5/31/24 | ![]() |
5/30/24 | ![]() RisqueNews Kat de Pussy[STAR TAGS: Katsumi Video, Katsuni Video, Penny Flame Video, Mia Smiles Video, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn] |
5/28/24 | ![]() 247AdultStars Memories of Beauty Abounded[STAR TAGS: Erotica LA, 2009, Julia Ann, Christy Canyon, Alektra Blue, Jessica Drake, Tori Black, Tori Lane, Sophie Dee, Lexi Belle Video, Sunny Leone, Nikki Benz, Gianna Michaels, Belladonna] |
5/27/24 | ![]() ReelRisque Diamond ’N’ Rough pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Skin Diamond Video] |
5/26/24 | ![]() RisqueNews The Ichtheologist without the Ick[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video] |
5/24/24 | ![]() |
5/23/24 | ![]() Shayla Definitely Not Junk[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michael Ninn] |
5/22/24 | ![]() RisqueNews Continuing the Maverick Theme with Cate[STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/21/24 | ![]() RisqueNews Maverick of Yore[STAR TAGS: Renee Perez, Dyanna Lauren] |
5/20/24 | ![]() |
5/19/24 | ![]() |
5/18/24 | ![]() |
5/17/24 | ![]() ReelRisque Flower Power pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Nikki Rhodes Video, Allison Pierce Video] |
5/15/24 | ![]() 247AdultStars Getting the Bedroom Dirty[STAR TAGS : Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/13/24 | ![]() |
5/12/24 | ![]() GingerLynn Lacie James – Justine Joli – Daisy Ducati – Amber Chase – Shayla LaVeaux – Sadie Kennedy… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career |
5/11/24 | ![]() Shayla Wardrobe Pal Function[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] |
5/10/24 | ![]() Shayla Land of Milk and a Honey[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video] |
5/8/24 | ![]() |
5/7/24 | ![]() 247AdultStars Love Makes the Boobs Go ‘Round[STAR TAGS: Sandie Caine Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com] |
5/6/24 | ![]() ReelRisque Ryder IS the Skye | pics[STAR TAGS: Ryder Skye] |
5/5/24 | ![]() |
5/4/24 | ![]() ReelRisque Finding Your Chi pics | vid[STAR TAGS: Annie Cruz Video, Kimberly Chi Video] |
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5/1/24 | ![]() |
Filed Under: Monica Sweetheart
May 2008 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
5/30/08 | We love summer time around here. It brings wonderful experiences each and every year. … Long days and warm evenings. Homemade ice cream. Picnics. Vacations, short and long. The return of the annual curiosity about how in the world a company ever managed to bring “Lawn Darts” to the market. … And maybe even boating, baseball, or perhaps volleyball. … For us, it always brings a treat superior even to all of these: INTERNS! … And interns are not only thrilled to be here, but they just love searching and organizing archives in the “Content Closet” that seems always a bit overflowing around the office. … And then they find stuff. … And occasionally they find a little lesbian art with Keri Windsor and Ava Vincent and a few videos documenting a – call it solo reflection – by Wendy Divine. … And what an appropriate name for this time of year, right? Slurpees for everyone! [FEATURED TAGS: Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent, Wendy Divine Video, Exclusive Video] |
5/24/08 | You may have noticed that on rare (sort of) occasions we just can’t seem to keep ourselves from interjecting editorial comment (or caveats) into a particular situation. Well, as we sometimes do, we thought we’d take a very brief moment and offer Dear Maverick some things upon which he may wish to ruminate. … OK. Well if you want to be technical about it we’ve never actually done this before, but we might do it again, so we’re still going with “sometimes” here. We do what we have to, after all. Or else we do what seems fun. We forget. [FEATURED TAGS: Renee Perez, Exclusive Video, Maverick] |
5/23/08 | Oh, dear. Maverick seems to be ramping up his enthusiasm for his next trip over the Atlantic, and so he’s suddenly wrapped up his coverage of his last trip over the Atlantic. Consequently we have a whole bunch of AEE pictures, including some visual evidence that porn stars don’t always precisely follow the “rules” of a venue exactly. Don’t you just love independent women? [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Adult Entertainment Expo, Daisy Marie, Nautica Thorn, Tera Wray, Calian Curtis, Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Carmen Luvana, Lexi Love, Exclusive Video] |
5/22/08 | If you want to know the truth, we’re sure we saw a Pussy Kat. Comic references aside (although that’s admittedly a little tough for us most of the time), in the process of this D.Minion Interaction, we also see Katsumi (now “Katsuni” because of some stupid law suit), Mia Smiles, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, and Trinity – whom we think all still get to use their own names. Although we will also admit that we should probably care a lot more than we do, it turns out that when we see beautiful naked women performing for us, we don’t often think of their names first. We’ll work on it by continuing to look at beautiful naked women and trying to remember what we’re doing wrong. [FEATURED TAGS: Katsumi, Mia Smiles Video, Penny Flame, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion] |
5/16/08 | You’ve probably heard that a little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing. Well, we don’t want to cast aspersions on someone who has to live in perpetual gloom, eat sausages full of blood, and thinks coffee is really tea (well, we might want to), but Maverick has been learning about video compression for the web. Consequently, suddenly he’s now got all kind of formats over there at 247AdultStars. Now you need to realize that he has the benefit of being able to share with us the first legitimate shower adventures of the delectable Cate Harrington, who apparently had a soiled “personal toy” because she decided it needed a shower too. Probably Mav just likes practicing with her clips a lot. We’ll tell him we understand … and to at least not eat that sausage. Bleh! [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video] |
5/15/08 | It’s a Double-Feature Day in D.Minion land as she lays out another new KSEX story as well as a new “Spice TV’s The Nooner” story. Now, true, both of these formerly dandy ventures have now deceased, but they remain near and dear to our hearts – particularly the parts where Dee’s naked. Unlike the concept of “Double Features” Dee being naked never goes out of style. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, D.Minion] |
5/12/08 | Well we’ve been doing a bunch of boring code stuff that most of you well never even notice, but it does tend to make the site function better, and so that’s good. You need to do these things every once in a while. It’s not sexy, but it’s true. For his part, Maverick has been busy shooting much more along the sexy lines, as we introduce a little more of Cate Harrington today … honestly just because she’s a lot more interesting than Big Ben, if you want to know the truth. We have more of Mav’s discovery on the horizon too, but it’s never too soon to start with pretty women – that’s our philosophy around here as you’ve probably figured out. [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington, Maverick] |
5/5/08 | It’s “Cinco De Mayo” which technically means “the fifth of May” but apparently it’s a reason to celebrate. Now according to D.Minion it’s sort of a Mexican Independence Day, “but it really isn’t” … and that just goes to show that former teachers can be annoyingly precise. Still, it did seem a reason to celebrate some degree of multi-cultural happiness, not that we’ve ever really needed much of a reason to do that. Actually any reason to contact Lorraine Sisco (She’s German, you know.) pretty much works for us and we’re perfectly willing to admit that. So check out what we’ve learned today (or at least what we’ve theorized at this point), and then go out and find some really good chile verde near you. Feel free to add mucho cerveza. [FEATURED TAGS: Lorraine Sisco, Faith Leon, Exclusive Video] |
5/4/08 | Did you know that England now employs Imperial Storm Troopers to assure its civil defense? And nobody there has a cell phone that they actually talk on, they just use them to send text messages? And did you know that all British women take showers with pyrex dildos instead of scrubbing brushes? … Well, you have to read between the lines a bit today to figure all that out, but we’re quite certain those are the lessons intended. How could we be wrong? [FEATURED TAGS: Cate Harrington Video, Exclusive Video, Maverick] |
5/1/08 | Mayday! Mayday! Danger Will Robinson! … Your mother may be sleeping with Dustin Hoffman! … We asked D.Minion if this was a good way to start the introduction, since she made a point of telling us that today does in fact happen to be May Day, but she said we missed the point. Dang it. We hate it when that happens. To be more direct, we suppose, we could mention that we are literally “Building to a Crescendo” today, but you would only appreciate our dazzling wit were you actually a member and thus able to read today’s entry. Let’s face it: After DM shot down our approach we basically just decided to write enough to make it seem like we’re paying attention up here. You may be sensing a theme this time around. Oh, and we do use foreshadowing a couple of times. That’s always an entertaining little literary diversion – as are Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, and Ms. Lorraine Sisco, by the way. [FEATURED TAGS: Faith Leon, Audrey Hollander, Kellemarie, Nevaeh, Lorraine Sisco, Exclusive Video] |
June 2007 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
6/30/07 | It may seem hard to believe, but we always read and (mostly) listen to the member emails that come in. Now we can’t say we always follow the “advice” since some of the “suggestions” seem to be physically impossible, but some of them are actually nice, and those we tend to pay attention to. We also like giving friends a semi-public chance to “vent” when life has given them lemons … or marshmellow bunnies, or something … and so we’re able to accomplish two goals very early in the process today. We get to see a lot of “Dee Behind the Scenes” changing clothes and generally being adorable and we get to learn some history that involves many, many naked women. All in all, with this much accomplished before nine o’clock in the morning, we’d better go spend some quality time with the dogs. Y’all have a good time, and feel free to eat some chocolate waffles this weekend. Live a litte. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Georgia Video, Justine Joli Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
6/26/07 | Details remain sketchy at this point, but it appears that D.Minion and Lon had a meaningful experience with Julia Ann over the weekend – which happened to include the use of a bed. We decided that while we’re uncovering (as it were) more details, today might just be a good day to recount some Julia Ann experiences with our old friend Inari Vachs. Apparently Julia Ann has developed some experience dealing with Naughty Amateurs – which would undoubtedly include both Lon and D.Minion, by the way. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Inari Vachs, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
6/17/07 | We’re off to a geek convention so that we might learn new and improved ways to be confused in our everyday efforts, and then we’re staying down for the Erotica LA Convention next Weekend. Now as we understand it, one should make a practice of being kind to strangers, and so that’s what we’re doing in this particular mega-venture to entertain you in our absence. While Maverick doesn’t qualify as someone we don’t know obviously, we can assure you with absolute certainty that he is indeed stranger than most people you’ll ever meet. Lamenting his failure to arrange a visit to correspond with our upcoming parade with porn stars, he … let’s say, unhappily … pointed out that we never made time to publish his … let’s say unique … adventures at the AEE last January. So we’ve made the (considerable) effort to do that. Without providing too much editorial comment at this early juncture, let us just point out that you could read 1,000 words and look at 100 pictures on each of the seven days covering our little trip here, and you’d still have four more pictures to go – along with Heaven knows how many words. Culture is a curious thing; add it to the XXX world, and you’ve got an interesting animal to say the least. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Kristal Summers, Jenna Jameson, Julia Ann, Heather Vuur, Heather Vandeven, Kylie Ireland, Justine Joli, Chasey Lain, Sunny Lane, Jesse Jane, Stephanie Swift, Jana Cova, Belladonna, Monique Alexander, Christy Canyon, Alana Evans, Jenna Haze, Alexandra Silk, Aurora Snow, Mika Tan, Monica Mayhem, Audrey Hollander, Faith Leon, Taren Steele Video, Sindee Coxx Video, Michael Ninn, Maverick] |
6/14/07 | You know what’s good about Mia Smiles? Well, darned near everything if you want to know the truth. So when Mia stepped in as wardrobe mistress, and cell phone aficionado, and talent to work with Katsumi, we decided we’d hang out and see if anything interesting happened. It seemed to oddly enough. Go figure. We love that about life. [FEATURED TAGS: Katsumi, Mia Smiles, Trinity, Monica Sweetheart, Penny Flame, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion] |
6/9/07 | We’re reveling in technology today, which fortunately we’re making with a great deal of Juli Ashton and even more gratuitous nudity. And if you think about it, any day where you can say that seems like a pretty good day all the way around. Consider it technically Juli as a Diva and effectively as Juli just being dazzling. It’s good in life not to overcomplicate. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn] |
6/6/07 | In keeping with our basically weird existence we have a special report today that’s a “Lala” shoot that doesn’t actually happen in LA. We know: It sounds confusing. And if you think that’s bad, just wait until you get to the European Geography part. Uh-Huh. Now we’ve said this before, but you really might consider just skipping to the 100+ pictures of the beautiful naked woman. Either that, or you’re gonna need a map, and you really have to be careful about paper cuts … at least on some parts of your person … that may be rather exposed while you’re looking … or maybe not. We’ll just move along now. [FEATURED TAGS: Lala X, Maverick] |
6/2/07 | Favorite shirt we saw at the rodeo this weekend: “Sure beer has no food value but food has no beer value either.” … OK. We didn’t really go to the rodeo this weekend, but there’s one in town and this guy wearing a cowboy hat had that shirt on, so we figure it’s a fair assumption that the shirt ended up at the rodeo too. We make leaps of faith like that, and you’ll likely notice a few more of them as we conclude Becoming Georgia Adair: Self Portrait with Day Two of D.Minion’s traditional epic. Be warned: There was a kitty cat on set and if you’ve been a member for awhile, you know what that means. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair, Sharon Wild, Michael Ninn, D.Minion, Risque News Insight] |
April 2005 Risque | What’s New
… With appropriate credit to Garth:
Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff
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