Filed Under: Anna Karin

September 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

9/30/24 Maryjean


Boy in Wonder | pics

[STAR TAGS: Maryjean]

9/29/24 DeeAnyone who has ever watched The Big Bang Theory for any length of time can tell you that theoretical physicists have a cultural disdain for engineers. Now that hardly represents the only place where theory and application collide as to superiority, but it does happen to be among the funniest — which counts for a lot in our world. So we were going to wade in and solve this dispute once and for all, but then we decided to just show off beautiful naked women instead. Honestly, they have much less cultural disdain (well, at least around here). [STAR TAGS: Dee, Cytherea]
9/28/24 Jodi Taylor


No Treble | vid

[STAR TAGS: Jodi Taylor Video]

9/26/24 Shayla, et al.


Getting Wild with Wilde

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Nici Sterling Video, Alicia Video, Juli Ashton Video]

9/25/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Testing at 4G

[STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Shayla LaVeaux, Dee, Keri Windsor]

9/24/24 Seek, and She Shall Find


Pastel Porn | pics

[STAR TAGS: Zoey Cortes]

9/23/24 ViccaIn this business, beauty can come from literally any direction. Granted the beauty outside can tend to overshadow the beauty inside, but both can be powerful when you meet the folks in person. Unfortunately most folks will never get that chance so they have to be content with the more superficial, although as consolation prizes go, that tends to be acceptable. So we picked a random direction as our Sugar Daddy quest continues, and we feel fine about it. Seriously, though, forgetting to include still photographs of Syren Sexton seems like it should violate some natural law somewhere. [STAR TAGS: Vicca Video, Laura Palmer Video, Nikita, Brittany Andrews, Cindy Behr Video, Syren Sexton Video, Alyssa Love]
9/21/24 Carmel MooreAs summer turns to fall, it might have fit at least a seasonal theme to talk about fallen women — y’know, except we do not believe in that concept, not to mention that whatever falling may transpire in “Daddy’s Little Princess 2” overall, the women can definitely get back up. So we had to give up on the time of year angle, and you can guess why we wanted to go nowhere near the origins of a princess fascination line of thinking. So we just decided to be quiet now. Discretion may be the better part of valor, but silence is most definitely the better part of discretion. Ergo, we are heroes today. … Nice. [STAR TAGS: Sasha Grey Video, Carmel Moore Video, Stacee Morgan Video, Holly Moon Video, Kayla Paige Video, Kayla Synz Video] 
9/19/24 Shayla LaVeaux and Raquel DevineAfter a rather significant debate around the office, Shayla expressed a preference for “at least some” web site updates of a — call it less daunting — nature. Long a proponent of more frequent, shorter, posts, D.Minion leapt to Shayla’s side of the argument, giving us all her by now well-knows opinion that Members may not have enough time in their days to make it all the way through one of our longer endeavors, and thus would likely appreciate a relatively brief bit of amusement every once in awhile. We all sat down with Shayla and DM and carefully — with admirable respect evident, and politeness overflowing, don’t you know — explained that we believed a more comprehensive “multi-media” approach fits our “conceptual algorithm” as a rule. Because clearly life goes forward on many levels at once, we simply replicate that approach in our Members’ areas. We were persuasive. We showed multitudes of examples. We demonstrated our case with uncanny aplomb. … And then we did exactly what Shayla wanted. Hey, we’re Geeks with opinions, but we’re not crazy. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Raquel Devine] 
9/18/24 Cate HarringtonDepending upon how one defines “comfort” it might be possible to achieve it in any number of places. … Well, ok, not any number probably, but a lot. So a number that means a lot, but not a stupidly large amount. And not a small amount. … Never mind. More to point today, the Maverick team captured exactly how Cate Harrington Couches Comfort, and then they expanded the discussion with a couple of cutting-edge producers over the pond just to show off a little. We could get into why some people call the Atlantic ocean “the pond” in theory, but it seems like we may have wandered enough for one day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, 247Adult]
9/17/24 Caroline Ray


Lube Liberally | pics

[STAR TAGS: Caroline Ray]

9/16/24 ChristianaAs one of two “leaders” — using the term extremely loosely — around here, I do not get out much into polite society. Of course that could be because I have simply lost track of where I put my polite gene, but more likely I just happen to prefer the company of dogs to the company of humans. Well, I had to venture out last week, and invariably once my history comes into the conversation, I get the same series of questions, although these days they often come from just men, so that’s progress. Well, I promised to give them all links to The Answer, because I knew there was an article in here somewhere about it. Then we noticed a very fun update from the same month truly in need of update, so now they (and you) can consider Wear, for Thou Art as well. Welcome to the jungle. We got fun and games. (Yeah, I should write a song.) [STAR TAGS: Sophia Lynn]
9/15/24 Misty Stone


Alice McMunn – Cameron Dee – Carrie – Sunny Lane – Ashley Pink – Misty Stone

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

9/14/24 AnaisAccording to a modern American poet, “It’s all about the Grants and Jacksons. Transactions. That explains your actions.” … Oddly, what with it being poetry and all, this could actually explain 95% of why people do anything — which would be both enlightening and utterly sad, of course. … Philosophy aside, since the poet happened to be Michael Ninn, he took the concept a slightly different direction from politics or even sociology. (Yes, he can write too. Honestly the breadth of his talent can be a little annoying.) Regardless, we take a look at that concept today with something we’ve entitled Music to You Eyes (or) Bach to the Future. We do not have Michael’s gifts, but we’re way more funny. [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Jana Jordan Video, Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Brittney Skye, Kenzie Ryan, Michael Ninn]
9/13/24 Roxxy Rush and Angel CassidyOne has many options for activities on Friday the 13th in the modern world. You could stay home and be “safe” should you be inclined toward superstition. You could do something celebratory should you have a name suiting the occasion, as does our leader. On this particular Friday the 13th you could check the internet or cable news to see who won the recent Presidential debate, and if you do not like the answer you need only change the channel (or URL) to find one more suited to your preference. For our part, we have chosen to Embrace some Elegance, in all its cello-accompanied glory. [STAR TAGS : Angel Cassidy Video, Roxxxy Rush Video]
9/12/24 Kenna James, Lily LaBeau


Technically Succubi … Emphasis on Bi

[STAR TAGS: Kenna James Video, Lily Labeau Video]

9/10/24 London KeyesIt does not happen often, but on those occasions when it does, we can provide a pithy clue as to the editorial slant for the day simply by quoting the first paragraph. … “Sometimes things just sort of magically fall together. [True. And sometimes the process does not even involve tequila.]” … Now we should probably mention that the moving pictures part of the event involves London Keyes, and one generally does not have to say much more than that, but if you just skip to the video, you will miss “some proper British pomp for our London Keyes circumstance.” And the fatberg. You’ll also miss that. [Which honestly might be just fine.] [STAR TAGS: London Keyes Video]
9/9/24 Anna Joy


Having it Maid

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

9/8/24 Chantelle Fox


Chantelle Fox vs. The Faucet

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video]

9/7/24 Georgia Jones, Jesse Capelli


Brunch Bypass | vid

[STAR TAGS: Georgia Jones Video, Jesse Capelli Video]

9/6/24 Georgia Jones and Jesse CapelliSometimes you just need to give your brain a break. If you happen to enjoy politics and it happens to be after Labor Day during a Presidential election cycle, you may need to give your brain a break a lot. … Fortunately we excel at that around here, and thus you will find not a single poll referenced today — not even a stripper pole, which we much prefer truth be told. Nope you may enjoy “For Whom, the Belles’ Knolls” without any danger of the world potentially ending. We do have weird, though, come to think of it. That’s kind of our jam, after all. [STAR TAGS: Jodi Taylor]
9/5/24 Shayla LaVeaux, jessica drake


Memorial Daze in Labor Day Week

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jessica Drake]

9/4/24 Natalia Forrest


Forrest for the Please

[STAR TAGS: Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

9/2/24 If you recognize the names Tony Nelson, Roger Healey and Alfred Bellows, you might be in for a darned good time today as we continue our monitoring of the quest for the perfect Sugar Daddy. Rest assured no one in this episode in any way resembles any of those famous characters, but rather they serve to conjure up the mood, as it were. Should you not recognize those names, well, we encourage your observations as well, even as we feel sorry for you. So much history, gone in a puff of pink smoke. [STAR TAGS: Gem Sparkle Video, Pippa Dee Video, Kat Lee Video, Kit Lee Video]
9/1/24 Jana Jordan


Unicorn Lesbians | vid

[STAR TAGS: Sasha Grey Video, Jana Jordan Video]

April 2007 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Some of us are taking off today, folks, and we just wanted to let you know. It’s been six years since the “leader” (whatever the heck that means, and why the heck would anyone want to be one of those anyway?) has taken a true vacation, and that’s what’s going to happen. Allegedly many, many things will be ongoing in abstentia, but … well … allegedly, and all. … Regardless, everyone enjoy a little bit of the spring time in your area and we’ll see you the second week of May. It might work; who knows? My dad always used to say, “Columbus took a chance.” … Of course I’d always respond that, “He had to run because he was schtupping the Queen and the King found out; he didn’t really land where everyone thinks he landed, and, besides, he’s dead.” I’ve never been very good at lessons, in case you hadn’t noticed.


You know the thing about controversial opinions? They’re easy to ignore and just get on to the serious jobs of looking at Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked. If you’re the thinking sort of person, controversial opinions might also be good to argue with (and when you’ve got Juli Ashton on your side that’s an easy thing to do), but even thinking people tend to get distracted by Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked. (You can see that, right?) You think this is why thinking people don’t run for public office? And would we really want someone in public office that has never seen Julia Ann and Kristal Summers naked? … We think NOT! … Of course sometimes we’re wrong. And sometimes we’re right. … It gets confusing, if you want to know the truth.  [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Kristal Summers]

And we're climbing a stairway to ... um ... Julia Ann and Kristal. Have you been paying attention?

We’re thinking about Contract Players in general today, which bring up the anticipated thoughts of Jana Jordan and perhaps some slightly less obvious ones about Anais. Then we’re also thinking about Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Brittney Skye and Kenzie Ryan, so we’re really pretty busy, all things considered. Still, if you have to be busy, being so with a collection of women this beautiful pretty much makes it OK. And all in all, pretty much OK seems like a fine goal for any day.  [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan Video, Anais Video, Katsumi, Vanessa Hill, Anna Karin, Dillan Lauren, Rita Faltoyano, Kelly Taylor, Rita Faltoyano, Nikita Denise, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video]

Anna Karin. Never a contract girl for some reason. Hmm.

We looked up the origins of triskaidekaphobia today, because we thought this would make for a fascinating exposé – not to mention appropo, considering the “lucky” chap always roaming the hallways here. Then after sufficient research we decided, Naw. That’s too confusing. Let’s just show off Jana Jordan and the XRCO Awards we just attended. … Now it’s not that we avoid the technical and generally run from anything that’s too complicated around here …. Oh, wait a minute. … It’s EXACTLY like that. Our bad. … Heeere’s Jana (and Kristal Summers, and TJ Hart, and some others by the way) … [FEATURED TAGS: XRCO Awards, Kristal Summers, Jana Jordan Video, Georgia Jones, TJ Hart, Nikita Denise, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Kristal and an alleged Mr. Pacino

Imagine you have the chance to meet Heather Vuur. Now imagine you have a chance to meet Heather Vandeven. … Obviously those of you “in the know” would thus know that this would be the same thing, however confusing it sounds. Well, today, unless you happen to live in Hollywood and are very, very fortunate, you don’t have either of the choices anyway. Sorry. But you do have a chance to see D.Minion’s coverage of Meet Heather, and you do have a chance to see a home that reaches the absurd in its ability to store clothing. Also, Selina Draagen, Kellemarie, Kelly Kline, and Zoë Britton are hanging around and they don’t seem to care about clothes at all. Sometimes in life even “just what you get” can be rather dandy. [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Selina Draagen Video, Kellemarie, Kelly Kline, Zoë Britton, Lorraine Sisco, Michael Ninn, Exclusive Video, D.Minion]

Stairway to Heather

If you do the unusual all of the time, does it then become usual? And if it’s now usual then how can it be unusual at the same time? Fortunately, as with many philosophical questions, our standard answer works quite well: We don’t care. For example, whenever there’s a bear in the woods, our goal remains never to be around long enough to see what it does there. Speaking of animals, though, we think someone might be pulling our leg on this April Fool’s Day. The “usual” possibility exists that Bubblegum the Dog did not in fact write this account of when Jana visited Innocence. We’re usually very skeptical, which clearly makes it not unusual. [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan, Alexis Love, Lena Nicole, Amber Rayne, Jamie Elle, Alana Langford, Sasha Grey, Michael Ninn]

Jana Jordan ... Disciplinarian.

December 2005 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We couldn’t think of a better way to end the year than with the spectacular Dee, in this, a look back at some of her early efforts on behalf of KSEX radio, technically January 2004 and July 2004. This time of year always brings about retrospect, but it doesn’t always do so with an amazing set of breasts like Dee has, so it did seem appropriate to note. Also, any time we have two excuses to show you these amazing breasts here, we think it only fair that we do so. Of course only members get to see Dee’s breasts here, so that may bring you up to a point where you consider yet another New Year’s Resolution. We think it’s always good to include nudity in those as a rule. [FEATURED TAGS: KSEX Radio, Dee, D.Minion]

Dee and her breasts.      Dee and her breasts ... and Pooh.

Consider, if you will, the concept of Sapphic Liaisons. We did, and so did Michael, and so did a noteworthy collection of beautiful young women. All in all, we’ve had way worse objects of consideration in our lives. And if you’re a member, you’ll also see how considerate we are. Don’t you just love the holiday season? [FEATURED TAGS: Jodie Moore, Wanda Curtis, Nikki Blond, Michelle Wild, Judith Bodor, Judit Vecsey, Vicki Broone, Linda Shane, Laura Capri, Veronika, Anna Karin, Michael Ninn]

Jodie Moore & our future ex wife.

Hmm. Now we don’t want to offend anybody, particularly on this festive occasion. So if Vicca, Juli Ashton, bondage gear, ice cubes, strap-ons, pocket rockets, or orgasms offend you, then you’d best just read the happy and warm story here today and skip all the other stuff. Considering the volume of what you’ll be missing, you’ll at least have a lot more free time today. You can always play with your new toys. If you do choose to take a closer look at the more explicit offerings today, you’ll probably learn something. We’re not positive we understand this perfectly, but we’re fairly certain Vicca’s “got it going on like Donkey Kong” …. [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Vicca Video, Exclusive Video]


Let’s talk about those that Deign the DP for a bit shall we? Actually, of course, you could just look at the pictures from Michael’s Double Penetration 3, if you want, but then your mind might waste away while your body (at least one of your arms, probably) gained disproportionate strength. And then people could tell just by looking at you what you’d been up to and what you’d been thinking. And if that’s not the description of the greatest potential horror of any life anywhere, we don’t know what it is. So get a little legal education, ponder the “Sexual Evolution” of the XXX industry, and then look at the pictures. Think of it as protecting the American way. [FEATURED TAGS: Melissa Lauren, Gauge, Kat, Alex Divine, Jasmine Byrne, Lauren Phoenix, Taylor Rain, Loni, Alicia Rhodes, Michael Ninn]

Melissa Lauren ... photo unfortunately not taken at my house.

A favorite risqué category reappears today with “Dear Readers Speak” – and this time via our old friend Maverick who, although perhaps not always completely understandable, has historically provided some very fond moments for us all … generally by walking into stationary objects whenever he sees Kristal Summers. Maverick’s apparently been taking D.Minion Lessons, though, as somehow he convinced a woman from way over in London to get naked for him while he took pictures. As far as we know, Maverick is recovering nicely from the shock and should be out of the hospital soon. [FEATURED TAGS: Kaz B., Maverick]

Kaz via Mav
Here’s the link to Maverick’s site where (as you’ll read) he has the complete sets of the galleries,
the video that he has shot with Kaz, and some potentially really oogey POV stuff.
Porn Fun 24/7

We’ve been hinting at some changes around here for some time, and so we might as well begin by admitting a failure. You see, even after really, really trying we have failed to convince Justine Joli that we’re all just a little too wacky to take very seriously, and that any association she might develop with us could never actually do her any good. However head-strong most women are, though, you’re going to have to multiply that by a factor of ten (at least) to get the level of determination present in a woman that has been an active part of the adult industry for five years. So we’ve conceded the point, and those of you that are hanging out with us at the AEE show in January will be able to count Justine among your new acquaintances. While you absorb Justine’s quirky debut today, we’re going to give her a call and warn her about Steve. Somehow that slipped our mind …. [FEATURED TAGS: Justine Joli, D.Minion]

Justine Joli and pussy (squared)

Sometimes you just have to stop for a moment and have a little fun. OK. If you’ve been around us for very long you’ve pretty much figured out that this basically forms the primary credo of our existence. Hey, at least we’re up front about it. If you can’t have fun, in life, after all, it’s just not very fun. You can see that, can’t you? (We claimed to be fun-loving, not necessarily deep and philosophical you’ll notice.) So we whipped up a little fairy tale and we called upon Monique Alexander to illustrate it. Upon reflection of our probably not prize-worthy efforts, we astutely decided that Monique Alexander could pretty much dress up anything enough to have fun with it. And simple is always good. [FEATURED TAGS: Monique Alexander, Michael Ninn]

Lovely Monique

What Ho! (And, no, that’s not a question about which young woman happens to be starring in your most recent favorite adult movie.) One of the really cool things about having a web site has to be that by definition you have everything backed up, albeit on a server somewhere. True, it can take some time to download an entire site, particularly one that’s been around as long as we have, and this even if you have a groovy T3 connection. But it’s still possible, and that makes us very happy. We can also now happily show you the thrilling conclusion of Anais and Nick Manning on some shoot or another. (We’re sure you could just barely contain your enthusiasm since yesterday, by the way.) Maybe we’d better just let you get right to it, come to think of it. Start over here (if you missed the 12/2 post up to now) or jump to day two here. The picture will take you to Day One also, in case not everybody checks in to the site every day. But that can’t be the case, really, can it? [FEATURED TAGS: Anais Video, Justine Joli, Violet Blue, Rayveness, Wanda Curtis, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Anais and Nick, in a pose to be explained later.

One of the niftiest things about being associated with a cutting-edge technology company like Ninn Worx happens to be that you get a lot of cool toys well before they’re actually available to the general public. Sometimes, however, you plug these new toys into your computer and it kind of makes like Bill the Cat – responding essentially, “ACK!” And it’s not like these come with instruction books, or even help files or anything. In very sad situations, you get the evil “Windows has a problem, please contact your Network Administrator” sort of message, which ranks among the most ominous of signs. (In common parlance, consider this FUBAR in essence.) Now if you happen also to BE the network administrator, you find yourself looking quickly for a paddle to get you down this suddenly smelly creek. Well, such was the bulk of last week, so we haven’t finished the wonderful and far from odiferous account that D.Minion penned while on the set of In the Garden of Shadows. You can’t finish the story yet, but you can get through Day One, and sometimes that’s plenty with D.Minion, if we can be honest. So have some fun, and we’ll get back to you on this. Now where did we put that paddle …? [FEATURED TAGS: Anais Video, Justine Joli, Violet Blue, Rayveness, Wanda Curtis, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

At the feet of Anais. That happens a lot.

November 2005 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


We have, you may have noticed, perhaps a slight tendency toward the insouciant. Believing fully in the value of the irreverent, though, we’ve nonetheless somehow managed to offend sufficiently few individuals to still be around a full decade after venturing into the now antiquated BBS form of the Internet. Well, things have a tendency to keep moving along, and the value of this retrospective potential spawned the last post of our “Thanksgiving Week, 2005.” We had one remaining D.Minion story for an old compatriot, and we decided this would be a good time to use it. So we did. Hey, once we finally decide something, at least we get right with the program. By the way, if you ever hear us plan on putting up a post every day for a week, no matter what our benevolent intentions, will someone please call a doctor? Someone’s clearly very ill at the office. Dang … this was almost like have a job or something …. Eeek! [FEATURED TAGS: Devinn Lane, Wanda Curtis, Nicole Sheridan, D.Minion]

Devinn Lane. Would that she were 'maid' to order.

So today’s one of those days you’re supposed to be sitting around remembering the 70’s commercial: “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” Well, maybe that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. What you’re probably doing is sitting around remembering how many variations on a turkey theme you’re going to have to go through to get rid of all of the leftovers and swearing you’re having pizza for Christmas dinner this year. Enter Taren Steele. Now you really don’t need to say much more than that, as we’ve found it a fairly useful phrase for completely reorganizing whatever train of thought you happen to be on. Enter Taren Steele. Yep. That about does it … [FEATURED TAGS: Taren Steele Video, Exclusive Video]

Taren Steele. Stone cold magnetic beauty.

Now you’ve got your basic “history” and you’ve got some ever-more-interesting “herstory” today, featuring some of the very early days of a Risqué Business. Now that wouldn’t be all that captivating perhaps, but we do get a chance to show off the early work of Alexis DeVell and Shayla LaVeaux, although I don’t recall either of them “working” too hard during this particular trip come to think of it. Ah, well … think of it as our thanks to you, seeing as how we’re almost always giving. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Exclusive Video, Risque News Insight]

Shayla -- with a Thanksgiving Spread of her own.

Michael’s finally got a new home for Ninn Worx, so he’s happy. And when Maverick sees today’s post about Kristal Summers’ Sensitivity Training, he’s going to die, but at least he’ll die happy. And D.Minon’s happy as long as everyone else it happy. And tomorrow we get to see Santa Claus in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, so what’s not to be happy about? Look at it this way: If the breast picture below made you happy, you can continue in the same vein … sort of. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, D.Minion]

Kristal bringing us all her breast holiday wishes.

We’re continuing our thankful ways today with a look back at Dee – before she had her own show on Playboy/Spice TV, and before she had her own show twice a week on KSEX. It’s a Night Calls sort of a post, this being rather of the Night Calls 411 variety. You know, we’re even fairly confident that we can think of at least one anonymous, but faithful, member that will be very thankful for these shots of Nikki Nova and her sidekick Crystal Knight. He may wish to remain anonymous, but you certainly can’t fault his taste in women. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, Crystal Knight, Nikki Nova, D.Minion]

Dee's Breasts. We thought we'd get your attention right up front, as it were.

Well, it’s the beginning of Thanksgiving Week, and so we thought we’d do some giving of thanks this week. We’ve always thought that if you can’t be clever, you can always just be literal. So we’re starting with Julia Ann because quite honestly Julia came to us near to perfect and she moved on just the same way. It would be nice to think that we had a lot to do with Julia’s success over the years, but that’s just not the case. Julia’s seriously one of the most sincere and caring individuals we’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with, and the fact that she used to spend time naked over at the house just kind of worked as a bonus over the years. Now if you ever happen to see Julia Ann on tour somewhere, be sure and tell her about all of the nice things we’ve said about her, and then see if she’ll get naked for you. Hey … it never hurts to ask. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, D.Minion]

Julia Ann
Julia Ann's Site

Oops. Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath make a quick appearance today, as we’ve once again been baffled by the “regular” Night Calls schedule that Playboy TV promises. Now the Halloween Episode did provide its predictable wackiness, and D.Minion even got a picture of a naked band member this time around, although before you get too excited we should “note” that it happens to be a male, so his member may not be as interesting as you might imagine. That said, we also snuck a secret bonus from last week, in our typically Maverick attitude around here. Without disclosing too much, let’s just say this part will certainly help you get your Roxys off. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Roxy Jezel, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Juli Ashton and Lil' Orphan Tiffany Granath.

Not many things are as enjoyable in life as Justine Joli, quite honestly, but Justine Joli Exposed (with Holly Morgan) would have to be in that list. While we’re off for a few days to try to make heads or tails (as it were) out of Michael’s next movie shoot, we thought we’d give you D.Minion’s take on one of his past ones. Hey, if you have to kill time, Justine sounds like a fine and dandy way to do it. Who knew her favorite punction mark was the ellipse? … Gosh … it’s no wonder we like her. …  =) [FEATURED TAGS: Justine Joli Video, Holly Morgan, Nicki Hunter, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn, D.Minion]

Justine Joli

Psst. … Shh. … “Clicko on Kristal for Kristal via Clicko” … (Be vewy qwiet. We’re not hunting wabbits, but we still need to be vewy qwiet.) … Boy, did you ever have one of those days if you can’t decide whether you’re more Austin Powers or Elmer Fudd, or whether either one represents something we’d have to admit under the Fifth Amendment? In actuality, we’re probably more like Arthur Dent when it comes right down to it, oh, except we’ve lost our towel. Now rather than travel too far down that intergalactical line, let’s just Clicko on Kristal for Kristal via Clicko and call it a fine Friday, shall we? (You really don’t have to be quiet about it.) [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers]

Kristal Summers – way more interesting than we are anyway.

We travel from Juli and Tiffany’s Sexual College through the Monaco Grand Prix today, well, by way of well-endowed blow up dolls and heavily tattooed masturbatory bands. All in all, it’s a fairly typical D.Minion on the set of Night Calls sort of event if you think about it. Sometimes all we have to do is tell it like we see it. Sometimes that’s just plenty. [FEATURED TAGS: Night Calls, Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Christy Canyon, D.Minion, Risque News Insight]

One of the best pictures of Juli Ashton and Tiffany Grannath you've seen in awhile.

Our “Ninn Worx Weekends” make a stellar return today with its usual bevy of comely lasses, which is really rather funny when you consider that we’re talking about the latest installment of POP. (Well, it will be the latest when it comes out later this month anyway.) We also debut the appearance of the Existential Comic in what may turn out to be his only appearance in these wonderful pages – not that he’d care much one way or the other. It’s all meaningless anyway, after all. On the upside, Terrell Owens has a lot of time to read today, what with him losing his job and all. He should really think about existentialism as an alternative to his “whining as a professional art form,” don’t you think? [FEATURED TAGS: Terri Summers, Nikki Blond, Taryn Thomas, Mandy Bright, Monica Daniels, Erica Vachs, Phoenix Ray, Jodie Moore, Angel Cassidy, Tory Lane, Penny Flame, Tiffany Hopkins, Carmen, Anna Karin, Wanda Curtis, Olivia Del Rio, Michelle Michaels, Nikita Denise, Sharon Wild, Brittney Skye, Michael Ninn]

Terri Summers

How anyone can think that either Dee’s an “Unidentifed Woman” or, particularly, that Sean Michaels wouldn’t be able to identify her, just baffles the imagination, doesn’t it? Of course understanding the nature of XXX movies as we do, we can certainly say that this would be the first thing we’ve ever run across the somewhat stretches credulity. Well, we can cerainly say it, but we can certainly say a lot of things. In fact, we often do … certainly … say them …. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee, D.Minion]

Track marks – Don't worry: Dee does not commit suicide in this movie.