Ginger Lynn

Sun Your Ginger Buns

A Ginger Effect

Ginger on Laps

Sure clever people will have a home. And they may often need to run there before people start throwing things after they stop groaning at the bad puns.

Over the years, Ginger has been all over the world, and has met some very talented people. She has also always been very clever, so apparently under her guidance, someone created a “text rising out of the water” effect that included a wonderful pun. … We did tell you she was a perfect fit around here.

A Quick Note on the Risque Commune System

Technically, we should probably mention that this article more or less serves as a “sister post” to one on Young Ginger over in the Free Photos Section. Over the years “Risque” has evolved a great deal in the members’ area, and since we began this blog approach a few years back, the same has happened out her on the “free side” as we call it.

We have a diverse group of women highlighted in the commune, but that diversity pales in comparison to the one encompassing the individuals who contribute to the site in literary or visual form. Some people have been here literally for decades. Some folks pop by, do one article or submit one video or photo set, and then they wander back to their own lives in whatever corner of the planet that happens to be. Consequently, you will see quite a range of interests and philosophies represented on these digital pages. We said all of that to say all of this: We just thought we had obtuse views on life until we met Ginger and her people. Wowza! (That would be the clinical term, by the way.)

[Just as a point of clarification, we have never quite figured out how a spherical planet can even possess corners, but as with many things that fleet through our collective brain, we try not to fixate on it. Honestly the Clue the Queue meetings we have — where we all sit around and try to set the publication schedules for the next couple of weeks — can be amazingly fun experiences. Unless you happen to have missed a deadline. Then they suck.]

Even More Risque:  Bisexual Birthdays

Sibling Sentiments

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