Filed Under: Kenzie Ryan

September 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

9/30/24 Maryjean


Boy in Wonder | pics

[STAR TAGS: Maryjean]

9/29/24 DeeAnyone who has ever watched The Big Bang Theory for any length of time can tell you that theoretical physicists have a cultural disdain for engineers. Now that hardly represents the only place where theory and application collide as to superiority, but it does happen to be among the funniest — which counts for a lot in our world. So we were going to wade in and solve this dispute once and for all, but then we decided to just show off beautiful naked women instead. Honestly, they have much less cultural disdain (well, at least around here). [STAR TAGS: Dee, Cytherea]
9/28/24 Jodi Taylor


No Treble | vid

[STAR TAGS: Jodi Taylor Video]

9/26/24 Shayla, et al.


Getting Wild with Wilde

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Nici Sterling Video, Alicia Video, Juli Ashton Video]

9/25/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Testing at 4G

[STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Shayla LaVeaux, Dee, Keri Windsor]

9/24/24 Seek, and She Shall Find


Pastel Porn | pics

[STAR TAGS: Zoey Cortes]

9/23/24 ViccaIn this business, beauty can come from literally any direction. Granted the beauty outside can tend to overshadow the beauty inside, but both can be powerful when you meet the folks in person. Unfortunately most folks will never get that chance so they have to be content with the more superficial, although as consolation prizes go, that tends to be acceptable. So we picked a random direction as our Sugar Daddy quest continues, and we feel fine about it. Seriously, though, forgetting to include still photographs of Syren Sexton seems like it should violate some natural law somewhere. [STAR TAGS: Vicca Video, Laura Palmer Video, Nikita, Brittany Andrews, Cindy Behr Video, Syren Sexton Video, Alyssa Love]
9/21/24 Carmel MooreAs summer turns to fall, it might have fit at least a seasonal theme to talk about fallen women — y’know, except we do not believe in that concept, not to mention that whatever falling may transpire in “Daddy’s Little Princess 2” overall, the women can definitely get back up. So we had to give up on the time of year angle, and you can guess why we wanted to go nowhere near the origins of a princess fascination line of thinking. So we just decided to be quiet now. Discretion may be the better part of valor, but silence is most definitely the better part of discretion. Ergo, we are heroes today. … Nice. [STAR TAGS: Sasha Grey Video, Carmel Moore Video, Stacee Morgan Video, Holly Moon Video, Kayla Paige Video, Kayla Synz Video] 
9/19/24 Shayla LaVeaux and Raquel DevineAfter a rather significant debate around the office, Shayla expressed a preference for “at least some” web site updates of a — call it less daunting — nature. Long a proponent of more frequent, shorter, posts, D.Minion leapt to Shayla’s side of the argument, giving us all her by now well-knows opinion that Members may not have enough time in their days to make it all the way through one of our longer endeavors, and thus would likely appreciate a relatively brief bit of amusement every once in awhile. We all sat down with Shayla and DM and carefully — with admirable respect evident, and politeness overflowing, don’t you know — explained that we believed a more comprehensive “multi-media” approach fits our “conceptual algorithm” as a rule. Because clearly life goes forward on many levels at once, we simply replicate that approach in our Members’ areas. We were persuasive. We showed multitudes of examples. We demonstrated our case with uncanny aplomb. … And then we did exactly what Shayla wanted. Hey, we’re Geeks with opinions, but we’re not crazy. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Raquel Devine] 
9/18/24 Cate HarringtonDepending upon how one defines “comfort” it might be possible to achieve it in any number of places. … Well, ok, not any number probably, but a lot. So a number that means a lot, but not a stupidly large amount. And not a small amount. … Never mind. More to point today, the Maverick team captured exactly how Cate Harrington Couches Comfort, and then they expanded the discussion with a couple of cutting-edge producers over the pond just to show off a little. We could get into why some people call the Atlantic ocean “the pond” in theory, but it seems like we may have wandered enough for one day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247Adult]
9/17/24 Caroline Ray


Lube Liberally | pics

[STAR TAGS: Caroline Ray]

9/16/24 ChristianaAs one of two “leaders” — using the term extremely loosely — around here, I do not get out much into polite society. Of course that could be because I have simply lost track of where I put my polite gene, but more likely I just happen to prefer the company of dogs to the company of humans. Well, I had to venture out last week, and invariably once my history comes into the conversation, I get the same series of questions, although these days they often come from just men, so that’s progress. Well, I promised to give them all links to The Answer, because I knew there was an article in here somewhere about it. Then we noticed a very fun update from the same month truly in need of update, so now they (and you) can consider Wear, for Thou Art as well. Welcome to the jungle. We got fun and games. (Yeah, I should write a song.) [STAR TAGS: Sophia Lynn]
9/15/24 Misty Stone


Alice McMunn – Cameron Dee – Carrie – Sunny Lane – Ashley Pink – Misty Stone

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

9/14/24 AnaisAccording to a modern American poet, “It’s all about the Grants and Jacksons. Transactions. That explains your actions.” … Oddly, what with it being poetry and all, this could actually explain 95% of why people do anything — which would be both enlightening and utterly sad, of course. … Philosophy aside, since the poet happened to be Michael Ninn, he took the concept a slightly different direction from politics or even sociology. (Yes, he can write too. Honestly the breadth of his talent can be a little annoying.) Regardless, we take a look at that concept today with something we’ve entitled Music to You Eyes (or) Bach to the Future. We do not have Michael’s gifts, but we’re way more funny. [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Jana Jordan Video, Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Brittney Skye, Kenzie Ryan, Michael Ninn]
9/13/24 Roxxy Rush and Angel CassidyOne has many options for activities on Friday the 13th in the modern world. You could stay home and be “safe” should you be inclined toward superstition. You could do something celebratory should you have a name suiting the occasion, as does our leader. On this particular Friday the 13th you could check the internet or cable news to see who won the recent Presidential debate, and if you do not like the answer you need only change the channel (or URL) to find one more suited to your preference. For our part, we have chosen to Embrace some Elegance, in all its cello-accompanied glory. [STAR TAGS : Angel Cassidy Video, Roxxxy Rush Video]
9/12/24 Kenna James, Lily LaBeau


Technically Succubi … Emphasis on Bi

[STAR TAGS: Kenna James Video, Lily Labeau Video]

9/10/24 London KeyesIt does not happen often, but on those occasions when it does, we can provide a pithy clue as to the editorial slant for the day simply by quoting the first paragraph. … “Sometimes things just sort of magically fall together. [True. And sometimes the process does not even involve tequila.]” … Now we should probably mention that the moving pictures part of the event involves London Keyes, and one generally does not have to say much more than that, but if you just skip to the video, you will miss “some proper British pomp for our London Keyes circumstance.” And the fatberg. You’ll also miss that. [Which honestly might be just fine.] [STAR TAGS: London Keyes Video]
9/9/24 Anna Joy


Having it Maid

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

9/8/24 Chantelle Fox


Chantelle Fox vs. The Faucet

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video]

9/7/24 Georgia Jones, Jesse Capelli


Brunch Bypass | vid

[STAR TAGS: Georgia Jones Video, Jesse Capelli Video]

9/6/24 Georgia Jones and Jesse CapelliSometimes you just need to give your brain a break. If you happen to enjoy politics and it happens to be after Labor Day during a Presidential election cycle, you may need to give your brain a break a lot. … Fortunately we excel at that around here, and thus you will find not a single poll referenced today — not even a stripper pole, which we much prefer truth be told. Nope you may enjoy “For Whom, the Belles’ Knolls” without any danger of the world potentially ending. We do have weird, though, come to think of it. That’s kind of our jam, after all. [STAR TAGS: Jodi Taylor]
9/5/24 Shayla LaVeaux, jessica drake


Memorial Daze in Labor Day Week

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jessica Drake]

9/4/24 Natalia Forrest


Forrest for the Please

[STAR TAGS: Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

9/2/24 If you recognize the names Tony Nelson, Roger Healey and Alfred Bellows, you might be in for a darned good time today as we continue our monitoring of the quest for the perfect Sugar Daddy. Rest assured no one in this episode in any way resembles any of those famous characters, but rather they serve to conjure up the mood, as it were. Should you not recognize those names, well, we encourage your observations as well, even as we feel sorry for you. So much history, gone in a puff of pink smoke. [STAR TAGS: Gem Sparkle Video, Pippa Dee Video, Kat Lee Video, Kit Lee Video]
9/1/24 Jana Jordan


Unicorn Lesbians | vid

[STAR TAGS: Sasha Grey Video, Jana Jordan Video]

July 2009 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Does everybody remember the story of the Syrens? Well, it seems our own Dear Maverick has sailed too close to the shore, or more accurately her shore. Come to think of it, we traditionally refer to boats in the feminine, but are shores feminine too? … Better yet, don’t think about any of that and just see why Mav loves his job as Syren Begins Her Song over on the most famous British Isle. [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Syren Sexton Video, Exclusive Video]

Worth Singing About

Apparently over there in London an “ISP” doesn’t seem to involve anything that actually looks like “Service” – at least if Maverick’s experiences lately has been any indication. Consequently, the poor lad has been chomping at the bit to get 247AdultStars updated, and we’ve … well, we’ve sort of been laughing hysterically at what an actual business can get away with in the U.K. But he’s back up and running, some three weeks after “they couldn’t find a problem” (Don’t you love that?) and we have agreed to at least stop laughing at him until we see more of Syren Sexton. That’s a shiny Brit, that one. [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Holly D. Video, Syren Sexton, Exclusive Video]

Syren Sexton looking Shiny

Wow. Historic moments in time can be interesting, right? Forty years ago the first man walked on the moon. Twenty years ago the Game Boy debuted. And any day now the new SEARCHABLE Index will debut on … although those might not all be of equal importance in the development of modern civilization. They might be, though. They never had Dee on the moon or in a Game Boy, though. There’s that. [FEATURED TAGS: Chasey Lain Video, Asia Carrera Video, Kelly O’Dell Video, Taylor Hayes Video]

Dee previewing in Thumbnail Fashion. Sneaky we are.

Sometimes you simply need to do things for fun. Let’s face it: In 100 years, we’ll all be dead. Consequently, our leaders (more accurately: those that have been around here the longest) set out this past week to track down Tenaya. Hey, if you’re going to do fun things, they might as well involve a Penthouse Pet if you can work that into the equation. So as you pop on inside and see what we discovered, you can be prepared to smile with the lass once again … and you can also be glad we decided against using our first inclination of the “stop and smell the roses” approach here. Even a Penthouse Pet might have some olfactory issues with that particular metaphor, considering we found her way out in the California desert. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya Video, Exclusive Video, Uncle Gibby]

Tenaya and her Thoughts

We’ve more on our We Love Julia Ann month today, which it occurs to us that people out here in the free section may not even know has started. Those people have a sad life, really, so we need to be kind to them. If you ever get really depressed with your own life, just look around a bit and consider what some others have to be dealing with. For example, some people live up in the “frozen tundra” like Uncle Gibby – on purpose. All in all, a regular interaction with bodacious babes seem preferable, even when you only get to visit. [FEATURED TAGS: Erotica LA, Julia Ann Video, Exclusive Video, Uncle Gibby]

“Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop.”

One would think that writing on a day indicated by 7-11 would require at least passing consideration of “convenience” in some fashion or another. Of course we’ve pretty much ignored the 7-Eleven chain since they stopped selling magazines with naked women in them and then went and decided that they could make a better ICEE under their own brand name. Sometimes you should just let people do what they do, and concentrate instead on doing what you do, and everthing will work out just fine. How this all relates to Lon and DM’s crew tackling Erotica LA remains a conclusion we’ve left to you. That’s what we do, after all. [FEATURED TAGS: Erotica LA, Jessica Drake, Exclusive Audio, Exclusive Video, Lon, Uncle Gibby]

We can see the forest for the trees. Really.

Dear Maverick finishes up his Slanted by (Lexi) Love review of the big Los Angeles convention this year, which turned out to have the distinct advantage of taking place a couple of weeks before Michael Jackson decided to die. Otherwise, parking down at the convention center would have been a real pain, and we’d have ended up walking as much as if Lon would have been in charge. Still it is always sad when people leave this plain, and as great a talent as Michael Jackson undoubtedly was, we still mostly feel sorry for Farrah Fawcett. She spent the bulk of her career struggling to get top billing, and the poor thing didn’t even get it when she died. God has a wicked sense of humor sometimes. Hopefully considering the recent porn outing will distract us from such sagacious musings, however. [FEATURED TAGS: 247AdultStars, Erotica LA, Lexi Love, Julia Ann, Exclusive Video]

Devils in their Details, Perhaps

There really generally happens to be a method to our madness, and on this festive national anniversary we thought we’d explain how Kristal Summers fits into the current agenda. We had a special request from a member recently for “more on Kristal” , and we therefore felt motivated to happily comply. Don’t you just love it when you agree to do favors for people that won’t require any actual inconveniences on your part? … You get credit for doing something that you certainly would have done anyway, and you can pretend it was all very difficult, so you can bank some favors of your own in the future. Now there’s a goal we can always strive for. … Y’all go watch some pretty explosions tonight, and then have some of your own with Kristal. … Oh, and Mav, sorry about that whole tea in the harbor thing. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Kristal providing some agenda inspiration of her own.

Ah, the question of feminine beauty. … Don’t you just love questions that defy an actual answer while concurrently providing a wonderful enjoyment in the search for it? Much as our custom dictates, we approach the issue from yet another angle today, and as alluded to, we rest quite comfortably in our ultimate lack of a conclusion. We did come upon one corrollary that we could all agree on, and you’ll see that clearly in the thumbnail below, but that pretty much wraps up the real conclusions today. … Oh, and the estrogen-laden members of our team insisted that we point out that another question looms out there regarding the question of male beauty, to which the rest of us (quite reasonably, we thought) responded, “Yeah, so?” [FEATURED TAGS: Kenzie Ryan]

Good Advice When Dating

July 2007 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Sometimes you just need to look at something from a different perspective to recognize the obvious. Of course usually the new “angle” on everything also brings its own myriad of confusion, but if you try to boil it down to its essence, the situation often becomes more clear. Then you can add in a little scientific analysis and that might help, and you might even consider a dash of philosophy or even a metaphysical conceit or two if you’re really brave. Very soon everything will just look even more complicated than it was before started trying to look at it clearly and so you just wing it and hope for the best. That’s what we do. It may not work all of the time, but it makes for a nice way to go through life. [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Lena Nicole, Renna Ryann, Sophia Lynn, Exclusive Video]

See how a computer monitor with a pretty woman on it is like life?

We’ve been working madly way behind the scenes here, and there’s a big announcement on the horizon. Oddly enough, it’s not nearly as distant a horizon as many we’ve foretold around here, so that’s nice. Maverick’s also chiming in today about what he’s going to be doing, which doesn’t help all that much, but he’s also got an exclusive “view” (and we mean that literally) of a famous British porn star named Sandie. Odd, but we still think of the Olivia Newton John character in Grease when we hear that name. … Hmm. We probably shouldn’t admit that, right? … Oh, and incidentally, we have no idea why Maverick takes pictures of upside down naked women, and we really didn’t want to ask. [FEATURED TAGS: Sandie Caine, Jana Jordan, Renee Perez, Lena Nicole, Alana Langford, Alexis Love, Tiffany Sweet, Carli Banks, Marlie Moore, Michael Ninn, Maverick]

Sandie Caine (and we didn't make that up)

What could be better than “Dee Penetrated” you may wonder. Well, apparently it could be Dee Exposed, because … well, you’ll have to read about it if you really care. Dee herself didn’t seem to mind whatever title we used, as she was just along for the ride … so to speak. Another thing that’s really, really good is a fresh bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich when the bacon is hot and thick-sliced, and the tomatoes are vine-ripened, but honestly we can only give you D.Minion’s account of our Delectable Dee today. You’ll have to make your own lunch. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Dee ... probably ordering a sandwich.

It could be that a little bit of thinking goes a long way when you’re talking about your basic porn site. Of course our goal has never been to BE “your basic porn site” so you would think that we could think – and you’d then think that our thinking made you think. Which might not be as helpful as you might have thought it was going to be, truth be told. We’d tell you what we think about this, but we’ve clearly done more than enough thinking to last us for quite some time. Don’t you think? [FEATURED TAGS: Vanessa Hill Video, Electra Angel Video, Linda Shane Video, Kenzie Ryan Video, Laura Capri Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Eyes on the Master

Most of the time we choose to be a little more forthcoming out here on the free side, but every once in awhile it suits one to be a little more circuitous in our approach. That’s OK. If we tell you we have some “secret stuff” to talk about (and show off) today, and then we tell you what it is … well, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now would it? Sometimes the simple approach works best, which happens to be another lesson we hope to demonstrate. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Juli Ashton Video, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Julia Ann ... touching, isn't she?

Well, we made it through the post, but it was a weird one. Of course we can say that almost all of the time, so maybe that doesn’t mean much. Still, not all of the posts are about Erotica Los Angeles, 2007 so that’s one difference. And at first blush while all of these conventions seem pretty much the same (especially to those of us that have been to 50+ of them) they all have their own … um … uniqueness, let’s call it. Of course there seemed to be surprisingly little blushing on the show floor this year, well except from Lon and D.Minion while they were smothered on a bed by Julia Ann’s breasts right in the middle of the crowd on Saturday. Well, maybe you’ll have to read about it. Some things are too weird even for us to explain. [FEATURED TAGS: Erotica LA, Stormy Daniels, Jessica Drake, Julia Ann, Lon]

Stormy Daniels, decidely NOT in a Polaroid photograph.

We’re putting on an “Innocent” front today, at least while we’re putting the final touches on the Lon/D.Minion story of Erotica LA this year. We haven’t heard from his doctors but last we saw Lon he was still gasping from rolling around on the bed with Julia Ann – which seems perfectly understandable if you think about it. So you can take a moment to ponder how this might have come about in the first place, and then you can try to figure out how these two words go together Innocence: Rebel. We figure it’s only in the world of Michael Ninn, but that’s always an OK place to be, so we’re just going to go with it. We’ve seen the pictures, though, and while “rebellious” might come to mind, we didn’t get many “innocent” vibes here. Naturally, of course, we consider this to be a very good thing. [FEATURED TAGS: Alana Langford, Presley Maddox, Lena Nicole, Amber Rayne, Denice K., Jennifer Dark, Michael Ninn]

Presley Maddox being more rebellious than not.

March 2006 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


It depends on how you look at today’s first Ninn Worx Weekend in too long a time. It could be a deep and philosophical commentary on legal trends spanning the globe, particularly as those issues pertain to technology. Or it could be a thinly-veiled excuse to look at Anais, Georgia Adair, Angel Cassidy, Mia Smiles, and a handful of their female porn friends doing … well, what female porn friends do. Consider it Unbridled – in various fashion, and then just enjoy it. That’s what we’d do. Who cares about lawyers anyway? [FEATURED TAGS: Anais, Mia Smiles, Georgia Adair, Angel Cassidy, Jana Cova, Marlena, Michelle B., Amy Ried, Brittney Skye, Sue Diamond, Michael Ninn]

Brittney Skye and Amy Ried, probably not thinking about the legal profession at all.

We figured we’d ease on into the weekend with a little bit of Dee on her birthday … well, and then in her birthday suit. Then we figured we’d add in Juli Ashton, and a beautiful blonde, and we figured it would be a nice simple contrast to the D.Minon Epics of late. Sometimes it can be good to just enjoy the pretty girls, even if they have reached to ripe old age of 28. (And yes, some of us do in fact have shirts older than that. So what?) [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Juli Ashton Video, May Video, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Dee showing off part of her birthday suit.

You know how sometimes you get these “technological advances” that turn out not to be so helpful? Well, for some inexplicable reason we looked up the “Word Count” in D.Minion’s article On the Set of Fem: Diva and Lost Angels: Olivia Del Rio before we started to compile it for you members. This was not a smart thing to do. We have no idea what possessed us. All we accomplished was scaring ourselves to death, and then we still had to do the work anyway. If we hadn’t, you see, you’d have missed the 245 pictures of Anais, Dee, Olivia, and even Kristal Summers (albeit in a “crew” capacity). On the other hand you would have missed the pictures of horses, cows, old farm equipment, and a couple of Port O’ Potties too, so you can look at this two ways at least. Still, the beautiful women (and Eric Masterson, Carol) probably make up for it. At the very least you’ll learn that city-people are funny. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Anais, Jassie, Olivia Del Rio, Kristal Summers, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Anais & Dee ... making some beautiful music.

You’re supposed to wear green today. Or maybe you’re supposed to wear orange, it’s just that most people think you’re supposed to wear green. Like most things in life, it all gets really complicated if you look at it too closely. That’s why we chose blue. Actually we chose Wendy Divine in (and out of) blue. And if you think about it logically, you’re probably going to want to pinch Wendy pretty much whatever she’s wearing (or not); on a good day, she might let you too. Oh, and there’s a special little bonus section that fans of Georgia Adair, Dee, and Olivia Del Rio may well enjoy as well. Come to think of it, there’s no reason to be blue today at all. Hmm. Maybe brown?  [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine, Olivia Del Rio Video, Dee Video, Georgia Adair Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn]

Wendy Divine not really blue at all.

Well, a lot of things have happened to the Risqué clients over the years, but oddly enough (particularly considering their vocation) this is the first time we can remember that one of them got pregnant. We’ve had a few marriages over the years, but this will be the first offspring – at least that we know about. Now that doesn’t really have anything to do with the Night Calls post today, but we did want to publicly congratulate Juli Ashton, and wish her the best. Soon Juli will have her own Mini-Me … We hope the world is ready.  [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine, Olivia Del Rio Video, Dee Video, Georgia Adair Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, Risque News Insight]

Juli ... sans offspring.

Ah this swinging back into the groove of things has taken a pretty (and easy) turn today, what with Georgia Adair, Dee, Eric Masterson, Jana Cova, Olivia Del Rio, Heather Lee, Angel Cassidy … and not a silly toy, scary fan, or even one piece of clothing you’d never wear in public in sight. Come to think of it, there’s a distinct lack of clothing around here overall. We love that. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair, Dee, Olivia Del Rio, Jana Cova, Angel Cassidy, Michael Ninn]

Dee & Georgia ... missing those clothes we mentioned.

We’re taking a bit of a breath with a taste of the simple today. No more rubber chickens. No more $5,000 sex dolls. No more 30′-tall inflatable penises. Nope. We’re just going to show off a couple of beautiful women who at least seem to enjoy showing off. Some things just don’t take that much explanation … like Kenzie Ryan and Laura Capri, for example. [FEATURED TAGS: Kenzie Ryan, Laura Capri, Michael Ninn]

Kenzie & Laura