Filed Under: May

May 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

5/31/24 Keri WindsorIf one were logical and honest about it, in the final analysis, the “Last Man Standing” will almost certainly be a woman. There are more of them. They live longer, mature earlier, and at least objectively do not seem to fall victim to the “Dang it … there’s no blood for my brain because it’s all in my dick” disease. If women ever figure that out, all those old white dudes in Washington will be in for a rude awakening, right? … Fortunately, today, we avoid politics entirely while we simply admire a couple of old friends in Keri Windsor and Taylor St. Claire in a movie entitled, interestingly, Last Man Standing. You can draw your own conclusions, but we’re pretty sure Keri wins in this one. [STAR TAGS: Keri Windsor Video, Taylor St. Claire Video, Kelsey Heart Video, Alexandra Quinn Video, Lezley Zen Video, Cheryl Dynasty Video]
5/30/24 Katsuni


Kat de Pussy

[STAR TAGS: Katsumi Video, Katsuni Video, Penny Flame Video, Mia Smiles Video, Monica Sweetheart, Trinity, Michael Ninn]

5/28/24 Julia Ann, Tori Black


Memories of Beauty Abounded

[STAR TAGS: Erotica LA, 2009, Julia Ann, Christy Canyon, Alektra Blue, Jessica Drake, Tori Black, Tori Lane, Sophie Dee, Lexi Belle Video, Sunny Leone, Nikki Benz, Gianna Michaels, Belladonna]

5/27/24 Skin Diamond


Diamond ’N’ Rough pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Skin Diamond Video]

5/26/24 Kristal Summers


The Ichtheologist without the Ick

[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video]

5/24/24 DeeLife goes on. We all know that. From the time most of us are very young we begin to learn that people will come in and out of our lives. We learn to treasure their memories and spend time in fond recollection when we can. Of course only a complete idiot would argue that all of these now distant friends held equal levels of importance in our lives, and around here we only have partial idiots, so we would never claim that. We do have something that many do not, however, as we can pull up the next episode in Tycoon and find ourselves surprised with new scenes from a dear old friend. … It’s not the same as an in-person visit by any means, but it beats the heck out of looking for pictures on a hard drive full of them. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video]
5/23/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Definitely Not Junk

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Michael Ninn]

5/22/24 Cate Harrington


Continuing the Maverick Theme with Cate

[STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video,]

5/21/24 Maverick


Maverick of Yore

[STAR TAGS: Renee Perez, Dyanna Lauren]

5/20/24 Ela DarlingFormer President still criminal defendant in ongoing trial for trying to write off a payment to a porn star? Check. … Watching beautiful Cosplay Women act out elaborate lesbian fantasies still a lot more fun than watching criminal trials — or scrolling newspaper feeds about those trials? Double Check. … Granted, a list of things more interesting to hear about than our former President would be very long indeed, although that still might beat hearing again about how our current President is not all that old. Really. … No wonder people talk about porn more than politics. Around here, of course, most are just glad we finally quit talking about the new kickoff rules in the NFL. … Some people… [STAR TAGS: Nicki Hunter Video, Ela Darling Video]
5/19/24 Ryder SkyeLawyers get a bad reputation pretty much because lawyers deserve a bad reputation. Having been unusually involved in “legal cases” over the past few months/years we have seen a lot of lawyers, and they pretty much all seem to deserve the sleazy, say-anything-for-money lack of respect they tend to get. That said, not many of them look like adult movie stars — one recent notable exception aside, and intentionally not mentioned by name. In our little fantasy world, then, when you hear “She Divorced Me…” you’ll know you will likely not care about legal niceties. We did not. Of course we do not try to convince the world of the accuracy and justness of our fantasies either. So there’s that. [STAR TAGS: Brooklyn Chase Video, Jillian Janson Video, Holly Hearts Video, Alexa Nicole Video, Ryder Skye Video]
5/18/24 Jillian JansonCertainly there are things in life that seem to draw way more attention than any objective view might determine they really deserve. A rich, powerful man had sex with a porn star, you say? … Gosh. We’re stunned. … Getting quickly away from that quicksand of a topic, though, we can say with certainty that one should Never Diss da BJ in life. You may not need to actually celebrate it all the time — although in honesty a BJ is a bit like pizza in that clearly “great” exists, but even the average ones are still pizza. If you can’t get gourmet stuffed-crust, then frozen Tombstone will do just fine. … Hmm. We could have gotten off topic again. We should stop now. [STAR TAGS: Jillian Janson, Shayla LaVeaux, Olivia Del Rio]
5/17/24 Nikki Rhodes and Allison Pierce


Flower Power pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Nikki Rhodes Video, Allison Pierce Video]

5/15/24 Cate Harrington


Getting the Bedroom Dirty

[STAR TAGS : Cate Harrington Exclusive Video,]

5/13/24 Taren SteeleD.Minion has a birthday this week, although she made us promise not to tell anyone the specific date. Following that guidance, therefore, we can tell that it does not fall on today (Monday), nor would Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday be correct guesses either. Sorry to be this secretive, but we do try to be kind when we can. … On that note, we chose, if not THE FAVORITE (in all caps and bold) scene on her personal list, at least one that to this day instills a great deal of gushing — which kind of makes sense, what with the scene featuring Taren Steele and all. … And if you do not understand anything we’re talking about, well, you clearly know neither D.Minion nor Taren Steele. Pity, that. [STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video]
5/12/24 Sadie Kennedy


Lacie James – Justine Joli – Daisy Ducati – Amber Chase – Shayla LaVeaux – Sadie Kennedy

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

5/11/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Wardrobe Pal Function

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux]

5/10/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Land of Milk and a Honey

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

5/8/24 Ava VincentOn the day after the country witnessed a porn star taking the witness stand in a criminal prosecution against a former President of the United States, we revisit history in a much less controversial way. Well, we have likely not technically witnessed this historic moment — one of many with “45” as he likes to be called — more likely we read about it on the internet or heard about via some “news” report. Still, at least with ours you will get to actually witness how we draw in tangents of Keri Windsor and Wendy Divine way more smoothly than some of the DA tangents appear to be drawn in the New York case. Sometimes in life, being just for fun beats the heck out of being important. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Keri Windsor, Ava Vincent, Jewel Valmont]
5/7/24 Sandie Caine


Love Makes the Boobs Go ‘Round

[STAR TAGS: Sandie Caine Exclusive Video,]

5/6/24 Ryder Skye


Ryder IS the Skye | pics

[STAR TAGS: Ryder Skye]

5/5/24 Lorainne SiscoOnce you start on a crescendo, it can leave one with a distinct feeling of unease should it just stop in the middle. While we do like to perhaps stretch the way people think around here, we mostly like them to be comfortable while in the midst of any ruminations. Consequently, we continue with the next step in our symphony of entertainment of both an audio and visual nature. We could even claim that this all fits perfectly today on Cinco de Mayo and that we planned the whole thing this way. Even though that may be true, we’d understand if y’all were a tad skeptical of that claim. Finely-tuned machine does not describe the Risqué Commune nearly as well as held together with dedication, duct tape, and hope. … But why be boring? [STAR TAGS: Lorraine Sisco Video, Faith Leon Video, Audrey Hollander Video, Michael Ninn]
5/4/24 Kmberly Chi


Finding Your Chi pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Annie Cruz Video, Kimberly Chi Video]

5/3/24 Autumn Bliss & Monica MayhemYou may have heard that there’s this big trial going on in New York involving a Tycoon of sorts — or unusual sorts, depending upon your point of view. True to our nature, though, we wholeheartedly wish to stay as far away from that topic as possible (which basically involves just watching HGTV all the time unless you want to watch super dull programming on the NFL Network while nothing at all is happening in the league). That said, we tag-lined our own episode of Tycoon today “Mayhem and Bliss” which we figure pretty much describes their lives in general. See how fun it is not being super rich? (Yeah, we’re not sure about that either, but we do like Monica and Autumn a lot.) [STAR TAGS: Monica Mayhem Video, Autumn Bliss Video]
5/1/24 Faith LeonMany moons ago — to go with a theme we have not yet explained — we did an “irreverent” May Day introduction that apparently did not sufficiently celebrate wood nymphs (or something like that), opting instead for a hilarious use of the distress call. Hey, some people just don’t appreciate Lost in Space humor, apparently. … At any rate we have been banned ever since — mostly because D.Minion has a freakishly long memory — so we are definitely not doing that again. Of course nothing says we cannot build to a Crescendo again, so we will. If people wander from there, well, golly, what can we do? [STAR TAGS: Tall Goddess Video, Faith Leon Video, Audrey Hollander Video, Michael Ninn]

May 2023 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

5/31/23 Ginger Lynn and Evan Stone


Offered and, y’know, Taken

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/29/23 Kylie IrelandEvery family endures some kind of pain, although thankfully most of us will never know the kind felt by loved ones left behind on this now official day of remembering those sacrifices. Still, pain can still hit a family unexpectedly, forcing us to deal with the event, the aftermath, and even the not yet distant enough memories. Through memory comes strength, though, which allows us to at least accept the bittersweet reality of life’s journey. We hurt. We learn. We persevere. [STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Lexi Love Video, Kylie Ireland Video] 
5/28/23 Shayla LaVeauxQuick! Can anyone remember how Memorial Day came about? … Most of us could probably confirm that it serves the purpose of helping us all remember people that have given their lives to guarantee our freedom as Americans, but even that might take a second to pull up from our memory banks. It’s a bit like not quite recalling that Christmas is not supposed to be about Santa Claus and getting presents, although on a much more macro scale. We don’t all celebrate the “Christian” in holidays, after all, but we do all enjoy immense freedoms. Well, Memorial Day actually came about after the Civil War, if you can believe that. You can certainly find more information on this fancy internet thing, if you want additional information today, as promised Shayla we’d be brief. … Consider that bringing to water saying you have heard. You’d be the horse. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux] 
5/27/23 Dee ViewsWe begin our own, admittedly unique, celebration of Memorial Day weekend today by providing a public service for those people who do not feel like traveling far from home by any means sounds like a fun time over these next three days. To be clear, we in no way wish to minimize the sacrifice of those we actually honor on this holiday, for they gave ultimately so that we can enjoy the freedom to even live the way we do. Still, we have confidence that the vast majority of them would have appreciated Public Service Notices of a decidedly adult nature, had they been given the chance. So while clearly not important in the grand scheme, we do rank highly on the fun scale. [STAR TAGS: Dee, Rayveness Video, Whitney Wonders Video] 
5/25/23 Chantelle Fox


The BJ Bonus

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox, Hannah Shaw Exclusive Video,]

5/24/23 Cytherea


All Atwitter (& a Little Instagram)

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

5/23/23 Kiki Daire


Nice By-The-Hour Hotels & A Bit of a “Daire”

[STAR TAGS: Kiki Daire Exclusive Video]

5/22/23 Gemma MasseySo the Babes have finished Running today, although we cannot be 100% certain of what we learned beyond if Bluebird really spent a million dollars on this movie, some high-ranking official at Bluebird really got scammed. Of course a school of thought exists around the premise that the adult movie genre does not exist to impart wisdom or help us ruminate upon life’s greater questions. Rather the intention always comes down to … well, something else. Once you absorb the five women and three men (technically maybe 2½) cavorting on a clearly ridiculously expensive set, then perhaps the “something else” will occur to you. [STAR TAGS: Kristina Rose Video, Brandy Aniston Video, Natasha Marley Video, Gemma Massey Video] 
5/21/23 Kenna James


Briella Bounce – Tera Patrick – Alyssa Lynn – Mia Austin – Kenna James – Alessandra Noir

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

5/19/23 Juli Ashton and DeeWe all have pivotal moments on our lives, but you cannot really recognize one as such except for in hindsight. Sometimes when you think of where you are now, and then you think about all the things that put you in this place, you can honestly say to yourself, “Yeah, that makes sense when I think about it.” … Now if you can do this with Dee in one of those pivotal moments, well, then your life has been blessed a whole lot more than many others. At that point, you may begin to think … of other more private things. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Dee Video, Ginny Video]
5/18/23 Michelle Thorn


In Celebration of the Nunu

[STAR TAGS: Michelle Thorne Exclusive Video,]

5/17/23 Ginger Lynn, Lois Ayers, Stacy Donovan, Raven


Very Happy Sea Men

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Stacey Donovan Video, Raven Video, Crystal Breeze Video, Roxanne Rollan Video, Lois Ayers Video]

5/16/23 Shayla LaVeaux


The Soft & Hard of It

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

5/15/23 Megu MiuraSome people tend to be very, very quiet, even in the midst of amorous adult enterprise (which sounds a lot more poetic than a flea bite, Mr. Donne). It makes sense, because it takes all kinds of people to make a world — Mr. Trump’s differing opinion noted and appropriately ridiculed virtually in silence. So simple odds would say that even in the midst of some very warm and passionate emotion, a certain percentage of the population would still remain outwardly muted. Of course not everyone puts those people on camera, but we shall consider the possibility of cultural significance as we bid Hello to some more Titties to start the week. … Hey, any week that starts with boobs already has a leg up, y’know, so to speak. [STAR TAGS: Megu Miura Video]
5/14/23 Cytherea


The Official Mother’s Day

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

5/13/23 Blake EdenAnyone who has ever followed a professional sport can remember a time when the coach put an injured starter into a game instead of the fully healthy backup. Now we do not know any professional athletes to ask in order to verify our theory, but it cannot feel good to realize that despite your highly attuned skills and rare genetic makeup, this other guy is better at 70% (or on one good leg, whatever) than you are at 100% of your health. That can’t be fun. … So you can think about that while you wander through the couple of hours worth of movie in our latest “TOC” feature, Ninn Technique | three. We’re going to rewatch The Princess Bride so we can be reminded that no one ever said life is fair. [STAR TAGS: Blake Eden Video, Scarlet Red Video, Jillian Janson Video, Abby Cross Video, Michael Ninn]
5/12/23 Kristal Summers


Hey! We Found Paradise!

[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Shayla LaVeaux Video]

5/11/23 Ginger Lynn and Christy Canyon


Magic Canyon

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Christy Canyon Video, Jessica Wylde Video]

5/10/23 Cytherea


One Mother of a Return

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

5/9/23 Shayla LaVeaux


Clear Discrimination

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

5/7/23 Kristal SummersMaverick’s simple Siete de Kristal today allows us to tie up some loose ends — all while trying desperately not to jump on the joke between that particular phrase and this particular industry. You see, part of the joy of the Risqué Commune has always been the significantly interwoven aspects of all the sites. When Adobe decides that this one way they used to do video will no longer work, however, and thus one has to go back through decades of weaving in order to be sure all the videos work again, well, basically that sucks. On the upside, that would be another phrase particularly apropos to our industry, so we’ll just take the win. Rest assured that odds seem good that Maverick enjoyed our little Risqué Tapestry of Love even more than you will — which should be a lot. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video,]
5/6/23 Kelly DivineWe had this grand plan to highlight a long weekend with not only Cinco de Mayo, but we’d follow that with Seis y Siete as well. The ReelRisque Team was up first on this Saturday with what our schedule informed us would be “Pick-Up Gamers” — a rollicking good time on video as well as being accompanied by a photo gallery. Of course anyone who has studied strategy as history can tell, no plan survives first contact. Understanding that, we can tell you that while the “Games” being played here certainly qualify as interesting, not a single one of the five people performing claims any Mexican heritage at all. Then again, they basically do not celebrate Cinco de Mayo in actual Mexico anyway, so maybe these folks will work just fine. Clearly, however, we need to work on our office cultural awareness, even should it only be California awareness. Our plan will be to start with tequila. [STAR TAGS: Jessica Right Video, Kelly Divine Video, Tiffany Post Video]
5/5/23 Alicia Rio


Cinco de Mayo … Celebrar de Nuevo

[STAR TAGS: Dee, Alicia Rio Video, Gabrielle Video, Tess Newhart Video]

5/3/23 Nina Hartley, Ginger Lynn


If One Has to Be Dominated…

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Nina Hartley Video]

5/1/23 Professional WomanBabes continue to run today, although as with a great many of the Bluebird epics there towards the end, it seems like entropy may be controlling more than carefully considered strategy. Even regardless of the plot, though, it can be fairly difficult to corral four highly energized — borderline aggressive — professional European women all in one scene, so we give due credit to Tommy Gunn and Mr. Paul (he of the then Executive Chair of the whole shebang). Of course it would be in poor taste to pun that final word there, so we will avoid the temptation in favor of pointing out that we have even added what turns out to be half a Mayday! warning because … well, we shall explain later. [STAR TAGS: Anna Lovato Video, Krissy Lynn Video, Kara Price Video, Tasha Reign Video]

May 2022 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

5/31/22 Cytherea


Getting Back on the Horse

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Ginger Lynn]

5/29/22 Nessa Devil


Worth the Hike pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Nessa Devil Video]

5/27/22 Shayla LaVeauxIt qualifies as a special day when you can find both deli and literary puns in the same update. Although if that does not entice you, perhaps Shayla LaVeaux doing — if not what she does best, then at least what she likes a lot — may help you decide. We cannot specifically remember asking, but it does not seem like Shayla was thinking much about Holden Caulfield during this “Catch Her in the Wry” experience, though. So if you were thinking that maybe you could put your English degree to good use, you might be off base just a little. You will not care, however. We’re pretty sure of that. We’ll color it copacetic. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video] 
5/25/22 Alex Ann


Very Good Fronds

[STAR TAGS: Alex Ann Video, Natalie Heart Video]

5/24/22 Syren Sexton


Christmas Back Then | & Way Back Then

[STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video, Chessie Kay Exclusive Video,]

5/23/22 Aleksa Nicole


The Value of Curiosity

[STAR TAGS: Aleksa Nicole Exclusive Video]

5/22/22 Justin Joli


Nikki Sexx – Allison Moore – Mila Jade – Justine Joli – Angelina Valentine – Sasha Heart

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

5/21/22 Inari VachsBack in the early days of DVD — when a very prominent production company owner used to boast, “nothing will ever replace VHS” — we started shooting Behind the Scenes in order to add bonus features to the digital video disc. It got to the point where people on set never really even noticed the BTS cameras anymore, and that’s when we decided to shoot My First Porno — where the BTS was the movie, and the process of shooting “the movie” were really just the BTS. Well, MFP comes back online today, still as unique as it ever was, and still as wildly entertaining. Honestly, even the best streaming services available today really just exist as cheaper VHS options (albeit of much higher technical quality). The story behind the story has always been much more illustrative of the human condition. It should be all about humans, right? [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Shayla LaVeaux Video, Kristal Summers Video, Inari Vachs Video, Wendy Divine Video, Maya Divine Video, Becca, Alexis Amore Video, Rayveness Video, Chantelle Video, Brooke Ashley Video]
5/20/22 KatsuniGroup sex can be a funny thing in real life. Not so much the activity itself, although that can be hilarious as all the various body parts try to twist and turn elegantly — just like they see in the movies, don’t you know. At its core, though, the entire concept can be daunting. First off, you need to find a group. And not just any group will do. They all need to want to have sex together, most importantly (it would seem) with you as well. Bottom line, if you’ll pardon the expression in this instance, if you run across a couple (at least) of Nations You’d Like to Penetrate — in the decidedly fun way, instead of the horrible make the nightly news way — just letting them know what you’re thinking can be a risky proposition. Perhaps if you all watched this movie together it might help. You never know. [STAR TAGS: Katsuni Video, Katsumi Video, Lauren Phoenix Video, Saana Video, Dillan Lauren Video, Bobbie Blair Video, Jenna Haze Video, Taylor Rain Video]
5/19/22 Ginger Lynn


HEEEY Bolla-Bolla-Bolla

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/18/22 Vanessa Veracruz


Spit Shine

[STAR TAGS: Vanessa Veracruz, Serena Blair]

5/16/22 Ginger Helping


Focus on the Epidermis

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Raven Video, Danica Rhea Video]

5/15/22 Delciously Dee


Revel in the Dee Trails

[STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Sasha Heart Video, Sara Luvv Video, Serena Blair Video]

5/13/22 Breast FriendsFriday the 13th seems like the perfect time to wrap up literally months of coverage on a single epic movie, this being BatFXXX: Dark Knight Parody, in case you find yourself very, very new in these Risqué parts. … Come to think of it you will see many, many parts in today’s adventure, and many of them will in fact be risqué, but we mostly chose the day because these sorts of Fridays do not qualify as rare necessarily, but they do happen infrequently enough that we mark them as special. Besides, whether good or bad, that kind of luck always shows up at the end of a superhero movie, so that fit thematically as well. Also, today fits the publication pattern, and our OCD leaders would have freaked if we broke that system on entry number 10 of the series. Broken leaders are sad (and they do not write checks well). [STAR TAGS: Brynn Tyler Video, Isis Love Video, Jenny Hendrix Video, Katie Kox Video, Krissy Lynn Video, Madelyn Marie Video, Nika Noir Video, Yurizan Beltran Video]
5/11/22 Samantha Bentley


Samantha Bentley — Envy with Red

[STAR TAGS: Samantha Bentley Exclusive Video,]

5/10/22 Sheena Rose


This Weird Spot & No Boner Killing

[STAR TAGS: Sheena Rose Exclusive Video]

5/9/22 Randy Spears and Shayla LaVeaux


How to Float His Boat

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

5/8/22 Karlie Montana and Cadence St. JohnOne of the good things about wandering through the Risqué Commune has to be all the meandering between sites that we do. If you tried to look at a map of the entire thing, it would probably look like somebody made it with a Spirograph — y’know, with a bunch of boobs in it. That “macrame” approach to things can be troublesome, though, when one tries to update a single little story, only to find that it takes off at a run though a dozen pages or more on two or three different sites. When that happens we can miss an update, which D.Minion will have us fix before we can even talk about the new Reel Risqué update with Karlie Montana and Cadence St. John (including 100 photos too). We find it worth the effort, though, because how many adult sites can you name who can seamlessly weave in Mrs. Mac’s Famous Beef Pie into their coverage. That takes talent — or maybe a strangely twisted brain. Opinions differ on this point. [STAR TAGS: Karlie Montana Video, Candence St. John Video]
5/6/22 Shayla and GoPro


Legs for Miles

[STAR TAGS: Exclusive Shayla LaVeaux Video]

5/5/22 Holly Kiss


Kiss for Cinco de Mayo & Maverick

[STAR TAGS: Exclusive Holly Kiss Video,]

5/4/22 Cytherea


May the Fourth Be Cytherea (Yep.)

[STAR TAGS: Exclusive Cytherea Video]

5/3/22 Ginger Helping


Invigorate the Day

[STAR TAGS: Exclusive Ginger Lynn Video, Exclusive Joslyn James Video]

5/2/22 Ginger Waiting


Reems of Fun

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/1/22 Kylie Nicole


Nikki Daniels – Ava Green – Kylie Nicole – Devyn Heart – Alex Chance – Shae Snow

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

May 2021 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

5/31/21 Sunny Lane


Sunny Lane … in Ears and Eyes

[STAR TAGS: Sunny Lane Video]

5/29/21 Cytherea


Cytherea Takes | & Outtakes

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Ginger Lynn Video]

5/26/21 Kylie Ireland CelebratingKylie has a birthday today, which will naturally be the some-odd anniversary of her 29th year — because it honestly does not matter. She will continue to be one of the truly fine individuals on the planet, regardless of how many years she has graced us with her presence. Besides, she will always be 20-something on the web, which happens to be one of the true beauties of the system, honestly. Seeing as how Today We Can Announce ALL of Completely Updated, and the celebration of her birth in combination with this digital rebirth seemed perfect to us. … Honestly, Kylie tends to be pretty perfect too. Happy Day, Lady … [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video]
5/25/21 Jenna Haze


Friends in Faux Places

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Jenna Haze Video, Michael Ninn]

5/24/21 Samantha RyanRather than the beginning of the end, we more accurately today embark upon the Beginning of the Finale, as the final episode of Welcome to the Valley debuts with Samantha Ryan and Jesse Capelli today. You know, back when we planned this whole series out, months and months ago we tried to time it so that when the project completed, people might actually be welcomed back to the valley (and everywhere else) again. It may not work out perfectly, of course, but it looks like it might be close. It certainly will be closer than if that other King of Denial were still in charge. No wonder we like fantasy movies. Real life has become just too darned unbelievable — and straight-up bizarre. [STAR TAGS: Samantha Ryan Video, Jesse Capelli Video]

5/23/21 Shayla LaVeaux,


The Baby Doll Directive

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

5/23/21 Tera Patrick


Jodi Taylor – Cici Rhodes – Katie Summers – Mia Austin – Tera Patrick – Chantelle Fox

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career


JassieMember requests happen weirdly, pretty much all the time. Well into our “remastering” project(s) across the entire Risqué Commune, we got favorite requests for both Risqué and Shayla — both from July of 2011 — this week. Could be that coming out of the pandemic restrictions people are thinking about a time when Republicans were sure Obama would soon stop annoying them — which was wrong — and Trump was safely ignored as a fake leader on a C-List celebrity reality tv show where he could not bother anyone — which would not last. … Whatever the case, we love making members happy, so we can celebrate Independence Day a bit early this year. The 2021 version might even be more “normal” this time around. Who knows? [STAR TAGS: Anais, Adriana Sage, Britney Manson, Daisy Marie, Emily Marilyn, Faith Leon, Jassie, Kimberly Kane, Marie Luv, Lorraine Cisco, Michael Ninn]

5/21/21 Bailey Bliss and Grant MichaelsSometimes when the mood strikes a couple from just the right direction, they decide they really need to do it right away — and quickly. Oddly enough, the adult movies business does tend to highlight these relatively rare instances quite frequently. It could have something to do with the movies being intended to represent fantasy and not reality, but honestly it probably has more to do with how much money it costs to spend time talking in adult movies. Economic pressure tends to boil down all decisions to a harsh ranking of priorities, so maybe the producers here were using their decisions as a metaphor for the modern human condition. Or maybe it was just, y’know, money. Whatever the case, Bailey Bliss and Grant Michaels probably just thought, “Cool. This will be easy.” [STAR TAGS: Bailey Bliss Video]
5/19/21 Cytherea


Cytherea Doin’ the Hustle

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Alyssa Branch]

5/18/21 Ginger Lynn


Ginger Surrenders | With Gentlemen | While Blonde

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Janey Robbins Video]

5/16/21 Wendy DivineHere we are half way through May, and we have completely failed to honor National Nurses Week. We also completely skipped International Firefighters’ Day. Considering the overtime these two groups have been putting in since the last President suggested injecting bleach might be a grand way of stopping this annoying little nothing-to-worry-about virus, our oversight pains us. So we rewired it. … Technically we wired it for the first time, but one need not be bothered by the niceties of language these days. If that does not convince you, just turn on the news and learn about all the legal defenses going on which boil down to, “Well, gee. No reasonable person could ever believe me when I said those things.” For the record, us you can believe. Nurses and firefighters rock. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine, Maya Divine, Tanya James]

5/15/21 Shayla and ChantelleWhen you start down the rabbit hole of one of Shayla’s newest crushes, it can get pretty complex fairly quickly. And if that crush happens to be one of the also female variety? In that case you might need a flow chart just to keep up with all the tangents. Consequently, when our efforts at remodeling the Shayla site to comply with modern video standards unearthed her first avowedly sexual encounter with Chantelle Fox, well, suffice it to say that it took someone really old to explain it all, and even then some of us remain unconvinced about that much foreplay. Hopefully everyone will be able to hang on as we wander back and forth between Risqué and Shayla on this journey. For the record, should you have the option, someone to hold on to might not be a bad idea. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video ]
5/14/21 Adessa Winters


She Probably Will One Day

[STAR TAGS: Adessa Winters Video]

5/12/21 Shayla LaVeaux, Kylie Ireland, Jill Kelly, Rayveness


Wigging Out on Pink

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Rayveness Video, Jill Kelly Video, Michael Ninn]

5/11/21 Cytherea


Cytherea in Noir | & RGB

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]



Mann Hungry

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/8/21 Hunter Bryce


Fanboy Fever pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Hunter Bryce Video]

5/7/21 Chantelle Fox


Praising with Shower

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, PJ Sparxx Video, Marissa Malibu Video]

5/6/21 Mia Austin


Absolutely Edible

[STAR TAGS: Mia Austin Video]

5/5/21 Chantelle Fox


Tubbing One Out

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

5/3/21 Taylor RainIt tends to be great fun watching someone do something they happen to have done enough times to qualify as a professional. True, from a technical sense, if you got paid for it even once you could claim “professional” in a letter or on a resume, but most of us would tack on a concurrent “expert” part of the definition as we viewed the term. So by those more realistic standards, we can tell you unequivocally that Taylor Rain reigned as a true professional. Oddly enough, we don’t think porn stars actually have resumes, come to think of it. They sort of move up the ranks via word of mouth — y’know, as it were. [STAR TAGS: Taylor Rain Video]
5/3/21 Peter North, Giniger Lynn


Go North, Young Woman

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/2/21 Ryan Keely


Nikki Delano – Alia Janine – Raylene – Aubrey Addams – Edyn Blair – Ryan Keely

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

5/1/21 Cytherea


Most Honest BTS Ever | vid

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]