Heather Vuur

Heather Vandeven Vuur

And probably not all is well in paradise, but it’s pretty darned good in our little part of it, and that usually satisfies us, we are properly sad to say. (If we are honest about shortcomings we can safely ignore them and actually gain some sense of achievement and absolution in their revelation, as many a Church has shown us.)

Mr. Ninn and Ms. Heather rest now while they search their options for the next fledgling to carry the Ninn Worx banner.

Heather Vandeven Vuur

  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr
  • Heather Vandeven Vurr

As for our part we have diligently researched the writings of the Benedictine Order so that we may find the perfect quote by which we may offer Heather guidance. After much prayer, fasting, and general piousness, we have found it, and will share it with you because charity is among our many attributes as well.

Heather, You da bomb! You go Girl!

[Obviously the entry came from the annals of Risque Business back in 2007, although it does seem timeless in its presentation — much like Heather herself.]

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