Filed Under: Wendy Divine

December 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Who knew that by watching a highly anticipated (well, by some) football game you could be inundated with advertisements for a new television show on AMC featuring “Competitive Taxidermy” of all things? Who knew that taxidermy could be competitive? … Who knew they even still did taxidermy? We have some other thoughts on year’s end today, none of which feature dead animals, just in case you were curious. [FEATURED TAGS: Happy New Year!]

Things to Ponder

You may not have noticed, but if you put all the College Bowl Games together, you could have a heck of a party. You could wear Russel Athletics or New Era Pinstripes, if you knew what those were, maybe. You’d have Tostitos, Buffalo Wings, Idaho Potatoes, Chick-fil-A, Little Caesars Pizza, and even Beef ‘O’ Brady and Outback to eat. You could decorate the place with roses, sip orange juice while you get some sugar from your sweetie, and even stuff cotton in your ears if she started complaining that you were not fighting her hunger with Kraft sufficiently. You’d have wonderful things to talk about like insurance, or car care, wireless services, or taxes, mortgages, or Korean cars. You could even discuss what the heck scantily-clad women and beautiful race car drivers have to do with web domain registration. Best of all, you’d have a Bell Helicopter to escape if some folks started remembering the Alamo a bit too enthusiastically. … Fortunately, none of that had anything to do with even more Shayla today. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video]

Shayla — Does Not Care About College Bowl Games.

Shayla has a special day today well worthy of celebrating. Also in our occasionally not completely behind efforts to bring the really old pages up to modern standards, we will run across some original photos now and again. We weren’t horribly disorganized back in those days, but if someone had told us the sites would last this long, we would have done things differently. … It’s sort of like that old saying, “You know, if I’d have known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” … Except we still get Shayla naked. That helps a lot with most things. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Alexandra Silk, Missy]

Ride 'Em Cowgirl

We wish you a Merry Christmas. And if you do not happen to celebrate Christmas, well we wish you a merry day of the miscellaneous variety. We’re friendly that way. [FEATURED TAGS: Kylie Ireland]

Ho Ho

Too often in life we lose old friends, whether that be to any of the Big Three options — Sex, Love, Money — or not. Of course “losing” implies a lot of stuff way too deep for discussion here, and sometimes you just want to dance around in a circle like some Charles M. Schultz character not yet burdened by anything really icky — like three dimensions. Say, for example, if you “lose old friends” but then they come back, were they really lost — or simply slapping you upside the face with preternatural insight? … Yeah. We don’t care either. … Basically Kylie makes everything better in our experience. Anything else, well that’s too deep for our pond. [FEATURED TAGS: Kylie Ireland, Anais Video]

What Ho! … Ho-Ho! …

We could hardly deny that we have been guilty of perpetrating some fairly tortured logic in our quests to tie miscellaneous bits of our lives together so that we might present it for your viewing pleasure. Of course all of this pales in comparison with trying to explicate poetry from 1788. Fortunately, you can easily enjoy Cytherea — in cam show and still form — as well as Kelly Kline, without any iambic pentameter at all. They are women without meter, after all. [FEATURED TAGS: Kelly Kline, Cytherea Exclusive Video]

Cytherea Lives! Woo-HOO!

We learned on some crime show the other night that a pig’s orgasm can last up to 30 minutes. Now we’re on enough weird Google Search lists somebody keeps compiled somewhere, so we chose not to really pursue the statement any further, but we did realize that if true this sort of adds a whole new dimension to the expression, “In a pig’s eye,” does it not? … Hey, you spend a few hours watching Dee do a DP and a fine Brit offer up Holiday greetings, and see how your brain feels. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Juli Ashton, May, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,, Michael Ninn]

Juli Ashton, Dee, & May

You have to be careful how much you really think about things, because you can wind up somewhere no one actually intended. Of course we have found that beer does a dandy job in relieving a befuddled state — or at least it seems to — but if you have to drive somewhere, consider ice cream in its place. Whatever the case, you may find simply looking at (or watching) Shayla LaVeaux, as well as Wendy Divine, might be the best approach this time around. Either that or you might need a lot of ice cream. [FEATURED TAGS: Wendy Divine, Maya Divine, Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Capri Anderson Exclusive Video]


Naturally we had to do an update at 12:12 on 12/12/12 because otherwise D.Minion would be very sad. Worse yet, then we couldn’t make it up to her for 100 years, by which point she’d be not only officially peeved, but also really, really old. Fortunately Mr. Ninn and Cytherea happen by to help us reach our desired goal, even if the precise timing might be a bit difficult to prove in court or anything. If it’s always 5:00 somewhere, then it stands to reason that it’s always 12:12 somewhere too, right? [FEATURED TAGS: Jana Jordan Video, Cassidey Video, Renee Perez Video, Brea Bennett Video, Nikki Kane Video, Shayla LaVeaux, Vicca, Shayla LaVeaux, Ashley Renee, Paisley Hunter, Payton Alexander, Ruby, Kortknee, Emanuelle, Jill Kelly, Michael Ninn]

Bride of Ninnenstein

In case any of you were thinking about moving into the middle of nowhere to be with Steve, he has some excellent news for you. Although the temperature outside when he woke up yesterday morning had only reached nine degrees, by mid day the thermometer had skyrocketed to a balmy ten on the Fahrenheit scale. … OR you could plan on meeting Kristal in Florida next time she visits. All in all, that might be warmer. [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers Video]

Nice Weather for Skimply Clothing

Most of you have probably barely been able to contain your excitement at the prospect of catching even a glimpse of Cytherea’s personal valet, MrT, in some photographs. Well, we can happily tell you that your wait is finally over! Woo-HOO! … Now we did have to surround those two or three important photos with a bunch more of Cytherea shaving and getting tattoos applied to make her scars less distracting on video, of course. But you can just ignore all those annoying porn star images and enjoy MrT — at least his hands and the back of his head. In case you were curious, Cy does always use waterproof temporary tattoos. Turns out that’s a good thing. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Video, Cate Harrington Exclusive Video, Natalia Forrest Exclusive Video, Syren Sexton Exclusive Video,]

Butterfles are Whee!

You probably noticed that we have all now officially reached the season where we can start thinking about the cool presents we want other people to give us for free again. True, retailers seem to be making “this time of year” fall earlier and earlier on the calendar, but once we hit December it seems fair for all of us to acknowledge it in general. Even if next year they start advertising Christmas right after the 4th of July, we will still look forward to the holiday offerings from Sam Phillips, actually. She has a unique way, that Sam. [FEATURED TAGS: Sam Phillips, Tasha Reign, Breanne Benson, Sophia Knight]

Not Sam Phillips

Lamentations abound today regarding the rapid demise of Flash becoming more and more apparent. Less bothersome to our leadership at least will be the reference to the public disintegration of a heretofore quite pompous organization in the National Football League. On the off chance that neither of these two topics hold any interest for you, we sneak in an announcement that might, and if that doesn’t work we have over 30 minutes of video that might give you a pleasant “mind space” in which to ruminate — or whatever. [FEATURED TAGS: Dee Video, Kylie Ireland, Cytherea Video, Michael Ninn]

Kylie, Dee, and Steve

February 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Years ago now, our dear friend SteveH decided to move back to his home town of Bumfuck, Missouri to chase some woman — although we cannot swear to this being the exact name of the town, honestly. Still, it did give us a chance to finally stop using “SteveD” to indicate the Other Steve in the office, as we progressed quickly through “Just Steve” to simply “Steve” when we refered to him. … And then the Original Steve decided to come out and visit us for the show this year, creating the Steve Confusion all over again. On the other hand, it did give all of us the chance to talk about “that woman” whom Original Steve eventually caught out in Missouri. Then we got to oft repeat one of our favorite adages: “Be careful what you wish for … .” What are friends for, after all? As for the New Steve, who became Just Steve after the Old, Original Steve left, well, his timing continued to be less than he might have hoped as you shall see. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Not the Best Plan to Get Laid

We recently learned from The Big Bang that you call a person that studies flags a vexillologist. This of course would not be the same “Big Bang Theory” that arrived to all of us courtesy of Georges Lemaître, but all in all the television series is a whole lot funnier. We can see how Fundamentalist Christians might be offended by both, however. Of course neither of these things have anything whatsoever to do with Becca, or Kristal Summers, or Kira, or Wendy … but we did want to mention them, because honestly how often do you see an adult web site admitting they understand anything at all about Fundamentalist Christians? [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Kristal Summers Video, Wendy Divine Video, Becca Video, Cytherea, Kira Reed]

Fun at the Office

Some people would argue that a “business” should not even exist that essentially bases its success on naked people. Apparently when these folks left the Garden of Eden they quickly bid it, “Good Riddance!” and took off with a whole tree’s worth of fig leaves for themselves. Of course some people also believe that if “their team” fumbled the ball at an inopportune time over the weekend, the world might indeed end — or at least be no better than a really depressing place for a few months. … You just can’t please some people. What can you do? … Well in our case, on the eve of our annual trek to the AEE in Vegas, we decided this year to take a moment to reflect upon the upstart in the industry, this of course being XBIZ. At first glance, the new approach seems quite a bit different from the older one, but then AVN has an entirely new plan this year as well, so we will see. If nothing else, we have learned to laugh — an important lesson in life.  [FEATURED TAGS: XBIZ LA Convention, Brittney Skye Video]

Ice Cream with Sprinkles. Seriously.

Unless you happen to be a fan of one of the four teams that will remain in the championship race in the NFL after today, you might find a common thought running through your brain incessantly: What to do? What to do? … Of course a very slim chance exists that you happen to be one of those people that does not follow professional football, but worry not about that: We still have that Fifth Amendment thing, and no one can make you admit that. More significant this time around would be Tenaya’s contributions to our traditionally “uncommon thoughts” on life in the XXX Business. Now “valuable” one could argue, but “uncommon” seems self-evident. Tenaya, and Shayla, and Capri? Obviously, they would all be both. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya, Misty Rivers, Capri Anderson Video, Shayla LaVeaux, Bianca Video, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

We Be Team Tenaya

One of the best things about attending the annual AVN convention in Las Vegas has to be that you get a chance to see a lot of friends in the business that you may not have run across on set in a few months. Given that this year’s event has all the indications of being a massive … well, we won’t say because we happen to like the AVN people a lot — but think “massive amounts of copulation in a tightly bunched group” — we plan on having a lot to talk about with them as we all sit around waiting for the organization to catch up with us. All in all, we’re going to have a good time regardless, and honestly the regular conversations with Jenna Haze always rank highly on our good memories list. Speaking of Jenna and good memories, we have a few with D.Minion — and surprisingly few dogs, truth be told. [FEATURED TAGS: Jenna Haze Exclusive Video, Kortney Kane Exclusive Video] 

Jenna Haze – In a bit of a “Haze” – actually.

Travel looms. Technically, loads and loads of travel looms. … What with XBIZ being on the schedule for the first time this year, and AVN deciding that they don’t need all those pesky CES attendees to fill up its convention halls, we will find ourselves living out of suitcases more often than not over the next couple of weeks. Naturally that got us to thinking about earlier times when this has come to pass in our world, and you know what? Come to find out, sometimes it really isn’t all that bad. Porn stars tend to be entertaining travel-mates as it turns out, even if there will likely be not near as much mating as one might hope. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Dee, Inari Vachs, Devinn Lane]  

Dee. A Most Excellent Roommate.

If you rap about a wrap party, is that redundant? What if they play rap music? Worse yet, what if the party involves absolutely no nudity, even though Julia Ann and Inari Vachs are there and so you “rip” it? Well, a wrap party by definition marks the end of something, and in that case R.I.P. would be perfectly in order, right, even if you happen not to be disappointed at all? Who knew what chaos could spring from words with just three little letters? … Hey, you should see what we can do with Cytherea and some of those $10 words. We have been waiting literally years and years for the perfect opportunity to roll out supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. “Fantastic” huh? [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Inari Vachs, Cytherea]

Dog, Julia, & Inari. Say Goodnight Gracie.

Ringing in the New Year always brings a lot of joy around here. And doing so with Shayla LaVeaux and Kristal Summers (sadly separately this time) adds a predictable enhancement to the experience. All in all the first of the year invariably brings even more chaos to our existence than even we generally experience. That said, you really can’t complain too much if the bedlam in your life involves a plethora of naked women. If it occasionally involves beds too, well, you get the picture … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Design Master Kristal Summers

January 2012 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


Years ago now, our dear friend SteveH decided to move back to his home town of Bumfuck, Missouri to chase some woman — although we cannot swear to this being the exact name of the town, honestly. Still, it did give us a chance to finally stop using “SteveD” to indicate the Other Steve in the office, as we progressed quickly through “Just Steve” to simply “Steve” when we refered to him. … And then the Original Steve decided to come out and visit us for the show this year, creating the Steve Confusion all over again. On the other hand, it did give all of us the chance to talk about “that woman” whom Original Steve eventually caught out in Missouri. Then we got to oft repeat one of our favorite adages: “Be careful what you wish for … .” What are friends for, after all? As for the New Steve, who became Just Steve after the Old, Original Steve left, well, his timing continued to be less than he might have hoped as you shall see. [FEATURED TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Not the Best Plan to Get Laid

We recently learned from The Big Bang that you call a person that studies flags a vexillologist. This of course would not be the same “Big Bang Theory” that arrived to all of us courtesy of Georges Lemaître, but all in all the television series is a whole lot funnier. We can see how Fundamentalist Christians might be offended by both, however. Of course neither of these things have anything whatsoever to do with Becca, or Kristal Summers, or Kira, or Wendy … but we did want to mention them, because honestly how often do you see an adult web site admitting they understand anything at all about Fundamentalist Christians? [FEATURED TAGS: Juli Ashton Video, Kristal Summers Video, Wendy Divine Video, Becca Video, Cytherea, Kira Reed]

Fun at the Office

Some people would argue that a “business” should not even exist that essentially bases its success on naked people. Apparently when these folks left the Garden of Eden they quickly bid it, “Good Riddance!” and took off with a whole tree’s worth of fig leaves for themselves. Of course some people also believe that if “their team” fumbled the ball at an inopportune time over the weekend, the world might indeed end — or at least be no better than a really depressing place for a few months. … You just can’t please some people. What can you do? … Well in our case, on the eve of our annual trek to the AEE in Vegas, we decided this year to take a moment to reflect upon the upstart in the industry, this of course being XBIZ. At first glance, the new approach seems quite a bit different from the older one, but then AVN has an entirely new plan this year as well, so we will see. If nothing else, we have learned to laugh — an important lesson in life.  [FEATURED TAGS: XBIZ LA Convention, Brittney Skye Video]

Ice Cream with Sprinkles. Seriously.

Unless you happen to be a fan of one of the four teams that will remain in the championship race in the NFL after today, you might find a common thought running through your brain incessantly: What to do? What to do? … Of course a very slim chance exists that you happen to be one of those people that does not follow professional football, but worry not about that: We still have that Fifth Amendment thing, and no one can make you admit that. More significant this time around would be Tenaya’s contributions to our traditionally “uncommon thoughts” on life in the XXX Business. Now “valuable” one could argue, but “uncommon” seems self-evident. Tenaya, and Shayla, and Capri? Obviously, they would all be both. [FEATURED TAGS: Tenaya, Misty Rivers, Capri Anderson Video, Shayla LaVeaux, Bianca Video, Tanya Cox Exclusive Video,]

We Be Team Tenaya

One of the best things about attending the annual AVN convention in Las Vegas has to be that you get a chance to see a lot of friends in the business that you may not have run across on set in a few months. Given that this year’s event has all the indications of being a massive … well, we won’t say because we happen to like the AVN people a lot — but think “massive amounts of copulation in a tightly bunched group” — we plan on having a lot to talk about with them as we all sit around waiting for the organization to catch up with us. All in all, we’re going to have a good time regardless, and honestly the regular conversations with Jenna Haze always rank highly on our good memories list. Speaking of Jenna and good memories, we have a few with D.Minion — and surprisingly few dogs, truth be told. [FEATURED TAGS: Jenna Haze Exclusive Video, Kortney Kane Exclusive Video] 

Jenna Haze – In a bit of a “Haze” – actually.

Travel looms. Technically, loads and loads of travel looms. … What with XBIZ being on the schedule for the first time this year, and AVN deciding that they don’t need all those pesky CES attendees to fill up its convention halls, we will find ourselves living out of suitcases more often than not over the next couple of weeks. Naturally that got us to thinking about earlier times when this has come to pass in our world, and you know what? Come to find out, sometimes it really isn’t all that bad. Porn stars tend to be entertaining travel-mates as it turns out, even if there will likely be not near as much mating as one might hope. [FEATURED TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Dee, Inari Vachs, Devinn Lane]  

Dee. A Most Excellent Roommate.

If you rap about a wrap party, is that redundant? What if they play rap music? Worse yet, what if the party involves absolutely no nudity, even though Julia Ann and Inari Vachs are there and so you “rip” it? Well, a wrap party by definition marks the end of something, and in that case R.I.P. would be perfectly in order, right, even if you happen not to be disappointed at all? Who knew what chaos could spring from words with just three little letters? … Hey, you should see what we can do with Cytherea and some of those $10 words. We have been waiting literally years and years for the perfect opportunity to roll out supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. “Fantastic” huh? [FEATURED TAGS: Julia Ann, Inari Vachs, Cytherea]

Dog, Julia, & Inari. Say Goodnight Gracie.

Ringing in the New Year always brings a lot of joy around here. And doing so with Shayla LaVeaux and Kristal Summers (sadly separately this time) adds a predictable enhancement to the experience. All in all the first of the year invariably brings even more chaos to our existence than even we generally experience. That said, you really can’t complain too much if the bedlam in your life involves a plethora of naked women. If it occasionally involves beds too, well, you get the picture … [FEATURED TAGS: Kristal Summers, Shayla LaVeaux Video]

Design Master Kristal Summers

November 2011 Risque | What’s New

… With appropriate credit to Garth:

Back when the Old Stuff was New Stuff


However you define it, we have a lot to be thankful for around here this year. Shayla and Cytherea have launched themselves into their sites with happy (and often naked) abandon. Maverick continues to evolve with, and Michael finally won his David and Goliath battle against the (allegedly) evil 800-lb gorilla of a corporate powerhouse. D.Minion continues in her inimitable way, which turns out to be fairly safe to say, because as far as we know, no one has ever tried to imitate her, actually. … As for this end of our first (and with any luck last) Thanksgiving Weekend Blast, we’re spreading a little Love today. Now we all look forward to going back to work, because this vacation has been killing us. … By the way, if you read the last four (large) first letters of each post, it turns out it spells “Ho Ho” proving a long-held philosophy around here: At the very least, we amuse ourselves. [STAR TAGS: Heather Vuur Video, Heather Vandeven Video, Justine Joli Video, Faith Leon Video, Exclusive Video, Michael Ninn] 

Heather Vuur (Vandeven) Showing Love in the First Degree - and Second Base

Out in the “real world” it can be pretty difficult to find someone that will staunchly defend the intellect of a person that has chosen a profession in the adult industry. You show us a parent thrilled that their daughter picked “Porn Star” as a career choice, and we’ll show you someone in dire need of rehab of one sort or another. Of course, almost none of these “real” people have ever met Shayla LaVeaux, and that’s a pity. Now naturally we realize the irony in pitying someone that at best pities us, but we enjoy irony. It gets rid of all the wrinkles. [STAR TAGS: Haley Paige Video]

A Road Less Travelled

Honestly we don’t even know if the term “Black Friday” qualifies as Politically Correct anymore, although the media seems comfortable enough with it. Apparently we can use colors to describe anything except people — unless they’re white, in which case some other set of rules apply entirely. Of course that being the case has probably caused all the confusion and distress in the first place, so there’s that. Well, we happily avoid this controversy completely today, as we welcome Maverick and 247AdultStars with an entirely new section of his site, although as far as we know he has not as yet assigned a color to it. Best we should remember that the last item in Pandora’s Box happened to be “Hope” perhaps. Although thankfully whether or not that falls into the “Evil” category also remains outside our little scope on this day. [STAR TAGS: Cate Harrington,]

A Breath of Fresh Air — And Some Water

Only in Los Angeles can you see a bumper sticker that reads, “Enjoy your Health. Eat Organic!” as you ride behind a 30-yr-old foreign car belching malodorous black smoke into the air. … On the other hand, there happen to be many different things that we can in fact be thankful for today, so that will be our plan. [STAR TAGS: Happy Thanksgiving!] 

Thanksgiving 2011 - NOT Belching Smoke

So the plan was to put up this “get ready for Vegas in January” post at 11:11 on 11/11/11, since those don’t happen very often. It was a great plan, devised with meticulous care, cultivated with rapt devotion, and prepared fully for bountiful harvest. (See? Sometimes we don’t mix metaphors.) …Yeah, well, and then we forgot. It seems we prepared too early and scared ourselves. … That happens. … Consequently we decided to put it up at 11:19 on 11/19/11 because, hey, it’s still full of prime numbers. That has to count for something. We’ll try to pay more attention on the next 11/11/11. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Cytherea Exclusive Video, Cheyenne Silver Exclusive Video]

Cheyenne Silver Helping Us Water Our Plants … as it were …

We would have to admit that Much Ado About Nothing has significantly more literary merit than you will likely find inside the Members’ Area today. That said, our own “Much Ado About Cytherea” has a heck of a lot more to offer in terms of pure illustration. Also, we find reason to give you some really sneaky news about one of our friends, and we tap Renee Perez to do so — also very illustrative, by the way. … OK, so “pure” might not be the appropriate adjective, perhaps, but we’ve never been big on being appropriate anyway. What’s the point? [STAR TAGS: Renee Perez Video, Cytherea, Michael Ninn]

Much Ado About SOMETHING

Most of us are too young to remember reading the instructions on one of the world’s very first video games, but we have recently learned that they provided the following guidance: 1. Insert quarter. 2. Avoid Klingons. … A unique beauty can exist in simplicity, can it not? So with that humble aim in mind, we wish our good friend Wendy Divine a Happy Birthday today. As for D.Minion’s contribution, well, let’s just go with “unique” for that as well. [STAR TAGS: Wendy Divine]

One way to Celebrate a Birthday

If you have any chance at all of taking the day off tomorrow so that you can see Cytherea venture into the Cam Show world at 11:00 am (California time), you might want to take that step. Obviously we can never be sure when someone may read these little notices, what with them staying up historically for more than a decade, so just to be clear: Thursday, November 10, 2011 – 2:00 pm EST – Cytherea CAM SHOW! Get there from the “Sweet Fantasy Cams” link on her site. Oh, and if you’re waiting around for the show to start, you might want to consider Film School as our buddy Lorraine Sisco has done. [STAR TAGS: Adriana Sage]

Preparing to Study - Probably

Today happens to be D.Minion’s favorite day of the year — at least as far as days go where she doesn’t get to order milk in a bar and embarrass the rest of us. As you may or may not have noticed, the majority of American clocks “fell back” early this morning, thus meaning that DM could sleep an extra hour (at least without feeling guilty). … Now this may seem an odd introduction, but if you come up with a better one to talk about Shayla playing with whips and chains, you just send it on in. We’ll switch this one out. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Video, Roxanne Hall Video]

Call if a “V” for Victory

Just when you think you’ve heard everything, right? … Apparently a professional football player got arrested in Boston on Halloween night for “indecent battery” as the media reported it. Now pro athletes doing monumentally stupid, even illegal, things comes as no surprise to anyone, and you certainly can’t go around groping whomever you feel like on a dance floor, but did the state of Massachusetts ever consider that having such a law on the books seems to imply that such a thing as “decent battery” exists? Fortunately someone allegedly much smarter than those of us around here has to figure all that out while we can concentrate on the actual A.J. Bailey and Capri Anderson. For what it’s worth, we’ll let you know now that their groping is a whole lot better than decent. [STAR TAGS: Capri Anderson Video, AJ Bailey Video, Michael Ninn]

A.J. & Capri - Very Willing Participants