Porn Prognostications

risque imageNo other movie form has the freedom to approach this most basic and intimate interaction between adults. Hollywood can occasionally have extraordinary scripts, set up the most poignant of situations, or even dazzle us all with their reality of special effects. But they can never show the most intimate and basic of human interactions. Mainstream will on rare occasion show depictions of such activity, but we always know they’re acting, and therein lies the difference. While women might be able to fake the excitement in adult movies, no one can fake the interaction. Whether or not that constitutes a positive or negative in modern society remains the debate, but the fundamental sharing between adults will not disappear any time soon — and some people will always be more famous for it than others.

Think about it this way: A “Reality TV” performer may get a 15 minutes of fame a bit brighter than most of us, but actresses and actors never become “Stars” in society without playing many different roles. The method in which they approach those different characters — and successfully bring them to life — that ability defines a Star in the real sense of the word. Confusing as it may be, while the movie makes the star, the star also makes the movie. The same holds true in movies of the XXX variety.

risque imageAt the risk of stating the obvious once again, it all comes down to WHY you watch adult movies. It’s really not any more complicated than that. The Porn Superstar will return when the industry figures out how to profitably make movies with stories in them again. Demand for those types of programming will not disappear, and when the number of suppliers drops sufficiently, the price for them will rise. We’re not inventing complicated economics here. If 27% of the people think that the Internet has destroyed the porn business, we can safely assume that 27% of the people were not watching porn for the plot at all. The companies that have never made “real” movies in the adult genre and have no idea how to adapt, well, those companies will go broke and disappear. Welcome to capitalism.

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Video did not in fact kill the rock and roll star, you know. But it certainly transformed the rock and roll industry, and it opened up a whole new batch of doors allowing a much larger group of people to succeed. … So what’s the down side in that?

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