Filed Under: Yasmine de Leon

November 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

11/30/24 Isabella DeSantosSo when you have to split a movie into two separate presentations because of the sheer volume of the … um, exercises … and you finished up part one without any real clear proof that the producers at all understood their own concepts, well, you maintain hopes that they will pull it together for the end of the show. So when that happens, you’ll most likely be disappointed, by the way. On the other hand, they do feature seven different beautiful women doing all sorts of wonderful things — just not the things the title would indicate they will be doing. Think of it like how Congress works, but with much better looking people. [STAR TAGS: Selma Sins Video, Summer Carter Video, Kasey Warner Video, Carmen Callaway Video, Isabella DeSantos Video, Riley Reynolds Video, Hayden Night Video]
11/28/24 Risque NewsSome of us may honestly enter today wondering why God hates us, as evidenced by the fact that we have to watch the Dallas Cowboys play on national television. … Every. Single. Year. … Others of us may be feeding the dog a whole lot more of the turkey than someone in charge may realize, if only to avoid the next two weeks being filled with “new ways” to enjoy leftovers. Others of us have lived enough years to have had family members all bop off to heaven (where presumably they can watch any team they wish play football, and they have no need for food in the first place) so that we can simply blip back a quarter of a century and smile. And be thankful all over again. And eat lasagna — which happens to be excellent left over just like it was the first time. [STAR TAGS: Alexis DeVell, Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Taren Steele, Vicca Nikita]
11/27/24 Syren Sexton


Seducing Santa … (Odds of Success Would Seem Excellent)

[STAR TAGS: Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

11/26/24 Juli, Keri, Mark


Head Trip Post Script

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Juli Ashton, Keri Windsor, Rebecca Lord, Telore, Danielle Rogers, Nici Sterling, Chloe, Alicia]

11/25/24 Joslyn JamesEverybody gets bored sometimes, and presuming most of us continue into adulthood our aversion to the parental doctrine that “if you have time to lean, you have time to clean” most of us figure out something to occupy our minds during those lulls. Honestly, we should all learn to cherish those rare moments when we realize, “Hey, wait. I don’t think anything is on fire right at this very moment.” … In this vein, the housewives in our new feature have apparently hit upon something both fun and profitable as a hobby, a concept we begin to consider today. If nothing else, it beats selling strange little crafts on Etsy. [STAR TAGS: Joslyn James Video]
11/24/24 Kayla Louise


Definitely Not an Elf

[STAR TAGS: Kayla Louise Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars]

11/23/24 Alice GreenYou know how when you have a plan — a perfect plan, naturally — worked out months in advance, and everything just falls into place seamlessly without even a little flaw? You know how you somehow managed to think of every tiny detail and account for each of them in your strategy to the point where people observing never even knew the possibility for disappointment even existed? … Yeah, well, this would not be one of those times. Despite what the title may imply that you will find distinctly missing, though, chances seem good you will many variations in which to find solace. And variations of solace are always good. [STAR TAGS: Kacey Jordan Video, Kayla West Video, Chanel Rae Video, Marina Visconti Video, Mandy Muse Video, Alice Green Video, Nina Elle Video] 
11/22/24 Stella CoxSeeing as how retail stores started “celebrating” Christmas sometime around Labor Day, and “Black Friday” sales have been going on for weeks now, we felt perfectly justified starting to relive a bit of 247adultstars holiday history with Stella Cox. Of course this could have had something to do with the original introduction that ended with, “Happy Holidays everyone. May you all find a Stella of your own under your tree … in your bed … whatever.” Odds seem good that your festivities will not involve someone as completely compelling as Stella, but she may be even more important to you, which matters most, after all. Besides, one can dream. Honestly this seems like why we have a holiday season at all. [STAR TAGS: Stella Cox Exclusive Video,] 
11/21/24 Asia Carrera


Betting with Asia

[STAR TAGS: Asia Carrera Video]

11/20/24 Shayla LaVeaux


What’s Up (with) Doc

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Juli Ashton]

11/18/24 Ana Joy


Pursuing the TILT

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

11/17/24 Alice Lighthouse


Alix Lovell – Cici Rhodes – Gia Dimarco – Scarlet Red – Alice Lighthouse – Nadia Styles

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

11/16/24 Sign


It Could Be Worse

[STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Kasey Storm Video, Sophia, Renna Ryan, Michael Ninn,]

11/15/24 Asa AkiraWe can all get “the story” from any number of places. Granted, the source of that story may significantly affect what “the story” may be, but that seems to be a point the vast majority of people somehow overlook. Heck, all the Hope and Joy people from two weeks ago have completely changed places with The Sky is Falling people, yet both appear equally dedicated to their own narrow view of “the story” overall. Well, we figure that no matter what happens on some big stage back in Washington, D.C., we’ll all be putting gas in our cars and trying to buy food just like always. So here at Risqué, we decided the Inside Story might be a much more pleasant thing to pursue. And we have Asa Akira in our story, so neener-neener. [STAR TAGS : Asa Akira Video]
11/13/24 Taren SteeleShould we advise that we have prepared a trip for you down Electric Avenue, one might think we’d be discussing brutality and racial tensions in Brixton back in the early 1980s. Then most of us would have to go to Google to even locate Brixton (which happens to be in London, btw), and the adventurous might even wander over to give a listen to Eddy Grant. Fortunately we’re not talking about any of that. Rather we revisit Taren Steele’s journey down her own Electric Avenue. It also has a good beat, but you may not think of dancing necessarily. [STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video]
11/12/24 UKAP Christmas


Seasonal Party Debut

[STAR TAGS: UKAP Christmas Party 2011, Emma Foxx, Jessica Jensen, Tanya Cox, Kandi Spitfire,]

11/11/24 Brittany AndrewsBefore we accomplished the update and remaster of something on the short list of very favorite “companionship” moments, we introduced the event with the following. … “Today the NFL has promised that they will take none of the violence out of the professional game, while they concurrently attempt to force the highly-paid players to stop hitting each other so hard.” … Now today, today any Bronco fan can tell you that league issues aside, God clearly loves Taylor Swift a lot, so we seek to soothe some wounds with On Brittany and Beyond. It won’t change the final score, but darned if it might not make you forget about it for just a little bit. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Brittany Andrews]
11/10/24 Nichole Heiress and Amy Reid


Stripper du Jour | vid

[STAR TAGS: Amy Reid Video, Nichole Heiress Video]

11/9/24 Taren Steele


Steele Will

[STAR TAGS: Taren Steele Video]

11/8/24 Chantelle Fox


Sacrificing for His Art

[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video,]

11/6/24 Lexi Love


Caveat Emperor

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Jenna Haze, Monique Alexander, Sunset Thomas, Lexi Love, Jessica Drake]

11/4/24 Under the TableGenerally at the end of a movie called Sugar Daddy one would expect all of the players to have a daddy of the appropriate sweetness by the culmination of the festivities. You wouldn’t have a movie called Romancing the Stone and then spend the entire show chasing it, only to come up empty at the end, right? Well, sometimes people in this industry get a little distracted by all the … um … willingness … around them, and they sort of forget the point of the story. Or maybe they just figure that’s not the point anyway. Excellent final dinner party scene aside, they really could have picked a different title. What if someone picked up this movie in hopes of getting some helpful hints they could apply in their own lives, huh? What then? [STAR TAGS: Brooke Jameson Video, Chloe Delaure Video, Gem Sparkle Video]
11/3/24 Lesbian RehabWe can see no reasons that lesbians might need a kind of rehab fundamentally different from rehab for anyone else, and yet we have Lesbian Rehab presented to us with all the inherent confusion that title provides. Then again, we have been accused of reading too much into adult movie titles before. Come to think of it, we have been accused of simply reading too much before. Well, maybe just look at the pretty pictures. They’re moving, you know. [STAR TAGS: Chanell Heart Video, Elexis Monroe Video, Yasmine de Leon Video, Angelina Chung Video, Mary Jane Mayhem Video, Lotus Lane Video, Nikki Peyton Video]
11/1/24 Kaylan NicoleAt least for those of us in America, this would be the month where we eat all the leftover Halloween candy — including the bags that we hid so they never got opened — and then prepare to stretch our stomachs during football games so that we’re in playing shape for the official Thanksgiving meal on that last Thursday. Around here, though, we honestly try to be thankful all year round, and we tend to be more beer than candy people (which is why God invented warehouse refrigerators). We do believe in special moments, though, and we see nothing wrong with throwing Thanks All Around when the mood suits us. [STAR TAGS: Serenity Video, Kaylan Nicole Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Kristal Summers Video, Dee Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Nikita Denise Video, Christy Lake Video, Zana Video, Lezley Zen Video, Cheryl Dynasty Video, Sindee Coxx Video]

October 2024 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

10/31/24 Tiffany TaylorDoes anyone else have this problem? By the time Halloween Day actually arrives, you find yourself stunned to realize that somehow you do not have any Halloween candy left, even though you have been very carefully curating your selection for this year since September? So you have to go back to the store only to find that they have only the sucky kinds left? Well, if that happens to you — and you do not mind making neighborhood children sad — we have an alternative for you today. You could just turn off the porch light and darken the front of the house by taking your tablet to your bedroom and consider Halloween more from a gestalt perspective. Tiffany Taylor may not be candy as such, but that does not keep her from being sweet. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton, Tiffany Granath, Roxy Jezel, Tiffany Taylor Video, Michael Ninn]
10/30/24 Shayla and "Bros"


Atavistic Impulse

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Brynn Tyler Video]

10/29/24 Lotus Lain - Nikki Peyton


Lotus Position Variations | pics

[STAR TAGS: Elexis Monroe, Lotus Lain]

10/28/24 Natalia Forrest


Pinball Wizardess

[STAR TAGS: Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

10/27/24 Ana Foxxx


Annie Cruz – Emily Kae – Charli Piper – Tara Morgan – Ana Foxxx – Kendra Cole

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

10/26/24 Shayla LaVeauxParents tend to be excited when their children get new jobs, and children tend to be excited to tell their parents about them. … As a general rule that would likely be true. … In the Risqué Commune World, however, we do not tend to be subject to general rules. In fact, we will often run up against general rules that seem completely ludicrous given our perspective. When the rules of our world collide with the general rules, it can honestly be quite emotional — or, y’know, hysterical, depending upon whether you have to participate or you just get to watch. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video (on Jerry Springer), Devinn Lane, Kristal Summers, Inari Vachs, Julia Ann]
10/25/24 Faith LeonYou might think it would be difficult to pull off a finale (as it were, in this case) for a movie chasing ambitions of Elegance. Having been given that task, however, one could do much, much worse than choosing Faith Leon and Justin Magnum to carry the flag — well, and do some other stuff. It may not seem intuitive that one could use both elegance and porn performer in a list of attributes for a single person, but that would be because you never met Faith in person. As we said, they could have done much worse than casting Faith, but they might not have been able to do any better. [STAR TAGS: Faith Leon Video]
10/23/24 AniasSo is everyone super tired of political commercials — on television, on the radio, and all the heck over social media? Don’t you find yourself wondering exactly whom they think they are convincing with those? The only thing we have learned since the famous — or infamous if you prefer — ride down the golden escalator in 2015 is that you can’t believe anybody in a self-interested sound bite. Who the heck remains undecided, and must we all put up with this for almost two more weeks? Well, maybe they think they can be persuasive with people that do not know how to use “whom” correctly. Maybe that explains it. For our part we seek a lengthy and altogether more beautiful distraction with a look back at sane elections (Who knew?) with Faith and (Political) Begorrah. No matter what, ya gotta have Faith. [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Jana Cova, Nikki Blond, Erica Vachs, Laura Capri, Michael Ninn]
10/21/24 Shayla LaVeaux


Cowgirl Up!

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

10/20/24 Lotus Lain - Nikki Peyton


Smooth Up In Ya | pics

[STAR TAGS: Lotus Lain, Nikki Peyton]

10/19/24 Vanessa Lane


Lawn Tarts pics | vid

[STAR TAGS: Vanessa Lane Video]

10/18/24 Jana Cova and Anais


Faith by Michael (just not George)

[STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Jana Cova Video, Michael Ninn]

10/17/24 Mary Jane Mayhem - Angelina Chung - Yasmine de Leon


Inclusive Cookies | pics

[STAR TAGS: Yasmine de Leon, Angelina Chung, Mary Jane Mayhem]

10/16/24 CythereaOur guest author from days o’ yore, proclaimed, “Back before he started making sausage, Jimmy Dean recorded a song with a chorus that began, “I won’t go huntin’ with you, Jake, but I’ll go chasin’ women.” Most of you will probably be glad to hear that this does not happen to be the song in which you can find Shayla naked in the music video. That said, as between early 1950’s country music — Ice T’s “Body Count” — and sausage, we can’t honestly say which we’d like to see made less. Shayla dancing naked is always good, however.” … Honestly, we find it difficult to argue with that. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Cytherea Exclsive Video, Sandie Caine Exclusive Video,]
10/15/24 Anna Joy


Anna 1, Anna 2, Anna Joy!

[STAR TAGS: Anna Joy Exclusive Video,]

10/14/24 Pippa DeeIf you wish to buy a car, you might even get an offer for a test drive. Of course that would only apply if you are not buying the automobile online, which apparently some generations of people do, because why would you want to actually drive the car before you spend what may be the second most expensive thing you will ever purchase? … Young-people trends aside, it seems that when your Sugar Daddy wants to buy a super fancy car, that test drive might come with a chauffeur. And that chauffeur must really want for you to buy that car. Art imitates life, right? [STAR TAGS : Cyprus Isles Video, Gem Sparkle Video, Pippa Dee Video]
10/12/24 Jynx MazeGenerally when we “TOC” about a movie, you learn about the plot of that movie — y’know, or that lack thereof. Sometimes, though, when you look at a title, like, say, First Timer Latinas you might think you’d be learning some fun facts about new performers of Latin heritage, right? … Ah-HA! But that would require a consistency and dedication toward using a title to actually describe what someone might find should they actually watch the movie. Silly us. We think such weird things sometimes. [STAR TAGS: Caroline Ray Video, Zoey Cortes Video, Maryjean Video, Ember James Video, Jynx Maze Video]
10/11/24 Jynx Maze


The Maze Daze | pics

[STAR TAGS: Jynx Maze]

10/10/24 Cate Harrington



[STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington Exclusive Video,]

10/9/24 Ember James


Clinical Observation | pics

[STAR TAGS: Chanell Heart, Elexis Monroe]

10/8/24 Georgia Adair


Extremely Becoming, Actually

[STAR TAGS: Vicca Video, Georgia Adair Video, Laura Palmer Video]

10/7/24 Brynn Tyler and Shayla


Conceptual Alliteration Levied

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Brynn Tyler Video]

10/6/24 Belle Knox


Britney Young – Jacky Joy – Cindy Starfall – Rebecca Bardoux – Belle Knox – Nina Elle

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

10/5/24 Juli AshtonIn very rare times in life, we might meet a person so unique that you honestly cannot find a person who would speak even an unkind word about her. Then 30+ years could pass and you still cannot find even a single person holding an unkind opinion about this person. Well, when you run across one of these incredibly special people, you quietly (and anonymously at this point) highlight birthdays of yore. Then you take a moment to appreciate how truly rare those times were. … Of course then you go out and pick up a couple of 1½” Porterhouse steaks, some Negro Modelo, and a pint of Cherry Garcia to have in her honor, of course. One must remember special people as they would appreciate, after all. [STAR TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Tiffany Granath]
10/4/24 Vanessa LaneConventional wisdom dictates “a right way” and “a wrong way” to do things. Of course if everyone always applied conventional wisdom, we’d never invent anything, and life would be super boring. Have you been a Risqué Member for any length of time, you will have your own opinion about us certainly, but we’re willing to bet that “conventional” will not be amongst the adjectives you’d choose to describe us. (We’re also willing to bet that you remember at least hearing the word “adjective” at some point in your life.) … Basically we have our own Elegance, which we shamelessly deploy — episodically, in many cases. [STAR TAGS: Vanessa Lane Video]
10/3/24 Anais, MostlyDespite how most people would claim to be non-conformists, the fact remains that the vast majority of people just want to get along. If we could live our lives and be left alone with enough of an income to keep us fed, clothed, and protected from the elements in a comfortable way, almost everybody would be perfectly happy. … Sometimes, though, you have to put your money where your mouth is, which basically explains the entire Risqué Commune Philosophy in a nutshell. We thought other adult site people were wrong. So we did something different. And we ended up with something very different. … Whether that qualifies as “success” would be an entirely subjective standard, but we’ve had a darned good time, and that has always been enough. One thing about the average person, you know: They never feel like they are the average person. [STAR TAGS: Anais Video, Jana Cova Video, Michael Ninn]
10/2/24 Ember James


Slow Burn | pics

[STAR TAGS: Ember James]

10/1/24 Natalia Forrest


Relative Patriotism Still Rocks

[STAR TAGS: Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

June 2021 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

6/30/21 Shayla LaVeaux


Gag Me with a Swoon | Poke Shayla Alley

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

6/28/21 Charlie Laine


Those ‘70s Lesbians

[STAR TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Brianna Love Video]

6/26/21 Ginger Lynn and Bionca


Beginning the Project

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Bionca Video, Jennifer Noxt Video, Kari Foxx Video]

6/26/21 Shayla LaVeauxShayla had her Twitter account shut down temporarily once, because apparently you can show all the hard core sex you want in your Twitter feed, but heaven forbid you show bare breasts on your profile picture. Now probably a lot of very smart and very dedicated people came up with this line of demarcation, and they could probably give us very sound and convincing reasons for the decision, you know, if we could get them to answer the question — which we will never be able to do. Figuring out where to draw the censorship line is complicated enough without having to actually explain yourself. That really sucks. … You will find @ShaylaLaVeaux back up now, but we put together a little bit of a tribute to perspective for Shayla, just to make her laugh. Feel free to laugh along and stop thinking about weird Twitter rules. It’ll keep your head from hurting. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Amy Faye Video]
6/25/21 Ana Nova, Kylie Ireland, Phyllisha AnneAnyone with a reasonable amount of industry knowledge could tell you that when you get rid of all the dudes on a set, the entire atmosphere changes into one of excitement and party-time. Most could also tell you that when you put Kylie Ireland and Amber Rain on a set and get rid of all the dudes, well, you’re gonna need some extra towels — and not just for the performers. … Then you add Amber Rain, Lexi Love, Ana Nova, Katja Kassin, Louisa Lanewood, Melanie Scott, and Phyllisha Anne because … well, honestly we have no idea what the producers were thinking. But we like it! [STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Amber Rayne Video, Lexi Love Video, Ana Nova Video, Katja Kassin Video, Louisa Lanewood Video, Menanie Scott Video, Phyllisha Anne Video]
6/23/21 Mostly Ginger


The Golden Man

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

6/22/21 Sean Michaels


Polish the Buns

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

6/20/21 Ginger Lynn and Stacey Donovan


Louche Lads & Lesbians

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Stacey Donovan Video]

6/19/21 Scarlet BanksAs time moves on, the immortality of Youth tends to wander through, “That may not have been the best idea,” until it finally reaches the maturity standard of, “Yeah, that was really stupid.” … One does not often get to witness this 20+ year evolution from young adult to, “Wow. I can’t believe I lived,” at least outside of one’s immediate family. When it does happen, though, the impact can be powerful. The devolution of Chasey Lain hits some of us much harder than others, somewhat appropriately today in a particularly distasteful genre for the next in the Risqué TOC collection of observations. [STAR TAGS: Chasey Lain Video, Audrey Aguilera Video, Alexa Aimes Video, Alura Jenson Video, Bree Blu Video, Natalia Starr Video, Tanya Tate Video, Cindy Cruz Video, Scarlet Banks Video]
6/18/21 Cytherea


Safe to Diddle

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

6/17/21 Kylie Ireland, Amber Rayne


Remastering a Craft

[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Amber Rayne Video]

6/16/21 Kaylan Nicole, Shayla LaVeaux, Alexis DeVell


Posterior Themes | Thunder & Sluts

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Alexis DeVell Video, Kaylan Nicole Video]

6/15/21 Shayla LaVeaux and Chantelle FoxGranted it represents the smallest of the Archive Volumes so far, but the Shayla LaVeaux posts tend to be rather complex undertakings — with many, many ties all across the commune. Consequently, announcing the Completion of Shayla’s Volume 5 and all its many, many videos still marks something of an achievement worth mentioning. Technically the last little piece needed was what we have cleverly called “Girl Power Rewired” which admittedly could lack a bit of our usual dazzle. Still, you try being brilliant with Shayla running around naked all day. It gets distracting. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video]
6/14/21 Jennifer White


Tear It Off [Her]

[STAR TAGS: Jennifer White Video]

6/13/21 Emma Snow


Claudia Valentine – Emma Snow – Tara Holiday – Sunny Lane – Angel Vain – Roxy Jezel

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

6/12/21 Ashlyn Rae, Kylie Ireland


Still Kinda Dirty

[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Ashlyn Rae Video]

6/11/21 Ginger Lynn Feeling Accomodating


BJs & The Spot

(Not a 70’s Cop Show)

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Ann Harlow Video, Divalicious Video, Drew Hurlie Video, Envy Mi Video, Ivy Leaguez Video, Lyla Lei Video, Noah Angel Video]

6/10/21 Loni Legend


Weird is Good

[STAR TAGS: Loni Legend Video, Ginger Lynn Video]

6/9/21 Annie Cruz


Soaked Superly Anew

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Annie Cruz Video, Crystal Heart Video]

6/7/21 Charlie Laine Kissing Sharah BlakeMost of us know what a surprise meeting with old friends feels like. Sadly, too few of us probably know what a surprise meeting of old friends having sex feels like on an emotional scale. Granted, Sarah Blake and Charlie Laine most definitely trip some switches on more than a pure emotional response scale, which makes them quite appropriate for this venue, of course. Still, finding forgotten moments from years before in your dusty memory banks has its own unique rush. You should all probably try to get your friends to have sex while you watch, come to think of it. Take some pictures, but don’t look at them for 10+ years. Then you’ll see what we mean. [STAR TAGS: Sarah Blake Video, Charlie Laine Video]
6/6/21 Rebecca Lord's Hands


Many Shades of Great

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video, Rebecca Lord Video]

6/5/21 Ana Foxxx Soothes Kira NoirAlthough “Risqué Proper” has been publishing videos accessible in the now obligatory non-flash environment for several years, it turns out that some of our very earliest “TOC” features fell into that we were still hopeful they would figure it out period of time. … Well, they did not figure it out. Sigh. … Then someone wrote in and pointed out this truly sad fact, and so true to our commitment to membership euphoria, we have added that to our Modernization Strategy. We begin our journey with Filthy Fashion Models and the verification of a theory most of us have believed for a long time: You simply cannot have too much Ana Foxxx. [STAR TAGS: Ana Foxxx Video, Lotus Lain Video, Jenna Sativa Video, Yasmine de Leon Video, Kira Noir Video, Shyla Jenninigs Video] 
6/5/21 Shayla LaVeaux


Going on “Holliday”

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Bionca Video, Tiffany Mynx Video, Felecia Video, Sindee Coxx Video, Sydnee Steele Video, Tanya Danielle Video, Tina Cheri Video]

6/4/21 Dominica LeoniWe cannot say for certain why a person would trade in a girlfriend with a name that sounds like a fancy Italian sports car in favor of one whose name sounds like a scented douche, but apparently it happens. Now granted in this case the decision comes amidst the same sort of other unbelievable things that you may generally find in an adult movie; we should mention that little detail. Still, people presumably hope for a lot of things that happen in these shows to come true in their real lives. Seems safe to bet that Dominica Leoni would be on that list somewhere for sure. [STAR TAGS: Dominica Leoni Video] 
6/3/21 Ginger Lynn and Boy Toys


Cheeks on the Outside

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

6/3/21 Cytherea


Jolly Young St. Squirtalous

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]

6/2/21 Cytherea


Cytherea Takes a Gamble

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video]

6/1/21 Shayla LaVeaux and Jay Crew


The Crew Cut In

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

May 2018 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff

5/30/18 Sophie DeeOver the past couple of years the ReelRisque enterprise has allowed us to significantly broaden our considerations of the industry as a whole. Given the history of that segment of the Risqué Commune evolution this likely makes sense, seeing as how the concept sprung from one of our oldest — and certainly wackiest — compatriots, Chris King, known for his energy on set, commitment to the genre, and never-yielding love of technological advance. Some titles, however sadly, simply remain too much for us. Perfectly willing to embrace some of the excellent work that one can find in the gonzo approaches, we nevertheless still do choose to have lines in the sand — or on the bedroom floor, whatever. In this case, we have chosen to share the artistic visuals but not comment upon the show in general. Everyone goes through life creating their own unique brand of censorship, after all. We will make just one comment upon the title before we send you off, however: ICK. [STAR TAGS: Sophie Dee, Tyla Wynn, Trina Michaels, Kaiya Lynn, Aline]
5/27/18 Ginger Lynn, Harry Reems


The Seriousness of Sex | video

[STAR TAGS: Ginger Lynn Video]

5/26/18 Olivia Wilder and Dior Love consider Cytherea


“Lesbian Squirt Machine” pt 4 | Winning by Example

[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Video, Dior Love Video, Olivia Wilder Video]

5/24/18 Angel Cakes, Venus Harris


Afternoon (NOT) Napping | pics

[STAR TAGS: Angel Cakes, Venus Harris]

5/21/18 Shayla LaVeaux


Darker Observations

[STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Alex Jordan Video]

5/19/18 Jenna Sativa, Yasmine de Leon, Ana FoxxxWe should probably “TOC” about these Filthy Fashion Models, we suppose. Or at the very least we should pay very close attention to them in order that we might learn how to achieve complete financial security, an unparalleled physical and mental well-being, and basically the secrets to a peaceful and happy life in general. To be honest, none of us has accomplished any of those things while absorbing this lesbian adventure featuring Ana Foxxx, but we keep watching it over and over anyway. What other reason could there be? [STAR TAGS: Ana Foxxx Video, Lotus Lain Video, Jenna Sativa Video, Yasmine de Leon Video, Kira Noir Video, Shyla Jennings Video]
5/16/18 Yuki Mori, Kenna Kane


Comfort Despite the Comforter | pics

[STAR TAGS: Yuki Mori, Kenna Kane]

5/13/18 Edyn Blair


Tara Morgan – Sadie Kennedy – Emma Snow – Rachel James – Kendra Cole – Edyn Blair

… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career

5/12/18 Ashlee Graham and Tristina Millz


“Lesbian Squirt Machine” pt 3 | The Color Whee!

[STAR TAGS: Ashlee Graham Video, Tristina Millz Video, Cytherea]

5/11/18 Hannah Shaw & Chantelle Fox



[STAR TAGS: Chantelle Fox Exclusive Video, Hannah Shaw Exclusive Video,]

5/8/18 Adrianna Nicole, Kylie Ireland


Women Scorned

[STAR TAGS: Kylie Ireland Video, Adrianna Nicole Video]

5/6/18 Lola, Jack NapierPick any “regular” holiday, and you’ll be able to find a plethora of people willing to scoff at the concept or debate the historical accuracy of the date. (Jesus was born in the spring. Yeah, yeah. Whatever.) Get into any of these anti-traditional holidays, and goodness it can get geeky quick. Consequently we decided to avoid the whole “May the Fourth” kerfuffle in favor of simply coming up with our own celebration devoted to Dee, Essentially (with appropriate props to Jack Napier and Lola, of course). Granted, this may not ever reach popular acceptance — or even better, unpopular debate — but May the Sith Ignore You regardless. [STAR TAGS: Lola Video, Dee Video, Juli Ashton Video]
5/5/18 Mikayla Mendez Appreciating Evan Stone


Cinco de Mikayla | pics & vid

[STAR TAGS: Mikayla Mendez Video]

5/3/18 Kira Noir, Ana Foxxx


Makeup Sex | pics

[STAR TAGS: Kira Noir, Ana Foxxx]

5/1/18 Hair Dressing of a SortMay Day! May Day! … Alert! … Eschew Obfuscation! … So Risqué Commune fans will know that we often get rather busy and thus may wait what seems like a long period of time before posting adult “news” stories. We recently put up a Shayla LaVeaux experience recorded just over five years ago, for example, an event noted by devoted Shayla fans, as a matter of fact. This pales in comparison to D.Minion’s Girl Talk, however, an on-the-set insight we apparently skipped accidentally. To put it in perspective, some of the people making adult movies professionally today were two years old when Kristal Summers, Monique Alexander, and jessica drake shot this little diddy. On the upside, technology changes, and now we can show you the whole movie too. Good things come to both those who wait — and those who forget it seems. [STAR TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Monique Alexander Video, Jessica Drake Video, Nikki Fairchild Video, Summer Haze Video]