Filed Under: Cate Harrington

October 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


You know what might be really fun tonight? Send someone else out to beg for tooth decay with the whiny ones while you stay home and think deeply political thoughts. … Well, Julia Ann and Samantha Ryan do drop by, and we did indeed provide the necessary political fodder, but you will have to decide for yourself how to proceed. That’s what the Democratic process is all about, right? Even if you decide not to be overly political today, you can feel good about stealing the candy later. After all, think how much you’ll be saving in dental bills. See? It’s all in how you look at it. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann Video, Samantha Ryan Video]

Julia and Samantha Performing Oral Examinations

Views vary widely regarding the topic of television in general, but it would be difficult to argue that whatever the shortcomings (or “evil” perhaps) a great many positive influences have sprung from the little box. Many a cultural wave has begun via some memorable line springing forth from a fictional character on TV. Despite this, dangers lurk, and we must remain vigilant in our filtering of the freely flowing electronic data. Case in point: On a recent rerun of 2 Broke Girls an overly jubilant protagonist exclaims (more than a few times), “Yeah, I have a tiny little dog, and I carry her everywhere with me. So what?” … Of all the wonderful lines in all the history of television, guess which one D.Minion has learned. Fortunately all of us have Shayla and Maverick to distract us today. [FEATURED TAGS: Heather Vuur, Heather Vandeven, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video,]

gun case

Depending upon at what point along the time spectrum you happen to be visiting here, you may have found us in catch-up mode. According to popular theory here, all of the helpful little elves have set out North early this year because Santa has wonderful things in store for us all. … So that’s the story we have decided to go with, not that anyone will pay much attention once they bop off to watch Cytherea douse a vanity anyway. Just remember: We all know ’tis the season to be scary first, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea]

Cytherea Sans Stirrups

Our gang pretty much falls into the “live and let live” camp. As long as it takes place between consenting adults, and no one gets hurt in the process, we all feel fine about it. We can’t go so far as to say we honestly understand it all, but whatever else its form takes, sexuality has many, many faces. Summer Cummings, her friend Goldie, and our own Kristal Summers serve as fetching tour guides today, as we learn an important lesson: It takes all kinds of people to make a world.

Kristal, Goldie, and Summer

Times change. Like many things we don’t tend to notice necessarily, because we live life every day, thus making it difficult to maintain objectivity regarding society in any reasonable “macro” sense. This week, however, both Maverick and Shayla have done their part to add perspective. Thankfully 247AdultStars chose Cate Harrington to provide the nudity and solo celebration rather than Mav, we should note. Shayla, of course, remains quite capable of handling those duties herself. As for our inimitable contribution, you will have to draw your own conclusions. Times change. And silence remains golden. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Summer Cummings Exclusive Video, Goldie Exclusive Video]

Shayla - in Stone Cold SEXY

In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. At some later point government officials decided to create a national holiday celebrating “the day” he discovered, well, the Bahamas, technically. Poor Chris had more things to lament than historical inaccuracy, as it would turn out, though. Had he only sailed 520 years later, he could have met Julia Ann on her birthday. True, he would probably learn more about “spicy” than spice, per se, but he would never have been in such a hurry to sail back to see the Queen of Spain either. That might have worked out better for him. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux, Cate Harrington Exclusive Video,]

An Excellent Gift, if You Can Find It

Two days ago marked the 25th anniversary of the release of possibly the best movie ever made, The Princess Bride. So there might be some debate on that “best ever” part, as we sort of forgot about it in our excitement over London Keyes and her Hero. … Then we forgot to put that Hero photo in London’s story, a fact we conveniently blame on our excitement looking forward to Tori Black today. It’s very complicated here. We’re going to rest for the weekend. Have fun storming the castle.[FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton, Tori Black]

Tori Black

Strange as it may seem to some people around here (not to name names, but hers rhymes with “We Minion”) not everyone celebrates the new fall season on network television. Let’s get real. There are books, museums, art galleries … and besides, the NFL started a month ago. We’re busy. As befitting her penchant, however, this unnamed person gives a compelling argument to pay attention to popular crime dramas via the critical assistance of London Keyes. (Don’t you wonder if London went to the Olympics last summer and felt redundant?) [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Exclusive Video, London Keys Video]

London’s Hero

July 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Maintaining our Risqué ne’er say intrepid reporter philosophy, our keen operatives managed to catch up with the Queen after she had parachuted into Olympic Stadium. Arriving with James Bond in time for the Opening Ceremonies. we can report the Queen “shaken, but not stirred” — just in case you were curious. … OK. So we made that up, we didn’t really see the Queen, and overall the word “intrepid” fits many more of us than it does not. Still, while the Queen might be interested in our discussion of homonyms, she might not appreciate the illustrations, primarily provided by Cytherea today. … On the other hand, London does have a fancy new Aquatics Centre, and our buddy Cy could bring a whole new level of interest to that particular place. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Ann Harlow Video,]

Cytherea Keen on the Queen

Hey! Did you know that America has a two-time Gold Medal fencing champion? Well, when she gets done with these Olympics, we’re going to try and get her to go spend some time at Steve’s house, because his chickens keep getting out. He could use one of those fencing experts for a few days. … Until then, of course, we will be diligently watching the event which always teaches us not only the wide range of bizarre sports that constitute Olympic events, but also demonstrates the distinct value of having a television set in the office. We will probably keep including various beautiful women displayed in various sexual situations too; that is, after all, what we do. Consequently for our “Opening Ceremonies” we begin with Kristal Summers and An Analysis of MILF Relativity. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Deauxma Video, Cate Harrington Exclusive Video,]

MILF Relativity

Gauging from the national weather service, should one wish to spend some time in Dallas these days, one would be well advised to do so via the Dallas XXX variety courtesy of Adam & Eve. D.Minion offers up her Day Two Tribute this time around, and all of the naked photos of Bobbi Starr and Alexis Ford might even get you to ignore all ones of the puppy. She was a cute little thing, though; we’ll have to give her that — the dog, we mean. Bobbi and Alexis passed “cute” a long time ago. So far we have yet to see a canine that falls into the “sexy as hell” category, and we’re just fine with that actually. [FEATURED TAGS: Bobbi Starr Exclusive Video, Alexis Ford,]

Bobbi Starr

D.Minion has taken her annual “Girls’ Weekend Away” again, thus leaving no one around to keep the company rudder from taking us, well, who knows where? While we do happen to be smart enough not to point out that a “weekend” for most people does not in fact equal five full days, we somehow always forget all the really important things D.Minion leaves behind in her copious notes. Honestly, as far as any of us can remember, not one single person has ever read even one of those notes, and yet DM persists in their creation time and time again. Since we do realize that only members will be able to see what chaos we have wrought this time around, we did decide to pass along the same Secret to Happiness in Life that we always provide for D.Minion: Lowered Expectations. … See? Now you can go to bed content, even if you’re not a Member. Of course to be Really Happy you should be, but that will be a topic for another day. Right now we’re not expecting much. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Keri Windsor Video, Charlie Video, Shayla LaVeaux,]

Keri Windsor and Julia Ann

Even adult industry members can do good deeds and care about culture and society in general. … Gosh. Who knew, right? … Well, we’re still in the process of sorting the massive amounts of Shayla LaVeaux we acquired last week, along with the smaller amount, but equally as fun, “data” on Cytherea, but D.Minion has already picked out her most ominous photograph “since forever” (according to her). While we talk about (and hopefully promote) a wonderful cause on tap in the next couple of weeks we will leave to you the task of figuring out our perhaps not quite as wonderful — but still quite hysterical — pun. You see, while encouraging the protection of domestic animals and their rescue shelters we decided to illustrate with moving pictures of a slang expression for cat. We’re clever that way. [FEATURED TAGS:  Julia Ann Video, Brea Bennett Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

Hot Topic

The alleged leaders have returned from the latest “content acquisition vacation” which historically has proven to be an optimum collection of new material to roll out over the next few months: We ended up with more than we thought we would, but a little less than we had hoped for. While we sit down and try to bring some sense of organization to the thousands of files we thought it best to return with an easy volley. When you have Kristal Summers and Shayla LaVeaux to help pass the time, life seems pretty good as it turns out — even if it can be confusing. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers]

Wrestling with Kristal’s Life

Come to find out, when your “B-Cup” runneth over in D.Minion’s office it has nothing to do with your bra size. Rather than spend too much time on the dangerous road that is DM’s mind, though, we decided to offer up a dandy gift in the persons of Kristal Summers and Lola — interestingly in Vegas at the time of this shoot. You see, the leaders head out today, also en route to Las Vegas and what they assure the rest of us will be “nothing but work” for the week. Of course we don’t believe them, but we do enjoy Kristal and Lola gifts — particularly when enhanced by Shayla and Cytherea. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video, Lola Video, Juli Ashton Video, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Dee]

The Dee Drop In

All of us have become quite familiar with scope of accomplishments over our lives. Those possessing a bit of the wisdom that comes with age — mental or literal — have learned to celebrate both major and minor perspectives in fact. Given our place in the digital entertainment environment, we decided that putting a distinctly risqué slant (as it were) on the more traditional celebrations of Independence on this Day would be just the thing to help situations heat up in the afternoon before exploding at night. … If you got more than Bar-B-Que and Fireworks out of that allusion, then you understand our aims completely. Think Labia when you consider both Major and Minor. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

Shayla LaVeaux Helping the Celebration

Just a little bit of thought would seem to support the theory that not very many posts on an adult web site end with a prayer, but around here we have learned one of life’s most important lessons — if not the most important: Play the hand you’re dealt. … With that in mind, you should probably be aware that much of today’s discussion centers around Kristal Summers’ delightful derrière, so the religious overtones are slight. … Well, come to think of it, a great many people, when viewing Kristal’s butt for the first time, often seem to exclaim, “Oh, dear God … .” [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Exclusive Video, Summer Cummings Exclusive Video, Goldie Exclusive Video]

This butt. Something else too.

November 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


However you define it, we have a lot to be thankful for around here this year. Shayla and Cytherea have launched themselves into their sites with happy (and often naked) abandon. Maverick continues to evolve with, and Michael finally won his David and Goliath battle against the (allegedly) evil 800-lb gorilla of a corporate powerhouse. D.Minion continues in her inimitable way, which turns out to be fairly safe to say, because as far as we know, no one has ever tried to imitate her, actually. … As for this end of our first (and with any luck last) Thanksgiving Weekend Blast, we’re spreading a little Love today. Now we all look forward to going back to work, because this vacation has been killing us. … By the way, if you read the last four (large) first letters of each post, it turns out it spells “Ho Ho” proving a long-held philosophy around here: At the very least, we amuse ourselves. [STAR TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Justine Joli Video, Faith Leon Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn] 

Heather Vuur (Vandeven) Showing Love in the First Degree - and Second Base

Out in the “real world” it can be pretty difficult to find someone that will staunchly defend the intellect of a person that has chosen a profession in the adult industry. You show us a parent thrilled that their daughter picked “Porn Star” as a career choice, and we’ll show you someone in dire need of rehab of one sort or another. Of course, almost none of these “real” people have ever met Shayla LaVeaux, and that’s a pity. Now naturally we realize the irony in pitying someone that at best pities us, but we enjoy irony. It gets rid of all the wrinkles. [STAR TAGS: Haley Paige Video]

A Road Less Travelled

Honestly we don’t even know if the term “Black Friday” qualifies as Politically Correct anymore, although the media seems comfortable enough with it. Apparently we can use colors to describe anything except people — unless they’re white, in which case some other set of rules apply entirely. Of course that being the case has probably caused all the confusion and distress in the first place, so there’s that. Well, we happily avoid this controversy completely today, as we welcome Maverick and 247AdultStars with an entirely new section of his site, although as far as we know he has not as yet assigned a color to it. Best we should remember that the last item in Pandora’s Box happened to be “Hope” perhaps. Although thankfully whether or not that falls into the “Evil” category also remains outside our little scope on this day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington,]

A Breath of Fresh Air — And Some Water

Only in Los Angeles can you see a bumper sticker that reads, “Enjoy your Health. Eat Organic!” as you ride behind a 30-yr-old foreign car belching malodorous black smoke into the air. … On the other hand, there happen to be many different things that we can in fact be thankful for today, so that will be our plan. [STAR TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!] 

Thanksgiving 2011 - NOT Belching Smoke

So the plan was to put up this “get ready for Vegas in January” post at 11:11 on 11/11/11, since those don’t happen very often. It was a great plan, devised with meticulous care, cultivated with rapt devotion, and prepared fully for bountiful harvest. (See? Sometimes we don’t mix metaphors.) …Yeah, well, and then we forgot. It seems we prepared too early and scared ourselves. … That happens. … Consequently we decided to put it up at 11:19 on 11/19/11 because, hey, it’s still full of prime numbers. That has to count for something. We’ll try to pay more attention on the next 11/11/11. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cheyenne Silver Exclusive Video]

Cheyenne Silver Helping Us Water Our Plants … as it were …

We would have to admit that Much Ado About Nothing has significantly more literary merit than you will likely find inside the Members’ Area today. That said, our own “Much Ado About Cytherea” has a heck of a lot more to offer in terms of pure illustration. Also, we find reason to give you some really sneaky news about one of our friends, and we tap Renee Perez to do so — also very illustrative, by the way. … OK, so “pure” might not be the appropriate adjective, perhaps, but we’ve never been big on being appropriate anyway. What’s the point? [STAR TAGS: Renee Perez Video, Cytherea, Michael Ninn]

Much Ado About SOMETHING

Most of us are too young to remember reading the instructions on one of the world’s very first video games, but we have recently learned that they provided the following guidance: 1. Insert quarter. 2. Avoid Klingons. … A unique beauty can exist in simplicity, can it not? So with that humble aim in mind, we wish our good friend Wendy Divine a Happy Birthday today. As for D.Minion’s contribution, well, let’s just go with “unique” for that as well. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine]

One way to Celebrate a Birthday

If you have any chance at all of taking the day off tomorrow so that you can see Cytherea venture into the Cam Show world at 11:00 am (California time), you might want to take that step. Obviously we can never be sure when someone may read these little notices, what with them staying up historically for more than a decade, so just to be clear: Thursday, November 10, 2011 – 2:00 pm EST – Cytherea CAM SHOW! Get there from the “Sweet Fantasy Cams” link on her site. Oh, and if you’re waiting around for the show to start, you might want to consider Film School as our buddy Lorraine Sisco has done. [STAR TAGS: Adriana Sage]

Preparing to Study - Probably

Today happens to be D.Minion’s favorite day of the year — at least as far as days go where she doesn’t get to order milk in a bar and embarrass the rest of us. As you may or may not have noticed, the majority of American clocks “fell back” early this morning, thus meaning that DM could sleep an extra hour (at least without feeling guilty). … Now this may seem an odd introduction, but if you come up with a better one to talk about Shayla playing with whips and chains, you just send it on in. We’ll switch this one out. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Roxanne Hall Video]

Call if a “V” for Victory

Just when you think you’ve heard everything, right? … Apparently a professional football player got arrested in Boston on Halloween night for “indecent battery” as the media reported it. Now pro athletes doing monumentally stupid, even illegal, things comes as no surprise to anyone, and you certainly can’t go around groping whomever you feel like on a dance floor, but did the state of Massachusetts ever consider that having such a law on the books seems to imply that such a thing as “decent battery” exists? Fortunately someone allegedly much smarter than those of us around here has to figure all that out while we can concentrate on the actual A.J. Bailey and Capri Anderson. For what it’s worth, we’ll let you know now that their groping is a whole lot better than decent. [STAR TAGS: Capri Anderson Video, AJ Bailey Video, Michael Ninn]

A.J. & Capri - Very Willing Participants

January 2010 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Ah, but we love these “Performer of the Year” posts. OK. So we love them even more when we happened – some months ago – to suggest to Mr. Ninn that should his new company really wish to lock up at least one contract player, this woman would be an extraordinary choice. Well, Michael did not in fact sign Tori Black, and ironically her continuing freelance status undoubtedly led to her ability to work enough to capture her lofty title. Still, it seemed like a dandy turn to the more traditional around here if we’d pause our “Seen Behind the Scene” on the industry and just provide some video evidencing that occasionally even AVN gets it right. [FEATURED TAGS: Tori Black Video, Michael Ninn]

Tori Black. Can you hear all the ships launching?

Highlighting our dedication to really funny t-shirts, we thought we’d share our favorite entry at the Adult Entertainment Expo this year. It read: I got a dog for my wife, and it was the best trade I ever made. … So it’s not exactly Shakespeare, but it does contain a charming pithiness, don’t you think? Well, speaking of endearing pith (and not Shakespeare), we’re continuing our bizarre (even for us) approach to the AEE coverage with D.Minion’s Behind the Scenes look at the filming of those silly and highly entertaining “Intermission Skits” – which AVN uses at the Awards Show while important and necessary things are happening back stage. Rumor has it that Uncle Gibby has video footage from the audience, he having somehow snaked a “VIP All Access” pass to the event, but we’ve seen nothing official confirming that. We’ll keep an eye out, though, even as we’re off to the store to buy a Snuggie. Then we plan on seeing if we can get Monique Alexander to get into it with … basically anyone in the office she chooses. We’re all pretty much on the same page as far as that goes. [FEATURED TAGS: Sunny Leone, Riley Steele, McKenzie Lee, Kayden Kross, Ashlynn Brooke, Belladonna, Alexis Texas, Monique Alexander, Stormy Daniels, Georgia Jones, Faye Reagan, Ron Jeremy]

Evan Stone with Kayden Kross's Penis Purse. Honestly.

As it turns out, the higher the quality of the assets you’re dealing with, the better your equipment needs to be in order to handle it. … Hmm. That’s sort of like dating porn stars if you think about it. … Well, much to his current (and ongoing) dismay, Maverick doesn’t happen to be dating any porn stars at the present, but he does get invited to their parties often. Since he couldn’t handle the low-light video with his system in London, he did have to wait to come to the home office in sunny Southern Cal in order to ready the clip for posting, however. Consequently, the “Christmas Party” reference might seem a bit “dated” (as it were). On the other hand, the concept of beautiful women drinking and getting naked on a dance floor does seem to be one that transcends seasonal interest. We’re fine with it. [FEATURED TAGS:, Cate Harrington Video, Katie K Video, Faye Rampton, Saucy Sally, Tanya Cox, Sarah Kelly, Michelle Moist, Tracey Lain, Exclusive Video]

A Similarity in US and European Fashion

Now we’ve done a lot of fairly bizarre things on the web over the years, but as far as we know today will constitute the first time that we’ve ever posted what boils down to an open email correspondence to the dozen or so aspiring Porn Starlets we talked to at the convention a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps this approach will turn out to be a little less insulting than getting what would have to amount to a glorified form letter (without all that much glory, truth be told), or perhaps the comely lasses may still take offense. We can say for certain, however, that the Members continue to get industry insights that you just can’t find anywhere else. … Of course they’ll have to decide for themselves whether or not this constitutes a good thing. [FEATURED TAGS: Georgia Adair]

Georgia Adair Licking a Potential Problem

Have you ever noticed that the fancier and more sophisticated you get in your work, the longer it takes to accomplish it? Maybe we just get pickier as we get older; that could be it. Whatever the cause, we’ve come up with yet another technical advancement around here, put in place via the newsworthy Expo we just left. It’s darned impressive, if we do say so ourselves. (And honestly, sometimes in life you need to say so yourselves.) These days people get bombarded with a sheer volume of information via the Internet to such an extent that nice people like us need to help. We live to serve you know. [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Exclusive Video]

Face it: Sometimes Size Matters

You’ve probably heard this a lot of times over the years in various contexts: We’re BAAAACK. Now you’ve probably not heard it all that often when you happen to be talking about a group of rapidly aging journalists attending a big honking porn convention, but life has curious turns, so maybe you have. That said, if you’ve been a Member here for very long you understand how hanging around with young, beautiful, people who happen to make their living having sex on camera can provide a youthful influence to any life. Let’s look into that, shall we? [FEATURED TAGS: Adult Entertainment Expo, Devinn Lane, Miko Lee]

Sheening is Believing

True to our occasional form we take awhile to get around the point today, so you might think about just clicking that handy-dandy video icon at the top of the page, thus skipping all the rationale (and metaphysical aspirations) that basically come down to today’s system being an excellent way to torment those we love. Uncle Gibby’s moving into a new phase of the “Commune Risqué” this month, so we’re Suitably Celebrating with Anais and Dee. Hey, if anyone can think of a better way to celebrate than that, please let us know. [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Dee Video, Anais Video, Michael Ninn]

Anais Looking Better Than Ever

Generally when we create this “New Stuff” part of the current site entry, we decorate it (while providing a handy visual link to the story) with a thumbnail graphic culled from the story itself. It’s quick. It’s easy, and it makes sense. Occasionally, though, we do weird things around here, and whatever’s on tap for the day doesn’t actually have a quick and ready graphic for us to multitask here. That happened on December 7th, but little did we know that this one puny image would actually spawn emails full of curiosity. Well, we decided to answer that question, and pose a few more. Even though we’ve all embarked on a New Year, some things really don’t change all that much. [FEATURED TAGS: Charlie Laine Video, Michael Ninn]

Charlie Laine, a Bit More Laid Out

The date pretty much says it all here, right? Sadly this could describe way too many dates you’ve had in your life as well, a topic we’ve promised to avoid in the Commune Team Risqué Resolution this year. Putting decade upon decade of experience together we’ve come up with a fail-safe New Year’s Resolution System, and if you want to borrow it, feel free: Aim Low! Disappointment can be really depressing, so we’ve found it best to avoid it as much as possible. For example, we all Resolve to continue to adore Krispy Kremes this year. … See? You can do this. … We also have other Resolutions that involve many, many naked women, but you’ll have to hang around a bit to figure some of those out – the resolutions, not the women. (You can’t figure women out. Decade upon decade of experience has taught us this too.) [FEATURED TAGS: Happy New Year!]

Keep Your Heart On All Year