So we set about one “round” with the small camera set more or less at Shayla’s level; then we did another pass with the camera fastened to a ball cap perched on Gibby’s head. We did some rudimentary adjustments with angle to approximate “eye level” but regardless you will be able to notice quite a difference in the perspectives — specifically in this context, but even more generally in life.
Uncle Gibby Perspectives on The Obsequious
Of course depending upon your own stature in life, you may find one or the other of these more mind-boggling. Short people have been universally amazed at how the “Gibbys” see the world, while very tall people seem to respond more practically with comments along the lines of, “Gosh but Shayla is pretty.” We will say that while being tall may have its advantages, being able to look directly at Shayla pretty much trumps anything else.
And The Moral of Our Obsequious Adult Behavior Story?
Anyone can put a GoPro on a helmet and run it through a motocross track or down a mountain, but it takes a special kind of mind to come up with a plan that serves to answer the age-old question, “I wonder what it must be like to be that tall. What kind of cleavage view must that give you?” … We do not claim that the kind of mind which comes up with this approach qualifies as sane in any way, but we will stand by our assessment of special. … Think Special Education …
On the off chance that you either no time, or no inclination, to watch the videos all the way through, we did a couple of screen grabs just so you can see the difference between being short in a crowded room, and being tall in one. As a corrollary to our moral of the story — and we’re presuming that makes sense at all — we have this: Gibby may have an easier time being tall, but Shayla’s a whole lot better looking. So there.