2/29/24 |
Most of us learn that you can always tell when it will be a leap year because of the U.S. Presidential election happening that year. Most of us also learn to take advantage of this extra day but doing something completely captivating and out of the norm — because of the U.S. Presidential election happening that year. Hey, it gets to be the end of February, and we’re already sick of all the political gloom and doom on every channel. This year, though, we remind ourselves that We’ll Always Have Paris. … Hey, that’s catchy. We should write that down and put it in a movie or something. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Inari Vachs Video] |
2/28/24 |
Runnin’ with the ETO
[STAR TAGS: Erotic Trade Show, 2008, 247AdultStars.com]
2/26/24 |
Using a “sensei” to guide you in advanced training has been a custom for thousands of years. Using a “Sensi” to guide you in the nuance (and wetness, let’s be honest) in the way of sapphic love would be a much newer tradition. … Full disclosure now, even our oldest leaders have not really been around for thousands of years, but they read a lot, so we’re confident in our characterization of the situation. Also, we have no real data on the use of Sensi in the manner put forth in this latest New Girls on the Block installment, but having seen the results now, we can say with certainty that even if it has not become tradition, per se, it definitely should become one. [STAR TAGS: Sensi Pearl Video, Anna Skye Video] |
2/25/24 |
For reason that will be come clear — or at least explained more elaborately — inside, our Dee Fest Celebration concludes with a replay of a never-before-seen camshow. … OK. So technically a couple thousand people saw it when it we originally broadcast it, but they probably do not remember it all that well, even if they’re still members (in which case THANK YOU VERY MUCH, btw). And just to explain those numbers a bit, remember this was was way before broadband was a thing everywhere, and it took some sophisticated and expensive equipment to even capture and send the signal so that people could watch it. Come to think of it, OnlyFans probably owes us a royalty. [STAR TAGS: Dee Exclusive Video, Codi Milo] |
2/23/24 |
We have begun the process in earnest of sorting through all the various “media” from the recent Vegas trip for the AEE, and in the process we got to talking about friends that do not make the journey anymore. There are various reasons for this decision, but we have decided it basically comes down to these people now being sad excuses for humans who have decided that being dull and sedate beats living life with the cool kids. Could be other reasons, but we’re satisfied with that one. This did give us a reason to show off what we did previously when overwhelmed with hard drives after a trip, though. You’ll need to imagine the Super Bowl part, though. It appears we were more organized back then. Darned COVID beat the heck out of the work force, did it not? … By the way, those Super Bowl spots were up to over $230,000/second this year. [STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video, Jessica Drake Exclusive Video] |
2/22/24 |
Belle of the Ball (literally) | pics
[STAR TAGS: Lexi Belle]
2/21/24 |
As one might expect, the Dee festivities recently spawned a swell of, basically, swell Dee emotions, as a collection of “enhanced” Dee enthusiasts in the Risqué office undertook a quite fun — any often hysterical — trip down Dee Memory Lane for a few hours. Seeing as how we never like to waste effort around here, we naturally decided to share the experience with all the members. We should note that if you with to enjoy the complete experience, you will need to provide your own tequila, but rest assured that would be an optional ingredient for today’s festivities. We also learned another thing: This office should most definitely never, ever consider microdosing as a work supplement. That could get dangerous. [STAR TAGS: Dee] |
2/19/24 |
To Kaz B, or Not To Kaz B
[STAR TAGS: Kaz B. Exclusive Video, 247AdultStars.com]
2/18/24 |
Miley May – Jayden Lee – Amber Ashlee – Melissa Jacobs – Victoria White – Ava Green
… And that’s just from Ginger’s past week, not including — of course — new movies, video podcasts, and Ginger’s Diary from her career
2/17/24 |
Dee has a birthday today, so we celebrate. That would be a given. Technically, of course, Dee has a birthday on this day every year — a trend we hope continues for at least decades more, by the way — and we celebrate every one of them. Dee always had a special way with the newer Risqué Management members, you see, and the “Simple Rules” post from yesterday reminded us of her in some ways. Then the very next day was her birthday, so that worked out well. To be clear, her relationship with the newbies tended to be less “Mama Bear” and more “Upper-Class Sorority Sister Bear” when it came to the more personal interactions. Oddly enough that always worked out almost as well as her birthday celebrations, which tend toward the spectacular, to be clear. [STAR TAGS: Dee Exclusive Audio, Dee Video, Kylie Ireland Exclusive Audio, Adajja Video, Rayveness, Sydnee Steel, Crystal Knight Ashley Renee, Annah Marie, Liza Harper] |
2/16/24 |
One might think that if everything came with rules — better yet, Simple Rules — it would be a lot easier for everyone to get along in life. Then again, that would be ignoring what seems to be a biological imperative in many of us to simply ignore the rules, precisely because they are rules. (It may not surprise you to learn that this industry does not historically fill with a bunch of mainstream thinkers.) … Of course even people that want to follow rules tend to get their instruction from different sources who almost absolutely define the “facts” quite differently. All in all, it might be best to just think about banging and leave it at that. (We mean the fun adult kind, not the criminal gang kind. See how easy things can get twisted?)
[STAR TAGS: Tia Tanaka Video, Aubrey Addams Video, Addison Rose Video, Adriana Faust Video, Jeanie Marie Sullivan Video] |
2/15/24 |
Dance Like Everybody’s Watching | pics
[STAR TAGS: Rayveness]
2/14/24 |
Long-time members to any of the Risqué Commune sites well understand how we employ a sort of Professional Meandering kind of approach to the chaos that can be our lives. Paths wander back and forth between the different sites, and indeed it can take literally years for a complete story to come together — oddly not usually the goal in this kind of work. On the Manufactured Day of Love this year, though, we thought we’d try to wrap up a few things with Anais and Dee that we never quite got around to before now. Hey, we’re sort of in the manufactured love business if you think about it. We love this holiday. [STAR TAGS: Dee Exclusive Video, Anais Exclusive Video] |
2/13/24 |
Smile, You’ve Got Anal! | pics
[STAR TAGS: Jeanie Marie Sullivan]
2/12/24 |
Young and (Causing) Hungry | pics
[STAR TAGS : Capri Anderson]
2/11/24 |
Halftime Hiatus | pics
[STAR TAGS: Jojo Kiss]
2/10/24 |
Key Expertise pics | vid
[STAR TAGS: Samantha Ryan Video, Jelena Jensen Video]
2/9/24 |
Fine lines can separate a lot of things in life. The transition between “life of the party” and “annoying drunk” can happen very quickly, for example. A “good friend” on the scale can tip to “despicable idiot” over a single issue, generally political or sexual, but a lone issue regardless. Such as perhaps been the case as our look into Scandalous reaches conclusion today. Such a state can easily drop over to “embarrassing fool” depending upon one’s perspective, but we have perhaps reached an objective conclusion on this one little fine line in life. If you include Jassie and her friends in your analysis, everything should work out fine. [STAR TAGS: Luccia Video] |
2/8/24 |
Cytherea’s Launch Tripod
[STAR TAGS: Cytherea Exclusive Video]
2/7/24 |
Yellow … We Won’t Go | pics
[STAR TAGS: Adriana Faust]
2/6/24 |
Despite occasional appearances to the contrary, we really do tend to have a plan around here. Not to say that one of our foremost tenets has pretty much been, “Always be open to changing the plan at the very last second.” … Let’s face it: This industry has not thrived on staid, pedantic approach, and a refusal to look outside the box (so to speak). Consequently, you can be certain we have a plan as we roll out this somewhat odd Dee on KSEX with Anais recollection. … Hey, yesterday we learned that Good Housekeeping has a “Best Vibrators” list now. We’ve come a long way since S&H Green Stamps. Certainly not all of that could have been in anyone’s initial plan. [STAR TAGS: Dee Video, Anais Video]
2/5/24 |
A lot of things that thrill us growing up can really lose their luster as we age. Some things never fail to excite, though, no matter how much we “mature” in our world view — and we’re not even talking about Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia (although one would certainly include that in this category, perhaps adding Karamel Sutra as we get older and wiser). Simply put, there can be very little as exciting as hearing about New Girls on the Block, and thus we continue our (obviously scientific) analysis of this Filly adventure. [STAR TAGS: Cassandra Nix Video, Lilly Evans Video] |
2/4/24 |
It’s Got to be Hue | pics
[STAR TAGS: Addison Rose]
2/3/24 |
Sometimes a Risqué “TOC” — short for Table of Contents — simply merits a single line introduction here in New Stuff because simply the name of the show efficiently describes this full movie replay in our Commune. Other times, however, we take a moment to point out something that may not be entirely evident in the mere title. This second kind of event would be the case with POV Auditions today, in fact. You might get the “pretend to be shy or surprised before you become voraciously willing” part of the schtick, but you would not necessarily be aware of the quite stunning collection of talent they put together for this show. Of course, now you are. [STAR TAGS: Taylor Tilden Video, Madison Ivy Video, Amber Swift Video, Capri Cavanni Video, Allie Haze Video] |
2/2/24 |
Dancer Dalliance pics | vid
[STAR TAGS: Jasmine Black Video, Stacey Saran Video]
2/1/24 |
As Hannibal Smith taught us well in the 1980s, we all love it when a plan comes together. Around here, though, we have been able to expand upon that old theme through a combination of skill, dedicated effort, and a very large percentage of pure serendipity. Now we really love it when a plan accidentally comes together. As it turns out, the remaster of “Cole-Hearted Thriller” coincides perfectly with running into Jayden Cole (all too briefly) at the Vegas convention, and it even includes a convention component of its own. Of course Jayden posing and being generally joyful in stills and video will probably distract everyone from the more mundane calendar coordination. We understand. That happens with Jayden. [STAR TAGS: Shayla LaVeaux Exclusive Video, Kylie Ireland Video, Cytherea, Jayden Cole Exclusive Video] |