LaVeaux Love

LaVeaux Love

[In case you happen to be curious, despite our enjoyable work environment and the frank topics that often arise (so to speak), we do not as a rule go about picturing how co-workers might look in the throes of “potentially useful” influence. … Well, we certainly do not mentally picture all of them. … ]

Shayla LaVeaux LoversShayla LaVeaux LoversShayla LaVeaux LoversShayla LaVeaux Lovers

Of course fantasy can also have a timeliness element, as the photo set today aptly demonstrates. You see, for as long as Brittany Andrews has been in the business, she has always been a strictly “boy/girl” performer. Now she’ll do the boys all sorts of ways, giving or receiving, and in all sorts of environments, many of which include some fairly daunting pieces of bondage gear, but she has also always chosen not to have sex with other women, because that simply was not her thing. In fact Brittany actually deserves credit for not letting mere money sway this personal stance. Not many women in the industry turn down the cash, when it comes right down to it. [To be technical about it, even if this were some sudden leap into temporary lesbianism, Brittany would not actually be the first “straight” woman some of us have seen Shayla turn. She has an amazing effect on people.]

Depending upon the situation, though, time can just get ahead of you, and suddenly doing something new just seems like a darned good idea. Hey, work in this business long enough, and the stories will absolutely blur.

Of course over the years Brittany could easily have changed her stance on the whole playing with pussy thing, and we just didn’t get the memo. [Sadly Brittany does not consult with us each time she makes a decision in her life.] Still, we rather prefer to think of the Overwhelmed with Shayla fantasy. All things being equal, fantasy beats the crap out of reality every time.

Even More Risque:  Risque Origins — Let There Be Sight

Deep Feelings

Shayla LaVeaux

And now we have Brittany’s thumb applying a big ol’ Shush Dude on some of that LaVeaux Love. We’re on a veritable Shush Dude roll.

[Now over in the Members’ Area, the conversation turned to video and some other explanation of things that never happen in real life, but rather than just stop here, we did want to give something to the free people that the Members actually did not get to see. We consider it quite a feat.]

Bonus LaVeaux Love

Brittany Andrews, mostly

(At the very least, we amuse ourselves. It’s really fun at Risque.)

LaVeaux Love at


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