Clearly the subject of Chasey Lain would take many, many words to even begin to explicate, so we’ll fast-forward a decade or so to shortly after the arrival of Anais into the business. (You’re welcome.)
Anais had signed her deal with Michael Ninn and the company he owned (then) and we’d more or less eased her into performance regime with a couple of g/g (girl/girl) scenes, working with women both experienced and known to us to be exceptionally patient and helpful with new talent, Dee and Jassie. Laurent Sky had a couple of very successful titles already released in his Fetish series for Ninn Worx, and he naturally wanted to feature Anais in the next installment. All seemed well-timed for the first b/g (boy/girl) scene in the Anais evolution.
I should probably back up a bit and explain that being a professional talent manager, at least as I define the concept, involves spending a great deal of time in conversation over a great number of weeks with any client. It seems obvious that until I know where we’re trying to go, I have no idea how to help you get there, but that particularly philosophy as a guiding principle remains conspicuous in its absence in the management companies that operate today. (Don’t you hate it when you miss the first question?) At any rate, by the time Anais had reached this point in her career, we had spent hundreds of hours together and had developed both a comfortable friendship and a trust and belief in our mutual efforts. By definition of the subject matter involved, and despite a usual lack of any sexual interaction, these become quite intimate relationships.
In the couple of weeks before the actual Fetish shoot transpired, suffice it say that Anais and I spent a lot of time together talking about what to expect, what issues might arise (or not arise, in the case of the male talent) – basically trying to avoid as much uncertainty as possible.
Yeah, well, we never anticipated the new guy Kurt “Boy Band” Lockwood. Certainly attractive (at least for the industry) in a big smile, cocky, used to charming women, sort of way, Kurt claimed literally to have come from a stint in a “Boy Band” , although which one I can’t possibly remember. Anais was never a typical beautiful woman, though, and Kurt’s attempts at charming her off set failed miserably (or humorously, depending on your point of view). Unfortunately, by the time we were all ready to shoot the actual sex scene … well … we were all ready except Kurt, if you get the (limp) picture here.
Fortunately, an experienced crew such as Michael’s knows exactly how to handle this situation when it happens. (The pressure on male talent can be horrible, honestly. Imagine furiously jacking off in a brightly-lit room full of 50 strangers, all of them waiting on you to achieve at least some semblance of a hard on. Not very many guys can do this, which explains why you see the same male talent in movie after movie in this business.) Per the custom, we all backed away and left the set, trying to at least remove the obvious appearance of tension in the room, in all but the appropriate place. In a few minutes, though, I looked up from my book and spied Kurt dragging a confused Anais away from the set and into a bathroom off to the side.
Then I heard the door lock.