Now we’re not involved in the development of this project at all, and we have no idea whom they have seen fit to even put on the list, but it would be difficult to argue that the only three women that have spanned “generational recognition” in adult movie history would be in chronological order:
- Linda Lovelace — who loved porn, then hated porn, then maybe sort of loved it again, because she was back signing autographs at conventions before she died.
- Ginger Lynn — who seems to have never wavered from her love of porn, even when she was making most of her money in mainstream film, and
- Jenna Jameson — who loved porn, then hated porn, then … well, now we’re not sure, but she’s still alive, and it seems quite likely that we have not heard the last of Jenna.
There have been thousands of stars, and millions of opinions, and neither of those two categories will stop growing, but so far, those women would have to be “top” three — probably not in that order — on any rational list. [Without getting too much into the politics of making network movies for money, odds seem pretty good that at least a few of the women on the ultimate list will coincidentally have movies running on Showtime (or an affiliate) when the show debuts.]
Well, Ginger Lynn officially joins the Risqué Commune today, and for anyone that knows what we do, and how oddly we go about doing it, we actually can’t think of a better fit. We have been working with Ginger on getting her site just the way she wants it for some time, and we think that after a little looking around, any of the risque members will likely agree.
Ginger has done a lot of things over the years, from traditional, to wacky, to just simply impressive, and we have had a grand ol’ time helping her compile all of her memories. We put together a few highlights to accompany this announcement. We encourage you, of course, to look around over there as much as you want, and please send us any comments, good or bad, that you may have — either via the VIP email link or on the Message Board.
You will likely notice that Gregory Dark and Alex deRenzy made OUR list, and we only have two in the list. [Also, Showtime did not give us any money to compile this list. Before looking at the results of any “study” you should really look first for who funded the research in the first place.]