Eric Masterson and Wendy Divine

Wendy Divine & The Pizza Man

Wendy Divine“My First Porno” | Scn 2

by Virgin Kristal

Photo shoots, photo shoots, photo shoots. Hot girls — including Wendy Divine pictured here — in various poses making the men all drool. [To be accurate, that would be almost all the men, and more than a few of the women, each of whom ended up with quite active salivary glands — and perhaps a few other active glans as well.]

When you think of bondage, what kind of girl do you imagine? [Honestly, at this point, we think non sequitur.] Well, I can tell you right now: You’re wrong. It’s not always some pale, dangerous, dark-haired woman, carrying a whip and wearing latex — the type you wouldn’t take home to mom. Think instead: "America’s Little Sweetheart." The girl next door that you would never imagine to be bound nude, tortured, and enjoying every second of it. That’s what happens to be the case here. Nobody expected Miss Kristal Summers to be into nipple clamps and hog-ties. Even the gay makeup artist gets taken aback. [Yeah, well, live with Kristal for a while. You’ll be amazed at the stories she tells, and more than thrilled at how little clothing she wears at home.]

[Now since we have already begun a non sequitur path, we figured we’d continue along merrily. For example, that first photo, as mentioned, shows Wendy Divine rather than our dear Kristal Summers — the actual star of the scene today (unless you count Eric). You see, someone else around here recently ran the photo set from THIS scene, so rather than just use those again, we found different pictures of Wendy and Eric to illustrate. They’re married, so they did a lot of scenes together back when Wendy worked in the industry (and went to Jamaica with us a lot). … This seemed like a fine resolution to us, and we got to protect the potentially fragile and impressionable eyes on the free parts of the web.]

Even More Risque:  Heading Leeward

Wendy TimeWendy Time

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