissy Lynn Video, Madelyn Marie Video] |
3/10/22 |
247AdultStars Blinds Leading | The Party[STAR TAGS: Beth Bennett Exclusive Video, Loz Lorrimar Exclusive Video, Crystal Pink, Michelle Moist, Holly D., Shay Hendrix, Syren Sexton, Tiffany Doll, Kerry Louise, Tanya Cox, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/9/22 |
GingerLynn As She Wishes, Farmboy[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video] |
3/8/22 |
Shayla Orange We Glad[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] |
3/7/22 |
GingerLynn Demise of the ‘Stache[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Erica Boyer Video] |
3/6/22 | It has taken a full year since we first started mapping out the process — mostly because of Maverick becoming a famous photographer and digital magazine publisher, which was really annoying, actually. (Don’t you just hate it when people around you seem to forget that it’s all about YOU?) … Finally, though, we have teams compiled on both sides of the Atlantic to coordinate putting the 247AdultStars videos back online — all 14+ years of them. Regardless of how long it took, getting all the EU stars back in viewable Exclusive Video splendor will be wonderful. Honestly, not much in the EU qualifies as wonderful these days, so we’re happy to do our little insignificant part with distraction — beginning with a couple of the earliest 247AS family members, Kaz B and Syren Sexton. [STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
3/5/22 |
ReelRisque Hottie Harvest | vid[STAR TAGS: Jesse Capelli Video, Natalia Rossi Video] |
3/4/22 |
RisqueNews Tattoo Whee![STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Photos, Monique Alexander Video, Jessica Drake Video, Summer Storm Video] |
3/3/22 |
Cythereas Life’s Strange Journeys[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Rebecca Love Video, Teagan Video, Ginger Lynn] |
3/1/22 |
GingerLynn Physical Therapy Extraordinaire[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video] |