Filed Under: Nina Elle

November 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

11/30/24 Isabella DeSantosSo when you have to split a movie into two separate presentations because of the sheer volume of the … um, exercises … and you finished up part one without any real clear proof that the producers at all understood their own concepts, well, you maintain hopes that they will pull it together for the end of the show. So when that happens, you’ll most likely be disappointed, by the way. On the other hand, they do feature seven different beautiful women doing all sorts of wonderful things — just not the things the title would indicate they will be doing. Think of it like how Congress works, but with much better looking people. [STAR TAGS: Selma Sins Video, Summer Carter Video, Kasey Warner Video, Carmen Callaway Video, Isabella DeSantos Video, Riley Reynolds Video, Hayden Night Video]
11/28/24 Risque NewsSome of us may honestly enter today wondering why God hates us, as evidenced by the fact that we have to watch the Dallas Cowboys play on national television. … Every. Single. Year. … Others of us may be feeding the dog a whole lot more of the turkey than someone in charge may realize, if only to avoid the next two weeks being filled with “new ways” to enjoy leftovers. Others of us have lived enough years to have had family members all bop off to heaven (where presumably they can watch any team they wish play football, and they have no need for food in the first place) so that we can simply blip back a quarter of a century and smile. And be thankful all over again. And eat lasagna — which happens to be excellent left over just like it was the first time. [STAR TAGS: Alexis DeVell, Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Taren Steele, Vicca Nikita]
11/27/24 Syren Sexton


Seducing Santa … (Odds of Success Would Seem Excellent)

[STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

11/26/24 Juli, Keri, Mark


Head Trip Post Script

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Keri Windsor, Rebecca Lord, Telore, Danielle Rogers, Nici Sterling, Chloe, Alicia]

11/25/24 Joslyn JamesEverybody gets bored sometimes, and presuming most of us continue into adulthood our aversion to the parental doctrine that “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean” most of us figure out something to occupy our minds during those lulls. Honestly, we should all learn to cherish those rare moments when we realize, “Hey, wait. I don’t think anything is on fire right at this very moment.” … In this vein, the housewives in our new feature have apparently hit upon something both fun and profitable as a hobby, a concept we begin to consider today. If nothing else, it beats selling strange little crafts on Etsy. [STAR TAGS: Joslyn James Video]
11/24/24 Kayla Louise


Definitely Not an Elf

[STAR TAGS: Kayla Louise Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars]

11/23/24 Alice GreenYou know how when you have a plan — a perfect plan, naturally — worked out months in advance, and everything just falls into place seamlessly without even a little flaw? You know how you somehow managed to think of every tiny detail and account for each of them in your strategy to the point where people observing never even knew the possibility for disappointment even existed? … Yeah, well, this would not be one of those times. Despite what the title may imply that you will find distinctly missing, though, chances seem good you will many variations in which to find solace. And variations of solace are always good. [STAR TAGS: Kacey Jordan Video, Kayla West Video, Chanel Rae Video, Marina Visconti Video, Mandy Muse Video, Alice Green Video, Nina Elle Video] 
11/22/24 Stella CoxSeeing as how retail stores started “celebrating” Christmas sometime around Labor Day, and “Black Friday” sales have been going on for weeks now, we felt perfectly justified starting to relive a bit of 247adultstars holiday history with Stella Cox. Of course this could have had something to do with the original introduction that ended with, “Happy Holidays everyone. May you all find a Stella of your own under your tree … in your bed … whatever.” Odds seem good that your festivities will not involve someone as completely compelling as Stella, but she may be even more important to you, which matters most, after all. Besides, one can dream. Honestly this seems like why we have a holiday season at all. [STAR TAGS: Stella Cox Exclusive Video,] 
11/21/24 Asia Carrera


Betting with Asia

[STAR TAGS: Asia Carrera Video]

11/20/24 Shayla LaVeaux


What’s Up (with) Doc

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton]

11/18/24 Ana Joy


Pursuing the TILT

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

11/17/24 Alice Lighthouse


Alix Lovell – Cici Rhodes – Gia Dimarco – Scarlet Red – Alice Lighthouse – Nadia Styles

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

11/16/24 Sign


It Could Be Worse

[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Kasey Storm Video, Sophia, Renna Ryan, Michael Ninn,]

11/15/24 Asa AkiraWe can all get “the story” from any number of places. Granted, the source of that story may significantly affect what “the story” may be, but that seems to be a point the vast majority of people somehow overlook. Heck, all the Hope and Joy people from two weeks ago have completely changed places with The Sky is Falling people, yet both appear equally dedicated to their own narrow view of “the story” overall. Well, we figure that no matter what happens on some big stage back in Washington, D.C., we’ll all be putting gas in our cars and trying to buy food just like always. So here at Risqué, we decided the Inside Story might be a much more pleasant thing to pursue. And we have Asa Akira in our story, so neener-neener. [STAR TAGS : Asa Akira Video]
11/13/24 Taren SteeleShould we advise that we have prepared a trip for you down Electric Avenue, one might think we’d be discussing brutality and racial tensions in Brixton back in the early 1980s. Then most of us would have to go to Google to even locate Brixton (which happens to be in London, btw), and the adventurous might even wander over to give a listen to Eddy Grant. Fortunately we’re not talking about any of that. Rather we revisit Taren Steele’s journey down her own Electric Avenue. It also has a good beat, but you may not think of dancing necessarily. [STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video]
11/12/24 UKAP Christmas


Seasonal Party Debut

[STAR TAGS: UKAP Christmas Party 2011, Emma Foxx, Jessica Jensen, Tanya Cox, Kandi Spitfire,]

11/11/24 Brittany AndrewsBefore we accomplished the update and remaster of something on the short list of very favorite “companionship” moments, we introduced the event with the following. … “Today the NFL has promised that they will take none of the violence out of the professional game, while they concurrently attempt to force the highly-paid players to stop hitting each other so hard.” … Now today, today any Bronco fan can tell you that league issues aside, God clearly loves Taylor Swift a lot, so we seek to soothe some wounds with On Brittany and Beyond. It won’t change the final score, but darned if it might not make you forget about it for just a little bit. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Brittany Andrews]
11/10/24 Nichole Heiress and Amy Reid


Stripper du Jour | vid

[STAR TAGS: Amy Reid Video, Nichole Heiress Video]

11/9/24 Taren Steele


Steele Will

[STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video]

11/8/24 Chantelle Fox


Sacrificing for His Art

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

11/6/24 Lexi Love


Caveat Emperor

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Haze, Monique Alexander, Sunset Thomas, Lexi Love, Jessica Drake]

11/4/24 Under the TableGenerally at the end of a movie called Sugar Daddy one would expect all of the players to have a daddy of the appropriate sweetness by the culmination of the festivities. You wouldn’t have a movie called Romancing the Stone and then spend the entire show chasing it, only to come up empty at the end, right? Well, sometimes people in this industry get a little distracted by all the … um … willingness … around them, and they sort of forget the point of the story. Or maybe they just figure that’s not the point anyway. Excellent final dinner party scene aside, they really could have picked a different title. What if someone picked up this movie in hopes of getting some helpful hints they could apply in their own lives, huh? What then? [STAR TAGS: Brooke Jameson Video, Chloe Delaure Video, Gem Sparkle Video]
11/3/24 Lesbian RehabWe can see no reasons that lesbians might need a kind of rehab fundamentally different from rehab for anyone else, and yet we have Lesbian Rehab presented to us with all the inherent confusion that title provides. Then again, we have been accused of reading too much into adult movie titles before. Come to think of it, we have been accused of simply reading too much before. Well, maybe just look at the pretty pictures. They’re moving, you know. [STAR TAGS: Chanell Heart Video, Elexis Monroe Video, Yasmine de Leon Video, Angelina Chung Video, Mary Jane Mayhem Video, Lotus Lane Video, Nikki Peyton Video]
11/1/24 Kaylan NicoleAt least for those of us in America, this would be the month where we eat all the leftover Halloween candy — including the bags that we hid so they never got opened — and then prepare to stretch our stomachs during football games so that we’re in playing shape for the official Thanksgiving meal on that last Thursday. Around here, though, we honestly try to be thankful all year round, and we tend to be more beer than candy people (which is why God invented warehouse refrigerators). We do believe in special moments, though, and we see nothing wrong with throwing Thanks All Around when the mood suits us. [STAR TAGS: Serenity Video, Kaylan Nicole Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Kristal Summers Video, Dee Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Nikita Denise Video, Christy Lake Video, Zana Video, Lezley Zen Video, Cheryl Dynasty Video, Sindee Coxx Video]

August 2023 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

8/31/23 Sandie Cain


All That He Cain Be

[STAR TAGS: Sandie Caine Exclusive Video,]

8/30/23 Mostly Axel Braun


Stanza Dell’umido

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Jenna Presley Video, Michael Ninn]

8/29/23 Ginger Lynn and Chloe


Torn with BTS

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Juli Ashton Video, Chloe Video, Stacy Valentine Video, Mia Smiles Video, Veronica Hart Video]

8/28/23 Kylie IrelandWhen you think of Bangers, you mostly think of Mash, right? What an excellent thing, Bangers & Mash. In fact, you might want to schedule a long vacation where your primary objective may be to drive to and fro across England just to sample the Bangers & Mash featured in the various locales. … Just a heads up here, though, as it takes some getting used to if you happen to be from America and rent a car in the U.K. to manage your own travels. Turns out that opinions vary on the “proper” side of the road on which to drive in different countries. You can always take someone local with you, as a bit of security, of course. They will most definitely let you know if you turn a corner and wind up on the improper side of the road — every time. … None of that really matters, however, as today we begin analysis of “Bangers” of an entirely different definition. [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video]
8/27/23 Our Newest FriendTry to find another company that could even dig up a camshow from 20+ years ago, and you might be frustrated. Heck, we’re not even sure any of the big cam groups were even around that long ago, although Firt4Free claims to have been around in some iteration since the second half of the 1990s. Still, even that group cannot claim to be able to show off three new friends gleefully cavorting in Juli Ashton’s bedroom in the very, very early days of live streaming. Think about it: Some people legally watching Eat a Peach … or Three today were two years away from even being born at the time of recording. That’ll put a quick twist in your head. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Dee Exclusive Video, Georgia Adair Exclusive Video]
8/26/23 Ana Foxxx and Skin DiamondAs you mature in life, you will begin to realize that sometimes — particularly with things of a sexual nature — the concept can shine much more readily than the actual execution. Ask anyone who has actually ever had sex on a real beach about how much fun they had using sand as lube, for example. And while “69” may sound like an easy feat, not to mention a darned fine-looking number, it takes practice to perfect. It can be physically daunting, not to mention that sometimes the brain just doesn’t know where to focus, honestly. Accomplished perfectly, though, you will find it a unique experience. We consider this la petite mort à deux more generally, even including poets today. … Hey, practice, practice, practice. [STAR TAGS: Lea Hart Video, Mia Li Video, Ana Foxxx Video, Skin Diamond Video, Jenna Sativa Video, Kimber Woods Video, Penny Pax Video, Lily Cade Video] 
8/25/23 Katsuni


Coming Home Early pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Katsuni Video, Avena Lee Video]

8/24/23 Valentina Jewels


Depth of Feel | pics

[STAR TAGS: Valentina Jewels]

8/23/23 Penny Pax and Lily Cade


“Piece” in the Vallies | pics

[STAR TAGS: Penny Pax Video, Lily Cade Video]

8/22/23 el jefe


Amazing “Feets” by Trained Professionals

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

8/21/23 Nikki Charm


Behold the Cuckold

[STAR TAGS: Nikki Charm Video]

8/20/23 Jassie


Excellence in Luminance | pics

[STAR TAGS: Jassie Video]

8/19/23 Valerie VoloshukSometimes you know what a word means, but you just do not see it in everyday conversation all that often. Other times while the word may be uncommon in general, you happen to work in an industry where you see it all the time. Every profession has its own “lingo” that would fall into this category. … Then there are words that mean something generally, but something entirely different in a specialized field. For example, we all tend to fret over one thing or another, but should you be in the business of making guitars, you may fret every day and not feel bad about it all. … Every so often, though, even in a specialized field, you can see a word all the time and still be confused about why an industry uses it. Enter in this final case, a Risqué Cuck Hold. To paraphrase our dear, albeit fictional, friend Inigo Montoya, “They keep using that word. We do not think it means what they think it means.” [STAR TAGS: Allie Haze Video, Dylan Ryder Video, Valerie Voloshuk Video, Victoria Ruzheva Video, Friday Video, Maya Hills Video, Mia Rider Video] 
8/18/23 Nurse Phoenix MarieWhen you have a bit of an unanticipated situation in your life, a good nurse can make a lot of difference. Now having a Genie on your side might be handy too, but it would be unethical to use magic to make people do things they would not necessarily do in real life. Everybody knows that. The trick, then, comes down to finding a nurse possessing a solidly strong anal sex drive, y’know depending upon how much distraction one needs to remedy the current situation. To be honest, Phoenix Marie can improve upon most any situation, regardless of the outfit she happens to be wearing. The whole nurse thing certainly doesn’t hurt, though. [STAR TAGS: Phoenix Marie Video]
8/17/23 Kimber Woods and Jenna Sativa


Petals to the Mettle | pics

[STAR TAGS: Kimber Woods, Jenna Sativa]

8/16/23 Amber Lynn Bach


This Thing in Your Mouth

[STAR TAGS: Amber Lynn Bach Video]

8/15/23 Shayla LaVeaux


en medius minion

[STAR TAGS : Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

8/14/23 Chessie KayWe have reached another milestone — well, maybe a 100-yard-stone — in the 247AdultStars remastering project, with today marking the completion of another full year of Maverick’s updates. Ironically, Maverick himself in this “AofBJ with Chessie” post celebrated rather more personally than the rest of us noting the achievement. We did, however, notice an odd thing about the way we’ve been progressing. By choosing to go from the newest to the oldest, we end up in a situation where we say farewell to stars before we even meet them. … So that’s weird. … Consequently, we now have completed the most recent four years, we’re going to jump to the back and start moving forward again. At least we can see the progression from excited innocence to, well still excited, professionalism. At the very least we hope that it will not hurt our brains as much. That always seems an admirable goal. [STAR TAGS: Chessie Kay Exclusive Video,]
8/13/23 jenna ivory


Randi Wright – Aubrey Addams – Amber Lynn – Jenna Ivory – Cytherea – Kendra Cole

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

8/12/23 Krissy Lynn


Oily to Bed pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Krissy Lynn Video]

8/11/23 Brynn TylerSo let’s say you’re sittin’ in a classroom, thinkin’ it’s a drag. At this point you have options with Fang and Paul from Brownsville Station, or even Sixx, Mick, and Tom from an entirely different Crüe — as it were. Of course should you be Brynn Tyler you may have an entirely different plan, and even if you get caught, it will nevertheless constitute no substantial problem. Men are such simple creatures. It’s a wonder the human race ever evolved at all, really. [STAR TAGS: Brynn Tyler Video]
8/10/23 Ana Foxxx and Skin Diamond


Diamond’s in the Soft | pics

[STAR TAGS: Skin Diamond, Ana Foxxx]

8/8/23 Ginger Lynn


You Actually Might Need a Hanky

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

8/7/23 Stella Cox


The Long and Tall of Stella Cox

[STAR TAGS: Stella Cox Exclusive Video,]

8/6/23 Asia CarreraMost of us have a sort of “lizard-brain” dislike of shock therapy as a concept. It does not take a lot of educational background to know that it basically began as a sort of last resort for “medical professionals” when they had run out of traditional options. Sort of a, “what the hell, let’s run some electricity through the brain and see what happens” sort of a thing. Not pleasant. … On the other hand, the Asia Carrera (with co-star Kristal Summers before she was even “Kristal”) approach certainly appears a lot more pleasant. Still not really “professional” demeanor represented by the authority figures in here, but that was probably not the point. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Ava Vincent Video, Asia Carrera Video, Gina Lynn Video, Sydnee Steele Video, Isabella Camille Video]
8/5/23 Maya Hills


The Understanding Observer | pics

[STAR TAGS: Maya Hills, Mia Rider]

8/4/23 Shayla LaVeaxWhen you think of pearls you probably think of little white round things that mostly come on jewelry, with fake ones easy to make, and real ones deceptively expensive. You may also think of wisdom, as in “pearls of” which tends to be the kind we prefer (and can afford). Of course it can be fairly difficult to fake wisdom too — unless you hold elected office — so that adds to its value for as well. In that mode, then, consider our Amicus Pearls as we all consider Shayla LaVeaux playing in a bathtub remarkably near to an underwater camera. By the way, if you think of “necklace” when you think of pearls, you either have a lot of money, or a very dirty mind. Just sayin’ … [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]
8/3/23 Shayla LaVeaux


“Hart” in Her Hand | pics

[STAR TAGS: Mia Li, Lea Hart]

8/2/23 Cytherea


Going West for Anal

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

8/1/23 Nina Elle


That Full Feeling

[STAR TAGS: Nina Elle Video, Ginger Lynn Video]